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User:EnOh AyAche

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Alchemy is harmonic, duelistic, fusion ascension to harmonistically duelistic or duelistically harmonious (psychology gets their rocks off to alchemy) keep that in mind now take (balance) a sphere and (counterbalance) either a cone upright or a bunch of cones evenly in all directions and fuse them together to get a (unmovable balance) sphere with a cone upright in the middle, or (perfect balance) a sphere with cones in all directions evenly in the middle. Perfect balance would seemingly not stop turning also effected mass unchanged but mass effect changes productively such as the planets static background and ozone & gravity etc. If you paid close attention alchemy's process literally took place n the fusion of balance and counterbalance aka a full bodied equation. Science says law of energy conservation Alchemy before that Said equivalent exchange the heavens before that Said scale's of justice and Karma all vital to balance  factors of perception is balanced rationality key to logical sanity balanced on a scale of average. let's focus on what it is in this reality it's hidden but most common halucination is geometric patterns well Albert Einstein freaked out everything makes waves these two factors coexist as hypnosis that's why trances as I said god's word according to Romans (used) to be waves that transformed u inside conformed you outside basic transmutation because your a particle accelerator. (Now) reference about waves online suggestively redirects to air wave or something to that extent and say its the devil I don't care just done with religion got what was needed. blacksmith transmutation occurs during smelting. fire makes the molecular particles vibrate in the smelt radiation infusion changes the recipes composition. basic particle acceleration. there was a episode not too long ago about some caves by skinwalker ranch, I think not for sure but they couldn't wrap their minds around why the dirt in the smelt turned to metal.