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<font=Palatino Linotype>Well... I'm Endsorrow. I don't have any Barn Stars (I wonder why?), and although I have edited Wikipedia constantly and mercilessly without a username for quite some time now, I've been far too lazy until recently to create one. I have no idea why. My interests include philosophy, and I am a philosopher in the original meaning of the word.

Please, say hello. Give me a quick greeting. I'm so desperately lonely...

Just kidding. Really! Why are you looking at me like that! I'm really a perfectly normal person with an active social life and coherently-thinking, well-organised mind, which is why I am both on Wikipedia and have spent nearly a year editing it anonymously. And no, I am not happy with my current username, and probably won't be happy with any. That, along with many other reasons, is probably why I haven't registered 'till now. There you go.

Now that you know something about me, I would like to know something about you. To best facilitate this, I will ask you a question. One, single question. You don't even need to answer!

The question is... Why are you reading this and not editing an article in need on Wikipedia?

Endsorrow... Haunting literary achievements. Seriously.


Edit Wikipedia.