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Vivaro-Alpine (also provençal alpin, Northern Provençal, dauphinois alpin, gardiòl) is a UNESCO Atlas of World's languages in danger severely endangered variety of the Occitan dialect found in the Occitan Valleys of northwestern Italy (Piedmont and Liguria), the Dauphiné region of France and further inland[1], and Guardia Piemontese in the south of Italy[2][3][4]. The subdialects of Vivaro-Alpine include vivarodaufinenc (vivaro-dauphinois), aupenc (alpenc, Alpine), gavòt (gavot), cisalpenc (alpenc oriental[5]). It is classified as an Indo-European, Italic, Romance, or Western-Romance language. The language is preserved through the Institut d'Estudis Occitans (Occitan Studies Institute), which was founded in 1945 by a group of Occitan and French writers[6]. The name “Vivaro-Alpine” was coined by Pierre Bec in the 1970s. Though the language has 200,000 speakers total left, the culture around the language is rich and present in music and in festivals such as La Baìo Di Sampeyre[7].

Naming and classification[edit]


Vivaro-Alpine had been considered as a sub-dialect of Provençal, and named provençal alpin (Alpine Provençal) or Northern Provençal.

Its use in the Dauphiné area has also led to the use of dauphinois or dauphinois alpin to name it. Along with Ronjat and Bec, it is now clearly recognized as a dialect of its own.

The UNESCO Atlas of World's languages in danger uses the Alpine Provençal name, and considers it as seriously endangered.





Vivaro-Alpine is classified as an Indo-European, Italic, Romance, or Western-Romance language.

Vivaro-Alpine shares the palatization of consonants k and g in front of a with the other varieties of North Occitan (Limosino, Alverniate), in particular with words such as chantar("cantare," to sing) and jai ("ghiandaia," jay). Southern Occitan has, respectively, cantar and gai.

Its principal characteristic is the dropping of simple Latin dental intervocalics:

  • chantaa or chantaia for chantada ("cantata," sung),
  • monea for moneda ("moneta," coin),]
  • bastia or bastiá for bastida ("imbastitura, tack),
  • maür for madur ("maturo," mature).

The verbal ending of the first person is -o (like in Italian, Catalan, Castilian, and Portuguese, but also in Piemontese, which is neighboring): parlo per parli or parle ("io parlo"), parlavo per parlavi or parlave ("io parlavo"), parlèro for parlèri or parlère ("io ho parlato, io parlavo").

A common trait is the rotacismo of l (passage from l to r):

  • barma for balma or bauma ("grotta," cave),
  • escòra for escòla ("scuola," school),
  • saraa or sarai for salada ("insalata," salad).

In the dialects of the Alps, Vivaro-Alpine maintained the pronunciation of the r of the infinitive verbs (excepting modern Occitan).

An estimated 70% of languages are estimated to have "interrogative intonation contours which end with rising pitch." However, Vivaro Alpine follows the opposite pattern with yes/no questions—an initial high tone followed by a fall. Questions that end in a rising pitch are so common that they are often considered "natural." One reason that questions begin with a high tone in some languages is that the listener is immediately being alerted to the fact that they are being asked a question.



Vivaro-Alpine is an endangered language. There are approximately 200,000 native speakers of the language worldwide. Transmission of the language is very low. Speakers of Vivaro-Alpine typically also speak either French or Italian.



These are the lyrics to a traditional Occitan song, called "Se chanta."


1st verse
Se canto, que canto,

Canto pas per iéu,

Canto per ma mio

Qu’es aluen de iéu.

If it sings, let it sing

It’s not singing for me

It sings for my love

Who’s far away from me.

2nd verse
E souto ma fenestro

I a un auceloun,

Touto la nuech canto,

Canto sa cansoun.

And outside my window

There is a little bird,

Singing all night,

Singing its song.


(First verse may serve as chorus.)

3rd verse
A la fouònt de Nime

I a un amandié

Que fa de flour blanco

Coume de papié.

At the fountain of Nîmes

There is an almond tree

Who produces flowers as white

As paper.

4th verse
Aquelei mountagno,

Que tant auto soun,

M’empachon de vèire

Meis amour ounte soun.

Those mountains

That are so high

Keep me from seeing

Where my love is gone.

5th verse
Bassas-vous mountagno,

Plano aussas-vous,

Per que pouosqui vèire

Meis amour ounte soun.

Lay down, o mountains,

And rise up, o plains,

So I may see

Where my love is gone.

6th verse
Aquelei mountagno,

Tant s’abaissaran

Que meis amoureto


Those mountains

Will lay down so low

That my lost love

Will get closer.


  1. ^ Vitaglione, D. (2000). The Literature of Provence: An Introduction (p. 4). McFarland.
  2. ^ La langue se divise en trois grandes aires dialectales : le nord-occitan (limousin, auvergnat, vivaro-alpin), l'occitan moyen, qui est le plus proche de la langue médiévale (languedocien et provençal au sens restreint), et le gascon (à l'ouest de la Garonne). in (in French) Encyclopédie Larousse
  3. ^ Jean-Marie Klinkenberg, Des langues romanes. Introduction aux études de linguistique romane, De Boeck, 2e édition, 1999,
  4. ^ Moseley, Christopher (ed.). 2010. Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, 3rd edn. Paris, UNESCO Publishing. Online version.  
  5. ^ Belasco, Simon (1990). France's Rich Relation: The Oc Connection. The French Review. pp. 996–1013.
  6. ^ Wikipedia Contributors. (2020b, August 16). Institut d’Estudis Occitans. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_d%27Estudis_Occitans
  7. ^ Olcese, G. (2012). Le tradizioni come identità: la Baìo di Sampeyre. Amu.edu.pl. https://doi.org/978-83-232-2145-6



  1. Belasco, S. (1990). France’s Rich Relation: The Oc Connection. The French Review, 63(6), 996–1013. JSTOR. https://www.jstor.org/stable/395946?seq=1
  2. Blanchet, P. (2004). Provençal as a distinct language? Sociolinguistic patterns revealed by a recent public and political debate. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2004(169). https://doi.org/10.1515/ijsl.2004.037
  3. Cerruti, M., & Regis, R. (2014). Standardization patterns and dialect/standard convergence: A northwestern Italian perspective on JSTOR. In JSTOR (Vol. 43, pp. 97–98). Cambridge University Press. https://www-jstor-org.proxy.libraries.rutgers.edu/stable/43903835?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=%22Alpine+Proven%C3%A7al%22&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3D%2522Alpine%2BProven%25C3%25A7al%2522&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A18da2d76b79bd25a4019cefed5b2b828&seq=15#metadata_info_tab_contents
  4. Depau, G. (2018). French Language Policies and the Revitalisation of Regional Languages in the 21st Century (p. 129). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  5. Did you know Vivaro-Alpine is endangered? (2011). Endangered Languages. http://www.endangeredlanguages.com/lang/945
  6. Dizionario italiano-occitano | occitano-italiano. (2013, May 10). Issuu. https://issuu.com/paolome/docs/dizionario_occitano_lr4/19
  7. Gasquet-Cyrus, M., & Bel, B. (2017, April 27). Interdisciplinarity and the sharing of oral data open new perspectives to field linguistics. . https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01514704
  8. Manual of Romance Sociolinguistics. (2018). In W. Ayres-Bennett & J. Carruthers (Eds.), Google Books (p. 115). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EOR8DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA114&dq=%22vivaro-alpine%22&ots=e4v-GRdPKc&sig=blHQhkCNxvAB9HurVTKKaTouZ24#v=onepage&q=%22vivaro-alpine%22&f=false
  9. Moseley, Christopher (ed.). 2010. Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, 3rd edn. Paris, UNESCO Publishing. Online version.  
  10. Olcese, G. (2012). Le tradizioni come identità: la Baìo di Sampeyre. Amu.edu.pl. https://doi.org/978-83-232-2145-6
  11. Ritson, S. (2006). Political occitanism 1974 - 2000: Exploring the marginalisation of an ethnoregionalist movement (pp. 5–8) [PhD Thesis]. http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/id/eprint/1723/1/ritson.sandra_phd.pdf
  12. Robson, C. (1960). Some Unsolved Problems of Franco-Provençal (, Vol. 13, p. 311). Brepols. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44939911
  13. Storia - Valle Varaita - BAIO di Sampeyre - Occitania. (2021). Ghironda.com. http://www.ghironda.com/vvaraita/rubriche/baio.htm
  14. Vitaglione, D. (2000). The Literature of Provence: An Introduction (p. 4). McFarland.
  15. Wikipedia Contributors. (2020a, May 7). Conselh de la Lenga Occitana. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conselh_de_la_Lenga_Occitana
  16. Wikipedia Contributors. (2020b, August 16). Institut d’Estudis Occitans. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_d%27Estudis_Occitans

Hello! My name is Francesca Tangreti. I'm a Junior at Rutgers, and an English major with a Creative Writing minor.