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Welcome To Garebear's Wikipedia Page, Visitor!

This is an article where YOU that's right YOU get to say anything about me(Gary). In other words, YOU get to say and/or talk about me in whatever fashon YOU want. For example, YOU could talk about what i do, what are my interests, and the popular one, what do you seriously think of me; be it opinions or things to make me fell stupid. It's YOUR choice so make the best of it. Happy editing. :)

†Remember GOD is Watching You Edit†

Okay Who Wrote that that's Stupid!

Not me. Garebear 17:32, 9 May 2008 (UTC)

Guest Book Write Your Name Here



  • So I can:
    • See who visits this site
    • And who has read it.

My Personal Tid-bits


Hey this is me gary aka: Garebear™ I hope you guys edit this page to the full extent and have fun while doing it too :D. So happy editing. Also if you want to contact me by just texting me and look me up on myspace at this link:Gary's Page ; cuz i know most of you have me added on myspace and or might have my cell number anyways.

My name's Gary and I like to talk about sexual things all the time, especially at lunch time. I usually make an entrance with a statement such as "...and I said, that's not my ho, she's my bitch."

Hey who wrote this about sexy (roar!) garebear?

I think Gary's a sex fiend!



Anything really, I'm not that picky about anything. I enjoy running cross country, track, marathons, 5Ks and 10Ks and of coarse sex ahh its so great u all should try it one day <a href="http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk269/xObrandyx3/?action=view&current=penguins.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk269/xObrandyx3/penguins.jpg" border="0" alt="penguins :)"></a>

Where I Enjoy Going On the Weekends


Basicly, anywhere like Six FLags, Movies, the Mall, Cowboys, Houses you know those places that you all go to.

What's the Origin of the Name Garebear?


Well a girl named Alexxx! gave me that name freshman year. I don't know why so don't ask me. But after that day (actually month) that name started going to other people and girls started calling me that so it didn't bother me after two weeks. And then I didn't care and I kept that name on my myspace page (click HERE to view my profile if you dont believe me). So that's where the name came from if you wanted to know where that name came from.

What Other People Think About The Name Garebear


They think that it's really funny and they change the name to something else; and that is to make the name sound fruity. That was created by Brittni Garza and that name is still carried out by the girl named Sarah Kresch. They both made that name up sometime freshamn year. So after a year and a half now, that name is still bieng carried out.

And He is a Big Douche Bag!

How To Run A Marathon


It's relatively easy believe me i have done those so many times (actually only three) that it'll get you in shape. First you have to run a 5K and then gradually make your way to a 10K and then you'll be rady to do a half marathon. And when you have done at least 5 half marathons, you'll be ready for a full marathon.



What I Do Here?


Okay this is where you add your comments about me or want to express your true feelings about me or you could just edit the things up there^. Like always happy editing!

What I Think About You Garebear!


gary is pretty awesome :]
♥ amor