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Emmanuel Berkoh Extra Credit Assignment Biography of Teddy Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was the 26 president of the United States of America. He became the 26th president of the United States in September of 1904. But initially he did not become president up until the death of William McKinley. He was such a good president that he was re-elected into his presidency after his first term. Theodore Roosevelt was not only one of the greatest presidents to ever run the United States, but also he was one of the greatest “American men” who lived. In addition everything that Theodore Roosevelt did he implemented it into his actions. This is the reason why he was a well-respected man. As a kid Theodore Roosevelt had asthma (which was a condition that can be harmful if not taking with the correct precautions) and was home schooled. Teddy Roosevelt was not the only child in his household; he was one of four children. He had an older brother named Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt, Corinne Roosevelt, and Bernie Roosevelt. As a kid, teddy Roosevelt had an ambition to be a leader but did not know what initially what he wanted to become. Everybody tends to only know Teddy Roosevelt for his presidency, but many fail to realize that prior to his service in the white house he was well involved in the services of New York City. Years later his political life was affected well after his mother and wife died on the same day (February 14, 1884) forcing Theodore Roosevelt to make a decision that he did not want to make. Years later he chose to peruse in his career once again. His ambition to become successful was what had leaded him to unsuspectedly be rewarded by Benjamin Harrison for the service with the Republican Party and offered him a new job on the “Civil Service Commission” in 1888. Then Teddy Roosevelt becomes the president of the “New York City Board of Police Commissions” roughly around 1895. Teddy Roosevelt was then appointment with another position to become the U.S. Navy secretary. Teddy Roosevelt became the young serve in his position working in the Navy and also with the board of police commissions. It was time that Teddy Roosevelt soon wanted to lead his position at a higher stand point. He became the vice president of the former president William McKinley in 1901, which all changed after William McKinley was assassinated the same year. This was the cause that leads Theodore Roosevelt to become the 26th president of the United States of America and also the youngest president in U.S. history. Now that Theodore Roosevelt is currently president he made a lot of significant changes such as, leading the U.S. congress and the American people to a more reformed foreign policy. A few months after Theodore Roosevelt became president he made the decision to prosecute the “Northern Securities Trust Company” for competitive practices. This is how he gained his name as the “trust buster”. Theodore Roosevelt must have had to be one of the most reputable presidents to ever run our nation. Furthermore, because of his precise decision making it was a prime reason why he was still remembered today.