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USER = GROOT. That's me. I am Groot!

I am 52 years old and a lifelong independent intellectual, writer and philosophizer. By this I mean I am kind of a philosopher but use philosophizer to denote that I do not take myself too seriously. I love Wikipedia, and have benefited enormously from it. Recently however I have noticed that it has become a pawn in the culture wars. That is, leftist intellectuals are taking over pages to propagate their ideas at the cost of objectivity. The left certainly has the right to its views, research and expression, but both sides need to be expressed. By both sides I do not mean regressive reactionary views; I mean that the left and its critical theory must also be open to critique, and thus articles on social issues relevant to the culture wars must not be written as if the progressive ideas are established scientific truth. My goal is to collaborate with all other denizens of the Wikipedia ecosystem to help maintain the spirit of objectivity, so that users may benefit from unibiased information.