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My name is Dick Stenmark and I hold a position as Associate Professor at the IT University of Gothenburg, Sweden. My research interests include organisational information seeking behaviour amongst "ordinary" employees, use and misuse of intranets, and knowledge management systems design and use. Before becoming a full-time scholar, I used to work in the IT industry and have more than 17 years of experience from working with intranet architecture and design, search engines and content management systems.
My research has been published in Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Knowledge and Process Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, International Journal of Business Environment and the International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, and presented at numerous international conferences.
More information and fulltext downloads of my papers are available from my website: http://scholar.google.se/citations?user=q_JohoMAAAAJ&hl=sv&oi=ao