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Biographical details


Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor, then Reader, then Professor at University of Warwick (2011-present)

Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2012-2022)

1851 Research Fellowship (2009-2012)

Research Fellow at University College London (2007-2011)

Post-doctoral researcher at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, Florida (2005-2007).

DPhil from the University of Oxford in the Clarendon Laboratory (Department of Physics) and the Department of Materials (2005)

Research interests


Quantum science and technology experiments with spins in diamond.


  • GB2580931: Defect centre-based sensor
  • WO2015015172A1: Microwave detector
  • WO2009155563: Method for the Generation of nuclear hyper-antipolarization in solids without the use of high magnetic fields or magnetic resonance excitation
  • US 2007/0241747 A1: A Double-SQUID for Sensitive Magnetic Field Measurements

Other publications


See http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/staff/academic/gmorley/

The POV-Ray code I wrote to create animations for the spin echo and related concepts is online here: https://github.com/GavinMorleyLab/POV-Ray