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User:GoranKostic/Warriors Of The Universe

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Warriors of the Universe is a free to play HTML/text-based massively multiplayer online role-playing browser game (MMORPG).

Abut game


Warriors of the Universe is a free to play HTML/text-based massively multiplayer online role-playing browser game (MMORPG).

Main goal in the game is to become the best, and that task is not easy.

Each player has one spaceship. To become more powerful, players must increase spaceship attributes, such as damage, defense, energy etc. There is a large number of ways to upgrade spaceship. Players can mount different equipment on their ship to increase ship attributes. Also, ship add-ons, rewards, upgrade parts and other in-game items increase ship attributes.

At the very beginning of the game, player must choose their race. There is three playable races, each with different ships, weapons, shields and other equipments. Also, players can be organized in groups of players called “Star Fleet”.

Players get experience by accomplishing missions, and also by fights against other players. Players need to accumulate 100% experience to get to next level. Higher level allow players to use better ship equipment (weapons, shields, etc.).

Six different types of missions are currently available in game – quest, standard, military, criminal, secret and special missions.

There is three combat systems, such as PvP – single player vs. player fights, FvF – fleet vs. fleet wars and RvR – global race vs. race war. Race which win in RvR war gain access to secret missions in which they can get more experience. Access to those missions is available until next race vs. race war.

There is a lot of other features in the game for players to explore, such as trading system between players, lot of different in-game items, daily rewards, daily lottery game, ability to build modules in space ship to manufacture different items etc.



This game have a lot of features. This is only most important features:



Players can choose one of three playable races - Human, Gray and Reptilian. Each race have different ships and attributes. At the begging of the game, players must choose one of them.

Ship equipments


Ship equipments are weapons, shields, combo items and special items – Wings. There items increase damage, defense and special fighting abilities. There are seven different special fighting abilities, including Deadly Strike – ability to instantly win battle against other player.



Players can advance to higher level by accumulating experience. Experience can be gained in missions, fights again other players and wars. Also, there are some in-game items that give experience to players. Players get upgrade points when advance to a next level. Upgrade points can be used to increase ship attributes.



There are six different types of missions – quest, standard, military, criminal, secret and special missions. Each quest mission can be accomplished just once. Other mission can be accomplished multiple times. Each mission type, except quest missions, have a lot of missions in three difficulties - easy, medium and hard. By accomplishing missions players get experience, credits and useful in-game items. Some of those missions cannot be accomplished without special items which can be found during game.

Star Fleets


Players can organize themselves in groups called “Star Fleet”. One Star Fleet can contain up to 100 members, and all members must be members of some race.



Players can fight against other player in single fights called PvP (player vs. player). There are also two types of wars. Star fleet members can provoke war against other star fleets, and that war is called FvF (fleet vs. fleet). Then, each member of both fleets involved in wars can participate in that war. And last but not least, there is global RvR war (race vs. race). Each player can participate in that war. Race which win in RvR war gain access to secret missions. Those missions are harder missions with better rewards.

In-game currency


There are three different in-game currencies – credits, contribute points and reward points. Players can earn credits as a reward from missions and fights against other player. Also, players can trade their in-game items to get credits. To obtain contribute points players must interact with other players by attacking other players, participating in war, trading, sending gifts etc. Rewards points are harder to get – player get one reward point on each playing day, and on each level.

Trading system


Players can trade their in-game items with other players using credits. Also, there are Standard Equipment Shop where players can buy items for credits. Reward point can be used in Special Equipment Shop for better in-game items. Contribute points can be exchange for some very rare in-game items.

In-game items


There are more than 300 in-game items and around 30 different types of in-game items. Some of in-game items types are weapons, shields, combo items, energy cells – items which replenish ship energy, repair bots – items which repair ship hull, boost items, ship upgrade parts, fleet and race formations and lot of others.

Equipment crafting


Ship equipments such as weapon, shield and combo items can become more powerful. Players can improve their equipment in Workshop. Also, equipments can be combined with the same items. Combined and improved equipment can be 300% more powerful. Equipments can be upgraded to higher level.



Beside Internet connections, only web browser is required to play Warriors of the Universe game. You can play this game on any computer connected to Internet, at home, school, or work. There is no needs to download and install additional software. The game is fully tested on various web browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Apple Safary and Internet Explorer. However, for best experience, we recommended to use never version of your favorite web browser.
