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User:Edward Waverley/Wort

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Asterwort || Any composite plant of the family Asteraceae || Asteraceae || ||


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Adderwort Persicaria bistorta Polygonaceae Bistort, Snakeweed Botanical.com
Awlwort Subularia aquatica Brassicaceae Water awlwort Washington State Department of Ecology


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Banewort Atropa belladonna Ranunculaceae Belladonna, Deadly Nightshade Dorland's Medical Dictionary
or Viola tricolor Violaceae Heartsease Botanical.com
Barrenwort Genus Epimedium Berberidaceae Bishop's Hat, Horny Goatweed Plants For a Future
Bellwort Genus Uvularia Liliaceae Merrybell Encyclopædia Britannica
Birthwort Family Aristolochiaceae,
and genus Aristolochia
Aristolochiaceae Encyclopædia Britannica
Bishop's wort Aegopodium podagraria Apiaceae Ground-elder, Goutweed Botanical.com
or Myristica fragrans Myristicaceae Nutmeg Holistic Online
or Nigella damascena Ranunculaceae Fennel flower, Love-in-a-mist Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
or Stachys officinalis Lamiaceae Wood betony Botanical.com
Bitterwort Gentiana lutea Gentianaceae Great yellow gentian, Bitter root Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Blackwort Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae Comfrey Holistic Online
Bladderwort Genus Utricularia Lentibulariaceae Encyclopædia Britannica
Blawort Campanula rotundifolia Campanulaceae Harebell Royal Horticultural Society
Bloodwort Sanguinaria canadensis Papaveraceae Redroot, Bloodroot, Tetterwort Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
or Achillea millefolium Asteraceae Yarrow Botanical.com
or Persicaria hydropiper Polygonaceae Water pepper, Smartweed Botanical.com
Blushwort Genus Aeschynanthus Gesneriaceae Basket plant, Shame flower [citation needed]
Bogwort Vaccinium myrtillus Ericaceae Bilberry, Whortleberry [citation needed]
Boragewort Genus Borago Boraginaceae Borage [citation needed]
Bridewort Filipendula ulmaria Rosaceae Meadowsweet, Meadow-wort [citation needed]
Brimstonewort Peucedanum palustre Apiaceae Milk parsley, Hog's fennel, Sulphurwort [citation needed]
Brotherwort Thymus serpyllum Lamiaceae Wild thyme [citation needed]
Brownwort Scrophularia vernalis Scrophulariaceae Yellow figwort [citation needed]
or Prunella vulgaris Lamiaceae Heal-all, Self-heal, Sicklewort ScienceViews.com
Giant brownwort Tritomaria quinquedentata Jungermanniaceae United States Bureau of Land Management
Little brownwort Tritomaria exsectiformis Jungermanniaceae United States Bureau of Land Management
Bruisewort Bellis perennis Asteraceae Common Daisy Botanical.com
or Saponaria officinalis Caryophyllaceae Soapwort Botanical.com
or Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae Comfrey Holistic Online
Bullwort Ammi majus Apiaceae Bishop's wood Plants For a Future
Burstwort Herniaria glabra Caryophyllaceae Smooth Rupturewort Webster Dictionary (1913)
Butterwort Genus Pinguicula Lentibulariaceae Columbia Encyclopedia




Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Cancerwort Linaria vulgaris Toadflax [citation needed]
Round-leaf Cancerwort Kickxia spuria
(Antirrhinum spurium)
Scrophulariaceae Toadflax, Fluellin Natural History Museum
Sharp-leaf Cancerwort Kickxia elatine
(Antirrhinum elatine)
Scrophulariaceae Toadflax, Fluellin Zipcodezoo.com
Catwort Genus Nepeta Lamiaceae Catnip Healthtouch
Colewort Brassica oleracea Brassicaceae Cabbage Bartleby.com
Sea Colewort Seaweed of genus Laminaria Laminariaceae Sea cabbage, Sea kale, Kelp Online Medical Dictionary
Coralwort Lathraea squamaria Orobanchaceae Tooth violet, Toothwort Nicholas Culpeper Online
or Cardamine bulbifera Brassicaceae Bittercress thefreedictionary.com
Crosswort Genus Crucianella Rubiaceae thefreedictionary.com
or Cruciata laevipes Rubiaceae BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK)
or Galium cruciata Rubiaceae Maywort Botanical.com
or Lysimachia quadrifolia Primulaceae Whorled loosestrife vPlants


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Damewort, Dames' wort Hesperis matronalis Brassicaceae Dame's Rocket, Dame's violet, Damask violet, Mother-of-the-evening thefreedictionary.com
Danewort Sambucus ebulus Adoxaceae Dwarf elder, Daneweed, Walewort Online Medical Dictionary
Dragonwort Artemisia dracunculus Asteraceae Tarragon Wild Flora of California
or Persicaria bistorta (formerly Polygonum bistorta) Polygonaceae Bistort, Snakeweed Holistic online
Dropwort Filipendula vulgaris Rosaceae The Plant Press
Water dropwort Genus Oenanthe Apiaceae BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK)
Fine-leaved water dropwort Oenanthe phellandrium Apiaceae Water Fennel Botanical.com
Hemlock water dropwort Oenanthe crocata Apiaceae Water Hemlock Botanical.com
Dungwort Helleborus foetidus Ranunculaceae Stinking hellebore Royal Horticultural Society


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Elderwort Sambucus ebulus Adoxaceae Dwarf elder, Daneweed, Danewort, Walewort Online Medical Dictionary


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Felonwort Solanum dulcamara Solanaceae Felonwood, bittersweet Online Medical Dictionary
Feltwort Genus Verbascum Scrophulariaceae Mullein Garden Guides
Felwort Gentianella amarella Gentianaceae Dwarf gentian thefreedictionary.com
Feverwort Genus Triosteum Caprifoliaceae Horse gentian Encyclopaedia Britannica
or genus Centaurium (formerly Erythraea) Gentianaceae Centaury Holistic online
Figwort Scrophularia nodosa Scrophulariaceae Common figwort Purple Sage
or the family Scrophulariaceae in general Montana Plant Life
Fleawort Plantago psyllium Plantaginaceae Sand plantain Online Medical Dictionary
Field fleawort Tephroseris integrifolia Asteraceae BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK)
Flukewort Hydrocotyle vulgaris Araliaceae Marsh Pennywort [citation needed]
Frostwort Helianthemum canadenes Cistaceae Frostweed, rockrose Botanical.com
Fumewort Genus Corydalis Fumariaceae thefreedictionary.com
or genus Fumaria Fumariaceae Fumitory thefreedictionary.com


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Galewort Myrica gale Myricaceae Sweet gale, Bog myrtle [citation needed]
Garlicwort Alliaria officinalis Brassicaceae Garlic Mustard, hedge garlic USDA Invasive Species Information
Gentianwort Gentiana acaulis, or any plant of the family Gentianaceae Gentianaceae Gentian about-garden.com
Gutwort Globularia alypum Plantaginaceae Online Medical Dictionary
Glasswort Several plants, particularly of the genus Salicornia, also the genera Salsola and Suaeda Amaranthaceae Frog grass, pickleweed, marsh samphire Botanical.com
Goutwort Aegopodium podagraria Apiaceae Ground elder, Acheweed, Herb Gerard, Goat's foot, Bishop weed, Goutweed Botanical.com
Gypsywort or Gipsywort Lycopus europaeus, or any plant of the genus Lycopus Lamiaceae Gipsy herb, Bugleweed Probert Encyclopaedia


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Hammerwort Parietaria officinalis Urticaceae Pellitory-of-the-Wall [citation needed]
or Parietaria pensylvanica Urticaceae Pellitory UVSC Virtual herbarium
Hartwort Tordylium maximum, or other species of the genera Bupleurum, Seseli and Tordylium Apiaceae Online Medical Dictionary
Heathwort Any plant of the genera Erica or Calluna Ericaceae Heath or heather Garden Guides
Hillwort Thymus praecox Lamiaceae Mother-of-thyme, creeping thyme USDA Plants Database
Hogwort Croton capitatus Euphorbiaceae Woolly croton USDA Plants Database
Holewort or Hollowwort Corydalis cava Fumariaceae [citation needed]
Honewort Trinia glauca Apiaceae Floral Images
or Cryptotaenia canadensis Apiaceae Illinois Wild Flowers
Honeywort Genus Cerinthe Boraginaceae Online Medical Dictionary
or genus Cryptotaenia Apiaceae Mitsuba, white chervil, Japanese parsley Cornell Plantations
Hoodwort Scutellaria lateriflora Lamiaceae Blue skullcap, madweed Holistic Online
Hornwort Genus Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllaceae Online Medical Dictionary
or the division Anthocerotophyta n/a "Introduction to Anthocerotophyta". University of California Museum of Paleontology. Retrieved 2008-01-30.


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Ironwort The genus Sideritis Lamiaceae Garden Web


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Kelpwort See glasswort thefreedictionary.com
Kidneywort Umbilicus rupestris (synonym of Cotyledon umbilicus Crassulaceae pennywort, navelwort Botanical.com
Knotwort Any plant of the genus Illecebrum, e.g. Illecebrum verticillatum Caryophyllaceae thefreedictionary.com


Name Latin name Family Other common names Reference
Laserwort unknown, an extinct plant of genus Ferula Apiaceae Silphium Kentucky Naturalist News
or any plant of the genus Laserpitium Apiaceae [Webster Dictionary]
Leadwort Any plant of the genera Plumbago or Ceratostigma Plumbaginaceae
Lichwort Parietaria officinalis The wall pellitory
Lilywort A plant of the genus Funkia Day lily
or any plant of the genus Liliaceae.
Liverwort the division Marchantiophyta n/a Hepatics
or genus Hepatica Ranunculaceae liver-leaf
Lousewort Pedicularis canadensis Any plant of the genus Pedicularis, as Pedicularis palustris (rattle). Cockscomb; head betony; wood betony (herb Christopher).
Lungwort Genus Mertensia
or a boraginaceous plant of the genus Pulmonaria
American lungwort Mertensia virginica
Bullock's or Cow's Lungwort Verbascum thapsus the common Mullein
French or golden lungwort Hieracium murorum
Lustwort Genus Drosera the sundew



German Madwort - Asperugo procumbens.


Blue Navelwort - A species of the genus Omphalodes.


European Pillwort - Pilularia globulifera. Peppergrass.


Golden ragwort - Senecio aureus. Squawweed.



|| Greater Spearwort - Ranunculus lingua.

Lesser Spearwort - Ranunculus flammula. Banewort.


Blue Throatwort - Trachelium coeruleum.