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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sum of banner-free knowledge, for a small sum.
Be bannerless.
The fifth largest website in the world hosts banners by you.
No banners for any: Make it happen.
Banners: Destroy.
The Welsh word for "banner" is baner. Help us stop some baneri.
One day people will look back and wonder what it was like not to see banners.
This is not a banner.
Wait, never mind.
Stop banners. Be bold.
Banners are the world's greatest source of evil. [Removal needed]
Think of a world without banners
Keep banners dead.
Ugly, Annoying, Bothersome.
This is enough.
Stay bannerless.
Wikipedia: Destroyed by banners like this.
Help us stop banners.
Pitch in today to support banner-free knowledge.
One banner became 33 million. One fundraiser became 270.
Help destroy what's been created.
Stop banners today.
Work to remove banners.
Help Keep Banners Away.
What, we don't get any more thanks after hiding the banner?
Banners  For Never