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User:George Henderman

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George Henderman was born to a family of circus performers (a Circoo when in groups). His original name was Thaddeus Phineus James Cornelius. He was forced by his parents to learn how to hold his breath for five minutes. Concerned neighbors reported Julik and Ramadan Cornelius for child abuse. They were sentenced to 5 years in prison. Thaddeus lived for his uncle until he was 15. During that time he became one of the nations best swimmers. When Julik and Ramadan were released from jail, they got custody of Thaddeus so he ran away from home. Too his neighbors house. But they still never found him. No police report was filed because Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius got Netflix and have been binge watching ever since. Thaddeus finished highschool and moved to Hollywood at 18 and change his name to George Henderman. He worked as a full time employee for Applepeas’s, all the while playing and singing in theaters and plays. One of the key parts in George’s life to fame was when a man was drowning in a 2 ft. deep fountain. George pulled him out and gave him CPR but not mouth to mouth because, In his words “No homo bro”. The man survived with no permanent injuries. Henderman’s first movie role was in “Lorde of thou Rings” as a “Habit”. George then became a social media star filming “YourTube” videos. At age 26 he met Felicity Mandela on the set of “O Remote, Where Art Thou”. Then married in 2016 and now live in the Cook Islands helping children in need of Crocs.