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Coronavirus: South Korea's 'trace, test and treat' approach https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51836898

Park also answered CNN about question oh his learning; he emphasized that dealing with outbreaks by focusing efforts on early testing and global cooperation. South Korean authorities also arranged facilities for patients who were only suffering from mild symptoms. Park said only about 10% of coronavirus patients required hospitalization, while the rest had strong enough immune systems to fight the virus on their own

Request of working level talk to North Korea
On December 11, During U.N. Security Council meeting, U.S. envoy to the United Nations, Kelly Craft announced that the U. S. is ready "to simultaneously take concrete steps" with Flexible approach, in other words for 'balanced agreement" of the nuclear deal with DPRK.[2][3] Kelly also warned DPRK that its “deeply counterproductive” ballistic missile tests risk closing the door on prospects for negotiating peace. Craft emphasized that Security Council would be ready to “act accordingly” by Security Council action if North Korea resume “serious provocations". Kelly, chairs a UN Security Council requested DPRK back to the negotiation table for taking concrete, parallel steps toward an nuclear agreement.[4][5][6]

There are also criticism about potential infection case due to Chinese people's eating habits of wildlife including bats as per the goals of medicinal and aphrodisiac benefits.[7][8][9][10][11][12] On the other hand, a former Israeli intelligence officer analysed that it might be a leakage of bio-weapon from the lab of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.[13]


https://news.joins.com/article/23661590 [김민석의 Mr. 밀리터리] 북한 ICBM 쏴도 미국 군사옵션 꺼내기 어렵다

[출처: 중앙일보] [김민석의 Mr. 밀리터리] 북한 ICBM 쏴도 미국 군사옵션 꺼내기 어렵다 비건 대표는 베이징에서 북한 측 인사를 접촉하거나 평양을 방문할 것이냐는 기자들의 질문에 "이야기할 수 없다"고 답했습니다. https://yonhapnewstv.co.kr/news/MYH20191219015200038 '대북문제 해법모색' 비건 방중…北접촉? 북한 방문?

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/09/robert-trump-national-security-adviser-pick-190918143724435.html https://fortune.com/2019/09/18/new-national-security-advisor-robert-obrien/

Trump declines to comment on report Kim invited him to North Korea - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-invite/north-korea-leader-kim-invited-trump-to-pyongyang-in-new-letter-report-idUSKBN1W100X U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday declined to comment on a newspaper report that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had invited him to visit Pyongyang and said conditions were not ready yet for such a visit.

[News analysis] Will Biegun be able to hold talks with N. Korea during S. Korea visit? http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_northkorea/920788.html

[14] [15]


[17] [18]

To be updated ->

- A canceled military drill was not enough to get the North Koreans back to the table to discuss denuclearization, of an incentive for it to return to the negotiating table, and that it would not discuss denuclearization until Washington ended its “hostile policy.” 

Al Jazeera analyzed that Trump utilized this DMZ meeting as a springboard to further negotiations on the process of the nuclear deal. Although there is much skepticism on Washington's foreign policycircles, Arabian Peninsula media believe that it would be an achievement for U.S. Foreign policies concerning the denuclearization process of DPRK.[17] [18]

Prime Minister of Japan announced that Japan has been supporting the Trump-Kim negotiation since the first U.S. - North Korea summit. Prime Minister Abe hopes this DMZ summit will lead to progress of the situation.


Middle east


Middle East media Al Jazeera published the summarized video of U.S. president crossing the military demarcation line of the heavily fortified DMZ; Translated DPRK leader's report: "it's a brave decision and shows his determination to end the hostile relationship." Al Jazeera also analyzed that Trump utilized this DMZ meeting as a springboard to further negotiations and as a process of the nuclear deal. Although there is much skepticism on Washington's foreign policy circles, It could be claimed as a victory for U.S. Foreign policies concerning the Denuclearization process of DPRK.[20][21]

Although there is much skepticism on Washington's foreign policy circles, It could be claimed as a victory for U.S. Foreign policies concerning the Denuclearization process of DPRK.

the leaders of two powerful nations had arranged a meeting at such "short notice" and described the event as "a prearranged event".

Andrei Lankov of Kookmin University stated that DMZ meeting is designed to send a political message without raising expectations about actual progress.


Divided the reaction to the reaction area.


  1. ^ a b ARIRANG NEWS- 30 June 2019:FULL COVERAGE: Moon, Kim, Trump Hold Historic Three-way Talks On South Korean Soil | ARIRANG NEWS
  2. ^ nytimes: U.S. Tells U.N. It Is Ready to Be Flexible in North Korea Talks, Warns Against Provocations https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2019/12/12/world/europe/12reuters-northkorea-usa-un.html
  3. ^ koreatimes: US ready to be 'flexible' for 'balanced agreement' with North Korea http://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.amp.asp?newsIdx=280191
  4. ^ United Nations Security Council meeting Full video: DPR Korea: UN reports "troubling developments" in nuclear weapons & ballistic missiles program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_l9ovD5BnI
  5. ^ Washingtonpost US: NKorea missile tests are ‘deeply counterproductive’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/us-nkorea-missile-tests-are-deeply-counterproductive/2019/12/11/69ef91b8-1c77-11ea-977a-15a6710ed6da_story.html
  6. ^ Reuters: U.S. tells U.N. it is ready to be flexible in North Korea talks, warns against provocations https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-un/u-s-ready-to-be-flexible-with-north-korea-warns-against-provocations-trumps-u-n-envoy-idUSKBN1YF2IR
  7. ^ ‘Made in China’: how Wuhan coronavirus spread anti-Chinese racism like a disease through Asia https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3048104/made-china-how-wuhan-coronavirus-spread-anti-chinese
  8. ^ Wuhan virus: China's food markets can be breeding grounds for deadly viruses https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/wuhan-virus-chinas-food-markets-can-be-breeding-grounds-for-deadly-viruses
  9. ^ Coronavirus: from one food market to global panic https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/26/coronavirus-from-food-market-to-global-panic-response-mistakes
  10. ^ malaysia The prime minister advisor Kadir Jasin blames spread of deadly virus on China’s eating habits https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/01/24/kadir-jasin-blames-spread-of-deadly-virus-on-chinas-eating-habits/
  11. ^ coronavirus outbreak might be linked to adventurous eating https://www.inkstonenews.com/health/chinas-coronavirus-outbreak-may-be-linked-penchant-people-eat-wildlife/article/3047304
  12. ^ Blame Coronavirus on Bat Soup — Then China Bans Restaurant Sales https://pluralist.com/coronavirus-traced-to-bats-china-bans-sale-of-wildlife/
  13. ^ Conspiracy theories abound on how Wuhan coronavirus outbreak happened https://www.indiatoday.in/news-analysis/story/conspiracy-theories-abound-on-how-wuhan-coronavirus-outbreak-happened-1641197-2020-01-29
  14. ^ US ready to be 'flexible' for 'balanced agreement' with North Korea http://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.amp.asp?newsIdx=280191
  15. ^ U.S. Tells U.N. It Is Ready to Be Flexible in North Korea Talks, Warns Against Provocations https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2019/12/12/world/europe/12reuters-northkorea-usa-un.html
  16. ^ Al Jazeera NEWS- 23 July 2019:North Korean leader inspects new submarine as talks with US stall | Al Jazeera English NEWS
  17. ^ a b Al Jazeera NEWS- 30 June 2019:Trump meets North Korea's Kim at DMZ in landmark visit | Al Jazeera English NEWS
  18. ^ a b Al Jazeera NEWS- 30 June 2019:Trump meets Kim, makes history by stepping into North Korea | Al Jazeera English NEWS
  19. ^ Bloomberg- 1 July 2019:Japan's Abe Responds to Trump-Kim North Korea Meeting | Bloomberg NEWS
  20. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTOlYnhnDNc
  21. ^ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/06/trump-confirms-meet-kim-dmz-190630050353219.html


  • Global warming conspiracy theory
  • Weather modification

Update the details on Reaction of Trump Kim summit and Japan Korea trade war https://thehill.com/opinion/international/452332-strife-between-seoul-and-tokyo-makes-kim-jong-uns-dmz-victory-even-more

Fix typo and oOtto Warmbier "Our [p]resident shouldn’t be squandering American influence on photo ops and exchanging love letters with a ruthless dictator."[1]

Reactions - reference: KT McFarland says Trump meeting Kim is like Nixon-Mao statecraft, dismisses critics https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-kim-dmz-meeting-nixon-china-mao-zedong

Jesse Watters: Trump-Kim DMZ meeting will be key moment for historians https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jesse-watters-trump-kim-dmz-meeting-will-be-key-moment-for-historians

Xi Jinping calls for ‘timely’ easing of North Korea sanctions after Trump-Kim meeting https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3016981/beijing-reaffirms-support-gradual-easing-north-korea-sanctions https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/xi-urged-trump-to-ease-north-korea-sanctions-in-timely-fashion/ar-AADK7JM?li=AAgfIYZ&p=DevEx%2C5073.1

US 'hell-bent' on hostility despite talks, North Korea says https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-48863401

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB7YkDnDhtw [풀영상] 북한TV, 김정은-트럼프 판문점 회동 영상 전격 공개 / 연합뉴스 (Yonhapnews)

Using the ref name for the repeating reference:[2]


The proposed.... Trump - kim summit https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/trump-s-north-korea-envoy-biegun-a-capable-man-in-an-impossible-11282946 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stephen_Biegun_with_Foreign_Minister_Kang_Kyung-wha_-_2018_(451453841015600747076872378661226514612224).jpg

Reference required --> [citation needed]
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Peace Treaty on Korean Peninsula Editing 시에,
English Wikipedia Administrator 분들의 조언에 따라서, 일단 더이상 에디팅은 일단 이제 몰아서 하자 이유는 메인 아티클 이므로, 조심 스럽게 접근해서 하도록 합니다.
1) 기존에 English Wikipedia Main Article 로 승인을 받기 전 몇개월 동안은 Draft 상태이므로, 자유롭게 편집을 즉석하면서 실수를 여러번 고치면서, 해도 큰 상관이 없었다.
2) 그러나, Peace Treaty on Korean Peninsula가 이제 English Wikipedia Main Article 로 승인된 상태에서는, English Wikipedia는 수천명의 미국,영국,프랑스,일본,중국등 사용자들이 접속을 하므로, 해당 Article 를 함께 수정하는것이므로, 해당 Article를 즉석에서 Editing 을 하는것보다는, Wikipedia Administrator 권고하시는것처럼 다른곳에 copy edit 편집을 미리 하고 틀린것은 미리 수정을 하여, 가능한 수정이 최소화 되도록, 몰아서 편집을 하자.
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2018 North Korea–United States summit
House of Peace
House of Freedom
the first inter-Korean summit
the second inter-Korean summit
the forth inter-Korean summit
David C. Kang
2007 North–South Summit Declaration
Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

On August 29, the Atlantic reported on an interview with Moon Chung In who is the special envoy from South Korea. His understanding is that the diplomatic team of Mike Pompeo are having difficulties discussing with the defence team National Security Adviser John Bolton; This divided stance between the US Diplomatic team and the US defense team may have played a significant role in the delay of the signing of the promised peace declaration. Diplomatic Team Secretary Mike Pompeo is strongly in favor of adhering to the agreement set out in the summit, whereas John Bolton insists that a complete denuclearization of the DPRK must be established first before a peace treaty can be formally imposed and thereby ending the Korean war. Also on August 29, The Hill reported on the US verbal agreement with DPRK to end the Korean War, on both the June 1st meeting at the White House and during the Summit held in Singapore. However, soon after the Summit meeting, the US demanded denuclearization from North Korea before signing on the Peace Declaration document which eventually lead to an ever more hostile rhetoric from North Korea.

[3] [4]




[7] [8] [9]


  • Questions about "End of Korean War/Peace Declaration" promise by the US

Moon Chung In, a special adviser to President Moon Jae In for foreign affairs and national security interviewed with the Atlantic and expressed his opinion about the current attention of U.S. The Trump administration is concerned about weakening its bargaining position by allowing prematurely to what some officials consider an “irreversible” end-of-war declaration, while the North Korean government believes it is America’s “turn to reciprocate” continuously. However, the Moon Jae In administration is now wishing for the event that during the UN General Assembly in late September in New York, it would be wonderful if President Trump, President Xi Jinping, President Moon Jae In, and Chairman Kim Jong-Un meet together at the United Nations [and] affirm the declaration to end the Korean War.[10] Resolving the North Korea's nuclear and Military Challenge, there are several trials of agreement between the U.S. and North Korea in 1994 by Agreed Framework, 2005 and in 2007. [11][12] USC Korean Studies Institute Director and Professor of International Relations, Mr Kang scrutinised the previous efforts to the Nuclear issues based on long years of history. The fundamental reason for the stalemate between the U.S. and North Korea's stance; the U.S. requested North Korea - “DPRK should disarm first; then we'll discuss security guarantees.” However, North Korea's position is - “we need the security guarantees from the United States first, then we will disarm.[13][14][15][16][17]

http://ask.un.org/faq/14598 -Opening date of the General Assembly- Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Moon Chung In, a special adviser to President Moon Jae In for foreign affairs and national security interviewed with the Atlantic and expressed his opinion about the current attention of U.S. The Trump administration is concerned about weakening its bargaining position by allowing prematurely to what some officials consider an “irreversible” end-of-war declaration, while the North Korean government believes it is America’s “turn to reciprocate” continuously. However, the Moon Jae In administration is now wishing for the event that during the UN General Assembly in late September in New York, it would be wonderful if President Trump, President Xi Jinping, President Moon Jae In, and Chairman Kim Jong-Un meet together at the United Nations [and] affirm the declaration to end the Korean War.[10] Resolving the North Korea's nuclear and Military Challenge, there are several trials of agreement between the U.S. and North Korea in 1994 by Agreed Framework, 2005 and in 2007. [18][12] USC Korean Studies Institute Director and Professor of International Relations, Mr Kang scrutinised the previous efforts to the Nuclear issues based on long years of history. The fundamental reason for the stalemate between the U.S. and North Korea's stance; the U.S. requested North Korea - “DPRK should disarm first; then we'll discuss security guarantees.” However, North Korea's position is - “we need the security guarantees from the United States first, then we will disarm.[13][14][15][16][17]

China helps Russia thwart US bid to freeze bank’s assets over ‘North Korea sanctions dodge’ https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2159141/china-helps-russia-thwart-us-bid-freeze-banks-assets

원칙: 한국의 만일의 전쟁발생시 불과 30분안에 수도권 인구 절반인 1천만명이 사망하며, 이것을 막는것은 불가능하다는, 미국 국방부의 일급 기밀 시믈레이션을 언론에 보도한 스티브 베넌(Steve Bannon)의 자료에 근거하여, 향후 불필요한 전쟁 위험을 막고,

세계와 한반도 평화를 위해서, 올해 2018년 한반도 평화 협정 체결 위해서 도날드 트럼프 와 김정은 정상회담에 대한 수정원칙 ===

1. ( 한국 전쟁을 공식적으로 종료하려고하는) 도날드 트럼프 == 근거가 있는 실적이 되는 내용에 최대한 잘 정돈하여 내용을 기록합니다 2. 미국에서 향후에, 이것 북한과 함께 전쟁 종료를 해도 이것이 미국에 이익이겠구나 생각할수 있는 근거가 되는 내용에 대해서, 미국,영국,프랑스등 언론의 자료를 요약 하여 편집합니다 3. 중국과 러시아간에 친선이 있어서도 결국은 미국과 북한간의 전쟁은 향후 강대국간의 전쟁을 야기 한다는 사실에 대해서 근거를 갖고 정리 ( Russia president 김정은 정상회담에 대해서 미기록 이유: 한반도 평화에 불필요한 내용이며, 불필요하게 트럼프 대통령 입지에도 불편하게 할수 있기 때문.)

        • 영어 위키 피디아의 내용은, 수천명의 영어 위키 피디아를 사용하는 사용자들로부터 해당 근거가 신뢰 할수 있는 것이며 중립적이라는
 것이 입증이 될때만 해당 내용이 수록될수 있으므로, 수시로 해당 근거가 되는 내용을 틈틈히 찾아 보도록함.

The some of the lone military identification tags (dog tags) from North Korea were delivered to the families in U.S. one person Charles (71) told the reporter of Associated Press that he feels very mixed, jumbled moment as many years after having grown up without his biological father after when he was age 3 old boy. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2018/08/08/dog-tag-returned-from-north-korea-belonged-to-army-medic/

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s SOUTH Korea https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/trump-kim-summit-singapore-up-to-south-korea-moon-jae-in-now-10445620

ASEAN http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30347934

6) IAEA https://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/iaea-head-welcomes-outcome-of-us-north-korea-summit-118061200776_1.html

7) Canada https://www.cbsnews.com/news/justin-trudeau-canada-prime-minister-speaks-today-after-g7-trump-2018-06-12/

8) France http://www.france24.com/en/20180613-kim-invites-trump-visit-pyongyang-north-hails-radical-switchover

9) Indonesia https://en.antaranews.com/news/116144/indonesia-could-play-important-role-post-trump-kim-summit-meeting http://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2018/06/13/commentary-sleepless-moon-before-kim-triumphs-over-macarthur-trump.html

10) NATO http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2018/Jun-12/452973-nato-welcomes-us-north-korea-summit-backs-denuclearized-peninsula.ashx Japan's Abe lauds Kim denuclearisation pledge


11)philippines http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1038090

12)Vietnam hails Trump-Kim summit https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/vietnam-hails-trump-kim-summit-3762871.html

13) Turkey hails historic North http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-hails-historic-north-korea-us-summit-133197

14) Thailand http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30347643

15) saudi Arabia, http://www.burlingtoncountytimes.com/opinion/20180613/op-ed-lessons-for-trump-kim-summit https://www.axios.com/why-trump-cant-replicate-the-kim-summit-with-iran-1528915040-ff59fec7-4b4c-4b1e-b72f-431f7132dc68.html https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-trump-kim-north-korea-summit-mean-for-war-with-iran-and-israel-1.6163006


1) vaticannews https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2018-06/singapore-summit-nuncio-historic-peace-long.html1)

2) RUSSIA http://time.com/5309627/president-trump-why-war-games-end/ -- Russia President Trump Is Ending 'War Games' in Korea. Here's What Russia and South Korea Think About That By SIOBHAN MORRIN June 12, 2018 Russia: 'Devil in the detail'

3) UK https://www.jns.org/netanyahu-commends-trump-on-north-korea-summit-stance-on-iranian-nukes/ sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5285377,00.html Britain welcomes North Korea commitment to denuclearization

4) UN , https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/trump-kim-summit-highlights-european-union-hails-talks-as-crucial-and-necessary-step-2588085.html UN boss urges support for US-North Korea agreement

5) Europian Union https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/eu-hails-crucial-and-necessary-trump-kim-talk


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Commemorative medal presented to Korean War 1950-1953 Veterans

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[23] China requested US a diplomatic solution about cessation to the missile program of North Korea, and declared to join North Korea Forces if U.S launches pre-emptive strike to North Korea.

Russia has deployed heavy military equipment towards its border with North Korea amid mounting fears of a military clash between Pyongyang and the United States.



ToThAc moved page User:Goodtiming8871/Inter-Korean House of freedom' to Draft:Inter-Korean House of freedom: Preferred location for AfC submissions) (undo | thank)

Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

Draft:Peace treaty with North Korea


After the Trump-Kim summit, North Korea searched for and returned the remains of U.S. POWs and MIAs from the Korean War.
The US war remains were delivered from the eastern DPRK city of Wonsan by U.S. military transport plane C-17 Globemaster to the Osan Air Base near Seoul in South Korea.


  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference auto was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ a b c d NBC-NEWS-JAPAN - 17 April 2018:President Donald Trump: North And South Korea ‘Have My Blessing’ To Discuss An End To War | NBC News
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