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Ali Kheiri is an Iranian musician , singer. Kheiri gained popularity among young Iranians. His most famous song is "Deltangi ", ta in had , ba to mimoonam . Ali Kheiri is a genius! He blends traditional Persian music with rock, blues, new age. This is for people who truly love persian music with a new twist. His voice and music bring out emotions you did not know existed. Deltangi is another beautiful work by Mr Kheiri .The incredible range in his voice gives a 3rd dimensions to the poetry he sings in his song. His melodic voice is a mesmerizing instrument to listen to that touches your soul. Every song takes you to a unique journey in mystical lands.He is a true legend . he took the elements of Rock and mixed it with Persian/Iranian melodies and came up with a truly unique sound. The sound is reflected in this long awaited anthology and thanks to Now Again records, music fans all over the world can enjoy the fantastic music of him.http://files.myopera.com/emrah01/albums/11081662/Ali%20Kheiri%20-%20Ta%20In%20Had.jpg great album, I just love it... buy the album instead of downloading it from Iranian websites to support his work.Ali Kheiri is probably the best-known Iranian pop star he is one of the greatest and most beloved singers of the world