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Ducatti Flister, Larissa. "The Economic Case For Marijuana Legalization In Canada." Journal Of Alternative Perspectives In The Social Sciences 5.1 (2012): 96-100. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

Many advocate legalization of cannabis, believing that it will eliminate the illegal trade and associated crime, yield valuable tax and reduce policing costs. For example, in Canada, where Cannabis is legal for medical use, with a doctor's prescription, 7 in 10 Canadians also favour full decriminalization according to a June 2016 national poll.

Possession of cannabis in Canada for recreational use will be legalized by the government in 2017; medical cannabis is already legal in line with the country's Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations. Sales to the general public are likely to commence in January 2018. Subsequently, the substance will remain controlled. Some news reporters predict it will be sold through Provincial liquor stores, although others suggest that direct mail-order sales by growers might be allowed with specific regulations over this process to prevent sales to minors.

However, possession of the plant in small quantities has been decriminalized in many countries and sub-national entities in several parts of the world. For example, Cannabis in Canada will be legal for recreational use if legislation is passed in spring 2017. On 10 December 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the sale, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis. Open sales are "illegal, but not punishable", at "coffeeshops" in the Netherlands if certain rules are followed. In the United States, federal law prohibits possession or sale of marijuana for any purpose, but the Obama Administration has refrained from prosecuting users and dealers operating in compliance with state (see Legality of cannabis by U.S. jurisdiction), territory, and Indian reservation laws which permit medical or recreational marijuana.

The medicinal use of cannabis is legal in a number of countries, including Canada, the Czech Republic and Israel. Medical cannabis in the United States is legal in 29 states as of December 2016.

HICKENLOOPER, GOVERNOR JOHN W. "Experimenting With Pot: The State Of Colorado's Legalization Of Marijuana." Milbank Quarterly 92.2 (2014): 243-249. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

On November 6, 2012, Colorado Amendment 64 and Washington Initiative 502 were passed by popular initiative, thereby becoming the first American states to legalize the recreational use of cannabis under state law. However cannabis is still classified as a schedule I.

On January 1, 2013, an amendment to the Netherlands' cannabis policy was introduced to "combat drug-related crime and nuisance." The new rule requires cannabis coffee shop owners to monitor the identities of their customers to ensure that only residents of the Netherlands purchase cannabis. Owners are expected to maintain adherence through procedures such as asking customers to produce valid documents to prove their status.

In a historic event, Colorado governor John Hickenlooper signed two bills May 28, 2013 that made Colorado the world's first fully regulated recreational cannabis market for adults. Hickenlooper said to the media: "Certainly, this industry will create jobs. Whether it’s good for the brand of our state is still up in the air. But the voters passed Amendment 64 by a clear majority. That’s why we’re going to implement it as effectively as we possibly can." In its independent analysis, the Colorado Center on Law and Policy found that the state could expect to see "$60 million in total combined savings and additional revenue for Colorado’s budget with a potential for this number to double after 2017."

However, Colorado has also had to increase public surveillance on the use of legal marijuana use. Public health awareness has now become an important topic for government agencies in Colorado as more and more people have access to the drug.

Lede for Cinematic techniques draft:

There are an abundance of things that goes into making a film. These cinematic techniques are essential to filmmakers as it aids in telling a story more effectively. It is important to learn and know how to use some of these methods when trying to create a footage. In the article, there are a long list of cinematic techniques that are divided into categories and are shortly explained.