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Hi I'm Dinosaur525. I love dinosaurs,bug catching,photo taking,and drawing realistic pictures of animals(which includes aliens and dinosaurs). Many would say I'm a tomboy even though I sometimes don't dress like it. I don't like dresses at all. Maybe you will see some pictures I drew on this web site. If you are a dinosaur lover than hopefully you will love my pictures. If you have trouble drawing realistic pictures here are a few helping suggestions: When you draw make sure you have a good eraser and sharp pencil. Starting with the head of the animal is best. Do the top of the head first then the lower jaw. Then make the neck and shoulders. Then you should start on the arms,then the belly,then back legs. Make sure you draw all the legs and arms. You can make it look like its walking or just standing.When your done with that make the back of the animal. Then the tail. To make it more realistic add some bone(like the ribs)to it. Add rinkles,bumps,and muscles(to the legs or arms) Have fun! And do a great job!


I am a Christian. I love to read books. I love all animals(including dinosaurs). I love StarWars(my favorite character being the Geonosian). I love Halo 2 the game(my favorite character being the Jackel). I love StarTrek(my favorite character being Data). I love StarGate.


The book It Couldn't Just Happen is something everyone should have and understand. It has the proof that God really exists. Get the book...before its to late...