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User:Fjollaazemi/Fairs in Prishtina

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Prishtina had always a development in trading due to its position of the Balkan trade routes. Fairs in Prishtine started since the medieval period,at the time when it was famous for its annual trade fairs and its goat hide and goat hair articles. Despite that fact Prishtina,or Kosovo in general is not known for occurrence of fairs. With the development of culture and especially after the last war in 1999, Prishtina had a progress on the holdings of these kind of events. Every year various types of trade fairs take place in the capital city.The essence of these fairs is usualy temporary; some last only an afternoon while others may last around 3 days,a week or even longer. They have grown in size and importance over the years. These fairs are organized annually and are open to trade visitors and public. The number of exhibitors and visitors is usually very high.

Expokos Fair being held in Prishtina


Nr Fair Date Venue
1 EXPOKOS-Construction,Technology,Energetic and Furniture Fair 14May-17May Pallati i Rinise
2 Education Fair, Career and Competence 28May-30May Pallati i Rinise
3 Travel and Tourism Fair 28May-30May Pallati i Rinise
4 AGROKOS-Agrobusiness,Food and Drink Fair 08Oct-11Oct Pallati i Rinise
5 Home & Gift Exhibition 08Oct-11Oct Pallati i Rinise
6 MEDIKOS-Medical,Dental and Pharmaceutical Fair 22Oct-24Oct Pallati i Rinise
7 ITTF- Information Technology Trade Fair 22Oct-24Oct Pallati i Rinise
8 Citizen Information Fair 28May-30May Pallati i Rinise
9 Ditet e Diaspores/Days of Diaspora 27Jul-29Jul Mother Teresa Square
10 Book Fair 03Jun-08Jun Pallati i Rinise
11 The International General Fair 30Apr-03May Prishtina –Mitrovica highway

EXPOKOS-Construction, Technology, Energetic and Furniture Fair


The Construction, Technology, Energetic and Furniture Fair was first held in 2001.The annual trade show is open on 14-17 May at "Pallati i Rinisë". It is attended by visitors from 13 countries and overall specialists in the field of construction, energetics, technology, furniture and real estate, employers, distributors, managers of public and private companies, institution leaders, students. This fair is devided in four sectors : 1.CONSTRUCTION ; 2.TIMBER INDUSTRY; 3.MESSURE TECHNOLOGY ; 4. ENERGY . In 2013,over 338 exhibitors and 25150 visitors took part to inform themselves on innovations and trends in their business.There were also participants from 14 countries.,national pavilions from Greece, Italy, Croatia, Czech Republic and exhibitors from the field of construction, technology, energetic, furniture, real estate. The event is in charge of EXPOKOS and is organized by CEO - Congress & Event Organization.


Education Fair, Career and Competence


The Education Fair is held annualy since 2004,at the venue "Pallati i Rinise" during 28-30 of May. Included are public and non public universities, vocational and professional education institutes, e-learning and distance learning specialists, education publishers and media education, NGOs, international education councils, career training courses providers, IT training providers, local and international schools, insurance companies, banks. The Education Fair is the only event of its kind, where all educational institutions participate, starting from the pre-school education up to the post-university. It is supported by CEO - Congress & Event Organization. The fair is open to public. [2]

Kosovo Education Fair in Pristina


Another educational fair is Kosovo Education Fair in Pristina. It starts from 17 to 19 April at "Pallati i Rinise" .The Education Fair has been organized seven times until now. Is was attended by a considerable number of educational institutions; universities, colleges and schools from Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. All educational institutions are participatants, starting from the pre-school education up to the post-university.The 2012 Kosovo Education Fair received more than 23,800 visitors and 61 exhibitors from nine countries. (http://universityfairs.com/fairs/kosovo-education-fair-pristina-2013-5400)

Travel Fair, Travel and Tourism Fair


The year of the tradeshow's foundation is 2004. It is held year after year at "Pallati i Rinise" from 28 to 30 May and is open to trade visitors and public.There is participation from tourism information offices, tourism agencies, tourism associations, ministries, municipalities, travel organizers, hotels and gastronomy, equipment for hotels and restaurants, tourism recourses, skiing equipment, ski lifts, sport equipment and outfits, outdoor sports, IT and software services for travel arrangements, fitness, fashion, cosmetics etc.The Travel and Tourism Fair is organized by CEO - Congress & Event Organization. [3]

AGROKOS-Agrobusiness, Food and Drink Fair


Pallati i Rinisë is the venue where AGROKOS is annually held, from 08 to 11 October,open to public.AGROKOS was found in 2000 . The fair lies on the following business sectors: Agriculture, Food, Beverages.It contains food, production of milk, meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables, confectionary products, spices, products of agriculture and farming, light and heavy machinery for agriculture equipment and technology. The trade show organizer responsible for organisation and management of AGROKOS is CEO - Congress & Event Organization [4]

Home & Gift Exhibition


The most recent fair is Home&Gift Exhibition, which was found in 2013. It was held at "Pallati i Rinise" on 08-11 October. Its aim is to become an annual fair.The emphasis of Home & Gift lies on the following business sectors: Gifts, Souvenirs, Ideal Home.The responsible organizator of Home &Gift Exhibition is CEO - Congress&Event Organization. [5]

MEDIKOS-Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Trade Fair


Medikos was first shown in 2000, and now it is an every year tradition held from 22 to 24 October..The main exhibit sectors of MEDIKOS are: Physiotherapy technology and orthopaedics, electro medical equipment and technology, diagnostical equipment, dental orthodontie and prosthetic, medical associations, facility management, medical furniture, medical clothes, mobile equipment for surgeries, commodities and consumer goods for surgeries and hospital, laboratory technology and equipment, pharmaceutics and drugs, dental medicine. Medikos is open to traders and public.In 2012 61 exhibitors presented their company and products on MEDIKOS and over 12150 visitors, who came to discover the latest trends and innovations of their industry. It is supported by CEO - Congress & Event Organization. [6]

ITTF- Information Technology Trade Fair


First held in 2004,the InformationTechnology Trade Fair became an annual event which started from 22 to 24 October at "Pallati i Rinise". The main exhibit sectors of the trade show ITTF are:Personal computing and software, Internet services, IT services, security systems, telecommunication, SNC satellite, networks and cable, sound and car media, digital photography, photo and music trainings, printing house, design studios, film production. In 2012, 56 exhibitors presented innovations and trends at the trade show and over 12150 visitors seized ITTF as an information platform. CEO - Congress & Event Organization is responsable for this fair. [7]

Citizen Information Fair


The fair took place for the first time in Pallati i Rinise on April 17 – 19, 2013.The second edition is going to take place from 28 to 30 May.The purpose of this fair is to contribute on raising the awereness of the existence of various organization within the country,promote and expand their work , increese directly the comunication between citizens and organizations, presentations from government institutions and civil society and promotional activities. It aims to be an annual fair and is organized by CEO - Congress & Event Organization. [8] [9] [10] [11]

Ditet e diaspores


During the traditional festival called"Ditet e Diaspores " took place one of the most important fairs which included domestic products. Most of all there were women who participated in additional to promote their homemade products. There were displayed craft products, dairy products, honey etc, in order to show their ability in making bussines and leadership. This is one of many work of the tireless Albanian women. Ministry of Diaspora estimated that these days through these fairs there has been an increese of the coperation between local bussines and Diaspora. It is also helpful of raising the awereness about the consumption of domestic production and promote as much economic development .

Vullneti i Grave


"Vullneti i Grave" participated in a fair organized by the Ministry of Diaspora in June and in the five-day 'Handicrafts and Cultural Heritage Fair 2013' organized by the NGO 'Open Door' which is held every year in September in Prishtina. With every fair, the women honed their skills in talking to customers and in displaying their products. Using that knowledge, Vullneti i Grave even organized their own fair with the support of DRC's implementing partner, NGO Lulebora. The Vullneti i Grave fair brought together five NGO's and women's groups from Mitrovicë/a and Fushë Kosova, giving them the opportunity to exhibit and sell their products on Mother Teresa Square in Prishtina.During July 27th, 28th and 29th, Ministry of Diaspora has organized a fair of the local products including food, crafts, souvenirs, jewellery and flowers.Twelve members of the Gratë në Biznes have successfully attended this fair. Sale of the products has started early on morning and lasted until late night hours.Costumers were very satisfied with the offered products. Some of them have required that Prishtina should organize weekly market / fair where women can sell their unique and special products. [12]

Book Fair


One of the most succesful ways for books to be closer with the readers is the traditional organization of Prishtina's book fair and the participation of Kosovo's publishers with common stand at the fair on the world renowned - Frankfurt. So far there have been organized 15 fairs,every year. The next 16th traditional fair will be held on 03-08 June. The first book fair took place on 17 to 22 November 1999 but others were organized during May and June. The number of participants is about 100 publishers,mostly from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Diaspora. [13] [14]

The International General Fair


The International General Fair "Prishtina" is held annualy in Prishtina,and is now a traditional event. It is supported dy Kosova Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. It occurs every year in different dates and locations. At this event not only Kosovar companies attend, but also companies from the region and other countries. The general fair,in 2012 was held between 06-09 June. The fair was held on the premises of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development- Industrial Zone in Prishtina. The 2013 General fair started on 08-11 May. About 120 companies from Kosovo region and Europe participated there.The International General Fair “Prishtina 2014” will be taking place between 30 of April – 03 of May 2014. The fair will be organized on the premises located in village of Bernice, Prishtina –Mitrovica highway.

[15] [16] [17] [18]

  1. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/expokos-construction-technology-energetic-and-furniture-fair-56748.html
  2. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/education-fair-career-and-competence-56750.html
  3. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/travel-fair-travel-and-tourism-fair-56752.html
  4. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/agrokos-agribusiness-food-and-drink-fair-56754.html
  5. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/home-gift-exhibition-64913.html
  6. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/medikos-medical-dental-and-pharmaceutical-trade-fair-56749.html
  7. ^ http://www.expodatabase.com/tradeshow/ittf-information-technology-trade-fair-56753.html
  8. ^ http://www.kosovafair.com/FairsinKosovo/Fairs2014/tabid/268/language/en-US/Default.aspx
  9. ^ http://www.eventseye.com/fairs/cy1_trade-shows-prishtina.html
  10. ^ http://www.fuartakip.com/fuartakip/fuardetay.asp?menu=&C=&ID=3545
  11. ^ http://www.kosovafair.com/CIFInvitation/tabid/296/language/en-US/Default.aspx
  12. ^ http://medrks-gov.net/grate-afariste-nga-kosova-dhe-diaspora-i-promovuan-prodhimet-e-vendit/
  13. ^ http://youname-it.com/panairi/site/index.php?p=0
  14. ^ http://www.trtalbanian.com/trtworld/al/newsDetail.aspx?HaberKodu=13369117-2bfa-4eae-a3c7-49989b5db72d
  15. ^ http://www.oek-kcc.org/2013/en/aktivitete/646-the-international-general-fair-prishtina-2014
  16. ^ http://www.oek-kcc.org/2013/en/ekonomia-nderkombetare/479-the-international-general-fair-prishtina-2012
  17. ^ http://albexpo.com/sites/default/files/article_attchments/Information%20PRISHTINA%202012.pdf
  18. ^ http://www.oek-kcc.org/2013/en/aktivitete/478-international-general-fair-prishtina-2012