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this user is sub-account of User:Gaepakchinae. this account is only used for archive sentences and words used in english wikipedia to assist translation from english wikipedia to korean wikipedia.


hey serve for Prey to some Birds, specially the Bitterns. When we beat 'em down from the Trees with a Pole, these Birds wou'd come and devour them before us, tho' we did our utmost to hinder them; and when we offered to oppose them, they came on still after their Prey.

This option provides immediate pleasure and is consequently very attractive to impulsive procrastinators, at the point of discovery of the achievable goals at hand

There are several emotion-oriented strategies, similar to Freudian defense mechanisms, coping styles and self-handicapping.

it can likely be attributed to there being more than one species under the current name.

Crenadactylus was erected in 1964 by the authors James R. Dixon and Arnold G. Kluge to separate the taxon described by John Edward Gray as Diplodactylus ocellatus in 1845 and referred to as a species of Phyllodactylus, the combination published by Boulenger.

A molecular analysis of northern populations in 2012 examined the reported ancient divergence and up to ten lineages in northwestern Crenadactylus, with indication of geographical ranges restricted to less than 100 km2.

it presumed to have become geographically isolated around twenty to thirty million years ago, shown in evidence of ancient genetic divergence, persisting in that has become separated from sister species by the increasingly dry climate of the continent

'''Harvests for example''' were seen as the benevolence of fertility deities.

and some will appreciate a change up in tank decorations.

When the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces arrived in Japan—all with boots polished to a degree not known in the U.S. forces—the G.I.s were more conscious than ever of their feet. The secret was found to rest not only in spit and polish, but in the superior Australian boot polish, a commodity which was soon exchanged with the Americans on a fluctuating basis of so many packets of cigarettes for one can of Kiwi boot polish

Chunder is Australian slang for vomit, and possibly originated through the rhyming slang of Chunder Loo and spew (another slang word for vomit).

In Ancient Egypt and other early societies, people believed in the omnipotence of gods, with many aspects of daily life carried out '''with respect to the idea of the divine or supernatural and the way it was manifest in the mortal cycles of generations, years, seasons, days and nights.'''

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, whose Target One states the need for “An online flora of all known plants.”

The architect, '''be he priest or king, '''was not the sole important figure; he was merely part of a continuing tradition.

t is a blend of ancient and varied native traditions, with building types, forms and technologies from West and Central Asia, as well as Europe.

This Palladian architecture and continued classical imagery would in turn go on to influence to them.

The Young's modulus of metals varies with the temperature and can be realized through the change in the interatomic bonding of the atoms and hence its change is found to be dependent on the change in the work function of the metal.

this change is predicted through fitting and without a clear underlying mechanism.

Young's modulus is named after the 19th-century British scientist Thomas Young.

Following the postmodern movement, a renaissance of pre-modernist urban and architectural ideals established itself, with New Urbanism and New Classical architecture being prominent movements.

Adding cement to soil mixtures poor in clay can also increase the load-bearing capacity of rammed-earth edifices.

Being aware of the moisture content of the soil and the fluctuation of that content throughout the year will help prevent potential heating problems.

For instance, the dew temperature of air at 20 °C and 80 percent relative humidity is 16 °C.

Several man-made devices such as antique stone piles in Ukraine, medieval "dew ponds" in southern England or volcanic stone covers on the fields of Lanzarote have all been thought to be possible dew-catching devices.

outlining the sciences of the strength of materials and the motion of objects (essentially defining gravity as a force giving rise to a constant acceleration).

paper on the "Stiffness and Deflection of Complex Structures" introduces the name "finite-element method" and is widely recognized as the first comprehensive treatment of the method as it is known today While they feed almost exclusively on a herbivorous diet in Mexico, where they inhabit more than half of Vachellia collinsii trees, populations in Costa Rica, where less than 5% of Acacia are populated by B. kiplingi, do so to a lesser extent.

their paper on the "Stiffness and Deflection of Complex Structures" introduces the name "finite-element method" and is widely recognized as the first comprehensive treatment of the method as it is known today

Just as copyrights may be transferred in writing, moral rights may be abandoned if done so in writing too.

calls a hitscan function in the middle of a 'blazing gun' animation, creating a small amount of lag between weapon deployment and the hitting of the target to better approximate real-life ballistics.

However, the trade runs unchecked due to the sheer number of illegal traders and reports of lucrative deals.

a cube shaped amethyst used by Emre to tempt Lira with power, alongside with riches.

Lesbian feminism of color emerged as a response to lesbian feminism thought that failed to incorporate the issues of class and race as sources of oppression along with heterosexuality.

a leading Canadian journalist and political activist for feminism, lesbians were and always have been at the heart of the women's movement, while their issues were invisible in the same movement

Lesbian feminist Sheila Jeffreys writes that while many feminists are comfortable working alongside gay men, they are uncomfortable interacting with bisexual men. Jeffreys states that while gay men are unlikely to sexually harass women, bisexual men are just as likely to be bothersome to women as heterosexual men.

barry suggests that in choosing between these possible alignments (lesbian feminism and/or queer theory) one must answer whether it is gender or sexuality that is the more "fundamental in personal identity."

Janice Raymond includes sections on Sandy Stone, a trans woman who had worked as a sound engineer for Olivia Records, and Christy Barsky, accusing both of creating divisiveness in women's spaces.

On the journey home his state of mind changed, realizing that "nothing was wrong anymore."

There are now sites that do not sell dolls, but just show them so that customers can make informed decisions on the aesthetics prior to purchase—then the customers select online from stores instead of having to take "pot luck" in a sex shop, and a possible purchase can be discussed first in anonymous online forums with existing owners.

The lid serves to funnel even the smallest amount of water down siphons into the box's central reservoir

These institutions contribute under a plan devised by the SEP in collaboration with the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, the International Coalition of Library Consortia, and the Southeastern Library Network, with matching funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

they may be sold in transparent containers, showing off, for example, the needlelike appearance of sodium sesquicarbonate crystals.

Later observations demonstrated that during a night of favourable dew formation a typical increase in water level of some two or three inches was possible.

in choosing between these possible alignments (lesbian feminism and/or queer theory) one must answer whether it is gender or sexuality that is the more "fundamental in personal identity."

Britain was forced to lift its stringent import prohibitions dating from 1876, because for imports from within the European Community they constituted a barrier to free trade under the terms of the Treaty of Rome.

Strictly targeting the alpha male does not happen every time, as some females have been observed to mate with three to four different males

a figure comparable to the renewable liquid water resources of inhabited lands (12,500 km3)."

installation collects about 15 ml of dew water over the season with nearly 100 dew-nights.

During this time, Chicana feminism started to form as a “social movement aimed to improve the position of Chicanas in American society.”

engineers will typically have a four or five year undergraduate degree, followed by a minimum of three years of professional practice before being considered fully qualified.

the superfruit category was one of the top 10 global trends in consumer products in 2008

he imported fire ants as the latter species (Solenopsis invicta) spread through the southern United States.

In what may have been one of the first attempts to use chlorine, William Soper used chlorinated lime to treat the sewage produced by typhoid patients in 1879.

the feeding can be done manually either from ashore or from boats, or using mechanized feeders distributed all over a pond

It was intended to be a comprehensive record of all known names of plant species over time.

Kiwi did not open a manufacturing plant in the USA until after World War II.

In this custom, the elderly person is made to drink an excessive amount of coconut water, eventually resulting in fever and death, the exact causes of which have not been determined.

When the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces arrived in Japan—all with boots polished to a degree not known in the U.S. forces—the G.I.s were more conscious than ever of their feet. The secret was found to rest not only in spit and polish, but in the superior Australian boot polish, a commodity which was soon exchanged with the Americans on a fluctuating basis of so many packets of cigarettes for one can of Kiwi boot polish.

but claims made before the product was released that honey would jam up the workings of the Flow Frame have proven to be unfounded.

tests have shown that termites are strongly repelled by the toxic material to the extent that they will starve rather than consume the food.

A Brazilian study investigated the termite assemblages of three sites of Caatinga under different levels of anthropogenic disturbance in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil were sampled using 65 x 2 m transects

The result is a self-organised process whereby the information that directs termite activity results from changes in the environment rather than from direct contact among individuals.

it is possible due to the presence of a line of predetermined weakness situated at the base of wings and results in a neat tear usually considered an indication of having mated

It is a comprehensive manual condensing and systematizing the theoretical and practical teachings of Gautama Buddha as they were understood by the elders of the Mahavihara Monastery in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.

that gecko grow into their colors

she is divorced mother of two who is now co-director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies

Windowfarms is on a mission to revive agricultural biodiversity

The forces which a boat or aircraft are subjected to vary enormously and will do so thousands of times over the structure's lifetime

Some such studies are the result of forensic engineering investigations where the original engineer seems to have done everything in accordance with the state of the profession and acceptable practice yet a failure still eventuated.

shear stress is the stress state caused by the combined energy of a pair of opposing forces acting along parallel lines of action through the material

Often measured with the Izod impact strength test or Charpy impact test, both of which measure the impact energy required to fracture a sample.

In the case of uniaxial loading the displacements of a specimen (for example a bar element) lead to a calculation of strain expressed as the quotient of the displacement and the original length of the specimen.

Considered in tandem with the fact that the yield strength is the parameter that predicts plastic deformation in the material, one can make informed decisions on how to increase the strength of a material depending its microstructural properties and the desired end effect.

Repeated loading often initiates brittle cracks, which grow until failure occurs. The cracks always start at stress concentrations, especially changes in cross-section of the product, near holes and corners at nominal stress levels far lower than those quoted for the strength of the material.

The cracks always start at stress concentrations, especially changes in cross-section of the product, near holes and corners at nominal stress levels far lower than those quoted for the strength of the material.

Applied mechanics describes the behavior of a body, in either a beginning state of rest or of motion, subjected to the action of forces

macroscopic yield is governed by the microstructural architecture of the material being studied

The museum specimens taken to Europe were credited to him, and only later were the animals found to have come from New Zealand


They live in forests, be it dry, mixed or wet in complexion, mainly along the hilly tracts.

However, this tactic is not exhibited every time that prey escapes as the likelihood of this tactic being used increases with time since an individual’s last meal

Burton’s legless lizard is found in a variety of habitats from deserts to the margins of rainforests but not in southern alpine areas and extreme northern deserts as would be expected based on its distribution.

fragility is defined as a concave sensitivity to stressors, leading to a negative sensitivity to increase in volatility.

An adaptive system is one that changes its behavior based on information available at time of utilization (as opposed to having the behavior defined during system design).

Taleb defines it as follows in a letter to Nature responding to an earlier review of his book in that journal:

robustness is the property of being strong and healthy in constitution.

a statistical technique that performs well even if its assumptions are somewhat violated by the true model from which the data were generated

So they look for explanations even when there are none.

U.S.A Today recounted that many criticisms raised in this book of the financial industry turned out to be justified.

the book was to conventional Wall Street wisdom what Martin Luther’s theses were to the Catholic Church.

An example of this is a 99:1 bet in which you almost always win, but when you lose, you lose all your savings. People can easily be fooled by statements like "I won this bet 50 times". According to Taleb: "Option sellers, it is said, eat like chickens and go to the bathroom like elephants", which is to say, option sellers may earn a steady small income from selling the options, but when a disaster happens they lose a fortune.

depriving systems of vital stressors is not necessarily a good thing and can be downright harmful.

Taleb covers in great depth the domain of the fragile and the opposing domain of the antifragile showing how fragility can be detected, measured, and transformed.

Here they remain until they thrust through the cuticle and pupate (males) or release infective first-instar larvae onto flowers (females).

Picking this up, it hovered for a few seconds and then circled several times round the place among the dense foliage where the other half of the caterpillar lay. It then flew off but returned a couple of minutes later and quickly located the correct hole among the leaves. Making its way in among the foliage, it could not at first find the exact leaf on which the caterpillar lay. After several fruitless hunts interspersed with short circling flights, it finally located the dismembered prey and flew off with its trophy. Belt marvelled that the insect could use a mental process so similar to that a human might have used to remember the specific location of its prey.

When a foraging wasp arrived, the highest ranking wasp present demanded food and then both fed the larvae

While completing this task, the queen moved her antennae in circles about her head and she touched the opposite wall that lied parallel. The antennae-wall contact allows the queen to construct straight sides on the inner wall.

Use in urban setting at Jakarta, Indonesia

Father of the chapel (FoC) or mother of the chapel (MoC) are the titles in the United Kingdom and Australasia referring to a shop steward representing members of a trade union in a printing office or in journalism.

long leaves are borne on long petitoles.

burning biomass such as wood pellets or wood chips releases a large amount of CO2 into the air, creating a "carbon debt" that is not retired for 20–25 years and after which there is a net benefit

allowance to increase quantity numbers in orders until print run day

Pellets can be made from nearly any wood variety, provided the pellet press is equipped with good instrumentation, the differences in feed material can be compensated for in the press regulation.

some green gecko will lunge aggressively at the potential predator in question, often barking as they do so

they occurs only in the Namib Desert from the northwards to about opposite Etosha.

As in most geckos, the tail commonly is swollen with fat stores, but not as much so as most species, such as say, in the genera Chondrodactylus and Pachydactylus.

they are capable of re-growing their tails so at times their tail may be shorter than their body

Such tunnelling behaviour may allow the animal access to insects, on which it feeds

The autotomy reflex in crustaceans has been proposed as an example of natural behaviour that raises questions concerning assertions on whether crustaceans can "feel pain", which may be based on definitions of "pain" that are flawed for lack of any falsifiable test, either to establish or deny the meaningfulness of the concept in this context.

n an innovative effort, prior to bulldozers destroying the grasslands, roofing tiles are being used as "heat bait" to attract the lizards in the area.

The vegetation type of their habitat is composed of grass mounds of spinifex country and low coastal shrub-lands, dominated by banksia and acacia species.

No specific conservation plan has assessed and evaluated threatening factors to the population, although the species is recognised for the purposes of conservation assessment

Valorisation: Pointing in satisfaction to what one achieved in the meantime while one should have been doing something else.

Pretending that procrastinatory behavior is not actually procrastinating, but rather a task which is more important than the avoided one, or that the essential task that should be done is not of immediate importance.

Natural proteins can be engineered, e.g., by directed evolution, novel protein structures that match or improve on the functionality of existing proteins can be produced.

Mechanistically, three explanations have been derived to justify the capacity of H. frenatus to outcompete other Gecko species:

Due to them being a species which is adapted for tropical or subtropical environments,

He was likely an important maker, but no documentation survives, and no instruments survive that experts unequivocally know are his.