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Rape and human rights[edit]

Probably for much of human history, rape, violence, and war have often occurred in connection with one another. In the twentieth century, the use of rape as a "weapon of war" has been well documented and addressed by NGOs as well as the United Nations, [1] and national governments. One particularly well known period in which this practice was known to have occurred on a widespread basis is the Bosnian War (or Yugoslav Civil War), roundly condemned as a human rights atrocity in Western public opinion and media, as well as the United Nations and international bodies [2], [3]. Similar instances are also documented during the period leading up to the Kosovo Crisis.

Rape as a tool of warfare[edit]

  • Define rape-as-weapon
  • Types/categories
  • Societal repercussions
  • Contemporary examples
  • Response from international community

Rape that takes place within the context of war generally falls into one of four categories[4]:

  • Genocidal rape, which seeks to systematically destroy an enemy ethnic or political group.
  • Political rape penalizes individuals or families who publically present an opposing political view.
  • Opportunistic rape occurs when the lawless environment of war permits individuals to act without fear of reprisal.
  • Forced concubinage, in which young girls and women are kidnapped and forced to cook and clean for militiamen as well as serve them sexually.

Template Tests[edit]