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Hi, I am cool. My name is ELLA! I am a certain age. My last name is a last name. Guess what? My birthday was the day I was born!!! WOW! Ya, I know, I'm not an IDIOT. ANYWAY!, I have two doggos, one- a puppy named Kuho, two- a FAT white dog named Kody. I love writing SO MUCH!!! I also love reading and drawing. Wow, my dogs are in my FACE right now..... Ok, back on track. I LOVE WRITING! Ya, I already said that I KNOW! I'm not an IDIOT. (Said that too). I'm just trying to emphasis how much I LOVE IT BRUH! So. Let's just get on the same page here real quick. Okay? Okay. So, to shorten the story, I am cool. You? No. You suck at everything. Heh.

Guess what? I'm a girl. Wow. Ha, you suck.

Okay, so, you know Snake? That game? You know, you just search up 'snake' on Google? Well, I rock at the game.


Sorry you're not good at anything.
