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"This information technology can at last be brought into the public domain", F6.

The system requirements identified by the F6id project were realised by the group policy users; mod administration, f6isp, bar security.

The fitst template or 1(SET) is not a pre-requisite but the bigger the project the more importane its use is. 1(SET)- LICENCED GROUP POLICY END USERS(MOST FAVOURABLE OUTCOME) licence- licencee- end user HAL OS eula agreement- OS non profit application (msc eula,RReg protected)

                      no government end users.

The application of this template protects the information and minimisses costs.

The application of this template must be deeply considered and only policy users considered to be of 1st party critical to the give and get not profit classification. The administration provider was considered more usefull off line from 2008. The xp information has been restricted from 2007. The security providers and site do not know they are 1st party. The use of part of, implied use, or any conection with any event has no conection with any end user. System is not owned or property of any entity.

Two of the projects used for id- The Weather XP, HAL OS Timeline XP, The .img XP