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User:Garamond Lethe/sandbox/kph

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's the text sans cites: "Although a European Union directive requires the use of "km/h" as the abbreviation for kilometers per hour in official documents in all of its member states, "kph" and "k.p.h." are frequently used by both the Irish and British." I think that's fairly straightforward to demonstrate. Here are several documents from the gov.ie domain that use kph.

::::[http://eustructuralfunds.gov.ie/files/Documents/EconomicandSocialInfrastrucutreOP.pdf 2000], [http://ppp.gov.ie/wp/files/documents/miscellaneous/national_development_plan/national-development-plan-2000-2006.pdf 2000], [http://www.oireachtas-debates.gov.ie/D/0569/D.0569.200306200002.html 2003], [http://www.oireachtas-debates.gov.ie/D/0592/D.0592.200411090020.html 2004], [http://www.oireachtas-debates.gov.ie/D/0596/D.0596.200501270130.html 2005], [http://www.ga.etenders.gov.ie/search/show/search_view.aspx?ID=MAR098695 2008], [http://oasisproject.gov.ie/publications/entitlements/downloads/school_leavers2008.pdf 2008], [http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/NR/rdonlyres/49A50038-4EF7-42CF-A280-F6D6ECB1874B/0/2012SEPILEnvironmentalManagementPlan.pdf 2012], [http://www.ga.etenders.gov.ie/search/show/search_view.aspx?ID=JUN355135&catID=136 2012]....

And here are several documents from Great Britain:

2002, 2004, 2008, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2011

These were culled from the first two pages that google returned. I left out a few that did not have obvious dates. The trick is to use "site:gov.uk" in your google search for "kph". That will limit the results to only those urls in the gov.uk domain. There are about 7000 of them; many fewer for Ireland, but I suspect that's because only a few government documents are kept under ie.gov.
So if the text above is going to be excruciatingly correct, it would read: "Although a European Union directive requires the use of "km/h" as the symbol for kilometers per hour in official documents in all of its member states, the abbreviations "kph" and "k.p.h." are frequently used by both the Irish and British."
I would prefer to discuss these kind of citation discovery issues on the talk page of the article.