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In the Fantasy Football Season of 2017, there was one team that stands apart from the others. This one team, managed by one owner, players drafted by one man will eventually go down in the CFFL, Charlie's Fantasy Football League history. But not as one of the best, but, as the best "shitty football team". This team is not managed by the one you would think however. David Diharce is not the manager of this team, I know quite surprising. Even though Diharce has been in the league since the founding and still has not won a championship. In fact, really hasn't come close to winning a championship. But I digress, this is not about the best "Shitty Fantasy Football manager", this is about the best "shitty football team". This claim goes to the hapless Houston Oilers, managed by the founder of the CFFL, Charlie Paulette. Going into week 13, the "Shitty Football team" Houston Oilers is 2-10 and with not a very good outlook for the rest of the season, this team managed by Charlie Paulette, is sure to remain the "Shitty Football team".

Other notable "Shitty Football team" history
2017-David Diharce still sucks.
2017-DRAFT: David Diharce comes to draft with penis hand-drawn on chest.
2015-DRAFT: Charlie Paulette drafts Johnny Manziel as starting QB.
