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User:Gh2d2bvs2d/Rotokas Cyrillic Alphabet

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Because the alphabet is the simplest (only 12 letters of ISO Basic Latin alphabet without diacritics), i proposed a cyrillization of the alphabet with more letters.

Rotokas alphabet only:

Vekause te arpabet is te sipprest (orri 12 retters of ISO Vasik Ratir arpavet vitout riakritiks), i proposer a kirirrisatior op te arpavet vit pore retters.


Latin Cyrillic
1 Aa Аа
2 Ǎǎ Ӑӑ
3 Ää Ӓӓ
4 Əə Әә
5 Ӛӛ Ӛӛ
6 Bb Бб
7 Vv Вв
8 Gg Гг
9 Ğğ Ҕҕ
10 Dd Дд
11 ? Ԁԁ
12 ? Ђђ
13 E Ее
14 Єє
15 Ёё
16 Ӗӗ
17 Жж
18 Зз
19 Ѕѕ