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I prefer to play on the beach.

\relative c'' { \key c \major c4 g8 g a4 g r b c }

Plainlist test

  • A [Plainlist test using **]
    • AA [This is a sub-item...but for some reason does not get indented.]
  • B [Plainlist test using **:]
    • BA [This is a sub-item...but indentation was cludged with use of an added definition tag.]
  • C [Plainlist test using *:]
    CA [This is a sub-item...but technically only because it's using a cludged definition tag.]

HTML result

<div class="plainlist" style="margin-left: 0em;">
  • A [Unbulleted list test]
    • AB [This is a sub-item, created by cludging in a standard * list within the template.]

HTML result

<div class="plainlist">
<div class="plainlist">

Custom HTML test


Test 1: div

  • A [Custom list test using standard nesting]
    • AB [This is a sub-item...but for some reason does not get indented.]
  • B [Custom list test using a nested definition list]
    • BA [This is a sub-item...but indentation was cludged with use of an added definition tag.]
  • C [Custom list test using an especially clobbered definition list]
    CA [This is a sub-item...but technically only because it's using a cludged definition tag.]
HTML result
<div class="plainlist">

Test 2: direct class

  • A [Custom list test using standard nesting]
    • AA [This is a sub-item...but for some reason does not get indented.]
      • AB [This is a sub-sub-item, same result.]
HTML result
<ul class="plainlist">


Total membership (US records)[1]

Finances (US records)[1]
     Assets      Liabilities      Receipts      Disbursements
Total membership (US records). See or edit source data.

Finances (US records). See or edit source data.
     Assets      Liabilities      Receipts      Disbursements[1]