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"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. " – Mark Twain

Game scenario/s:

I am sorry, but our hackers are cuter than yours. (+100 absurdity)
"The cave, mistakenly perceived by the thieves as the King's treasure repository, would serve as their grave." - a very wise dude. (+50 trap making)




Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance. - Albert Maysles


For people living a medieval lifestyle in modern times, hearing about having lunch in Paris and dinner in Istanbul on the same day would be thoroughly amazing. However, this is a normal day for a super commuter.

Game scenario/s:

Conspiracy theorists, despite their seemingly powerless and ridiculed status, are prized by the Illuminati, as their outlandish theories occasionally yield useful insights. (+80 cunning)
Leaders? More like professional fakers. We don't need them running KF-II into the ground. Where have all of our "wise men" gone? (Questing for the wise)
An influx of individuals acts as unconscious vehicles for concepts they don't completely understand. (+100 probability of unknown events occurring)
The most lamentable facet is devoting one's entire life to sabotaging others instead of striving for personal development and self-improvement. While this behavior is unfortunately prevalent in general society, it is particularly endemic in a dystopia, where the human spirit is quashed and dreams are shattered. In such contexts, one's success is not measured by the magnitude of their achievements, but instead how effectively they've reduced the negative impact individuals have on each other. (-9999 in scientific advancement over 10 turns)
The main and only purpose of using secret codes to communicate within our network is to counteract the shady activities of fifth columnists. (+280 protection against enemy infiltration)


A piece of random history from Golden Monkey Hill:

Incidentally, an illuminated monkey possesses the extraordinary capability to traverse the temporal continuum from its inception to the ultimate terminus of existence within the span of a mere nanosecond. The patriarch, Al Silverback, a virtuoso in the craft of conspiracies, functions as the mastermind behind many plots. He once uttered, "Alleluia! Alleluia! The gathering swell of souls shall soon grace our hallowed halls, A tapestry of faces, voices intertwined, as countless as stars." It shall be the mother of all conspiracies, crafted to outlast and overshadow every rivals.


Clauser, J. F. (2022). Ultra-high sensitivity accelerometers and gyroscopes using neutral atom matter-wave interferometry. Physica B+C.
Agostini, P., Krausz, F., & L'Huillier, A. (2004). Attosecond Electron Dynamics. Reports on Progress in Physics, 67(6), 813-870. doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/67/6/R03
Mourou, G., & Strickland, D. (1985). Compression of Amplified Chirped Optical Pulses. Optics Communications, 56(3), 219-221. doi: 10.1016/0030-4018(85)90151-8
Kajita, T. (1999). Atmospheric Neutrino Results from Super-Kamiokande. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 77(1-3), 123-132. doi: 10.1016/S0920-5632(99)00535-1