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Welcome to my user page. I made this account for several reasons that you probably don't care about. I own my own encyclopedia, and I am asking some wikipedia users for the permission to use their images on it. I love to learn and always have a subject that I study until I have learned as much as I can. Last time it was astronomy, and now it has switched to dinosaurs.

Here are some interesting facts about dinosaurs: Stegosaurus had a small brain, compared to the size of his body; it was only the size of a walnut! So, it may have had a second brain located in its butt, near the tail. Today, most scientists believe that the gap they found in stegosaurus' butt was for nerves, but nothing has been confirmed. The first spinosaurus and massospondylus skeletons discovered were both destroyed in a World War II bombing. Megaraptor had a toe claw that was 15 inches long, twice the size of the biggest Dromaeosaurid's, who was much, much bigger, claw. In Jurassic Park, the velociraptor was roughly man-sized. A real velociraptor was only about three feet tall. Velociraptor could reach speeds of forty miles per hour. Spinosaurus is the largest known carnivore, but studies have shown that it probably didn't eat anything taller than a human, mainly small fish. Metriacanthosaurus had a sail on its back that was twice as big as the dinosaur itself. A six-foot-tall man/woman cannot touch the belly of a tyrannosaurus rex unless he/she is a good jumper and lived in the Late Cretaceaous. Maiasaura traveled (actually, they stayed still most of the time because they each had thirty to forty babies that could not walk until they were one to two years old) in herds of up to ten thousand maiasaua. Brachiosaurus had a small head in comparison with its body. However, its body was so huge that brachiosaurus had a six-foot-tall head. Diplodocus was for years the longest known dinosaur, but was so short that an adult could touch its neck if it was completeley straight.

I also enjoy writing. I plan to have my first book published by the end of 2009. Providing you paid attention to the information above, you have probably guessed what it is about: dinosaurs. I won't release the description here until the day that it is being published. I also know what I am doing for the next three stories and know partially of what I am doing for the fourth story to be published (I will probably work on it at the same time as the third and publish them around the same day)

I am not that good of an artist, but I am better than some other people, and I hope to get some of my dinosaur pictures that I have drawn, including a maiasaura and her five babies (based on my mom, me, and my four sisters), and fighting velociraptors.