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Introduction of population growth Somalia Definition: the average annual percent change in the population resulting from surplus of birth over death and the balance of immigrants entering and leaving country. The rate may be positive or negative , the growth rate is a factor in determining how great a burden would be imposed on a country by the changing needs of its people for infrastructure (e.g schools, hospitals, housing, roads,). Resources (e.g. food, water, electricity) and jobs rapid population growth can be seen as threatening by neighbours countries. The total population in Somalia was estimated at 14 million people in 2016 according the latest census figures look back in the year of 1960 Somalia had population of 2.8 million People result of the increase of birth over death. Somalia located in horn of Africa in 2018 estimated at 15.18 million up from the 2013 estimate of the 10 million is rapidly expended with almost 3% annual population growth and high fertility rate of 6.28 children per women which is the highest in the world.

Birth rate=20 birth. Death rate=10 death. Net migration 6.5 migrants Date value change% 2016 2.9 % 0.80% 2015 2.9 0.41% 2013 2.8 -0.23% 2012 2.9 0.74% 2011 2.9 -1.08% 2010 2.9 -1.01% 209 2.9 -0.54% 208 3.0 0.25% 207 2.9 0.85% 206 2.9

Demographic situation and population trends in Somalia.

Asian Population Newsletter. 1977 Jun; 25:9-14. In February 1975 the 1st census of population and livestock was undertaken in Somalia, but the outcome has not been announced as yet. All demographic characteristics and population statistics available are results of surveys which covered some specific towns and have a very limited scope Estimations and projections of the population by age for the period 1950-1980 show that population has increased by 563,000 in the 1960-1970 decade and is expected to increase by an additional 864,000 from 1970-1980. In 1970 46.5% of the population was under the age of 15, resulting in a high dependency ratio. the percentage was 2.7 during the 1965-1970 period and 2.8 during 1970-1975. There is an extremely high rate of population growth in Somalia as a consequence of the high birthrate and declining mortality rate and a substantial increase in life expectancy. Urban population is increasing, and nomad and semi-nomad populations constitute 65% of the total population. The population development Somalia The current population Somalia is 15% As of Thursday January 15 2018 based on the latest united nations estimates. Somalia population is equivalent to 0.2% of the total world population. Somalia ranks number 74 in the latest of the country land decencies by population. The population density Somalia is 24km2 (63 people per m The total land area is 627,340km The population is urban(4,968,526) The effect of birth and death growth of Somalia. the impact of death and birth of the Somali people growth. the biggest impact is the birth and death in migration or out migration the growing population. As we know Somalia's growth is a balance because mortality and fertility are closely related. When it comes to Somalia, every second are died someone while someone bone. That is why Am saying the population of Somalia are balance. The history population of Somalia Somalia is located horn of Africa with 2018 population estimated at 15.18million up from the 2013 estimate 10 million. The country is rapidly expending with almost 3%annual population growth and high fertility rate of 6.26 children per woman which is the 14th highest in the world around 85% of it is people and ethnic. Common cities population in Somalia.

Mogadishu is 3,500,000 of people live in Hargeisa population is 1,400,000. borama population is 670,530. Kismaayo population is 430 ,000. Conclusion. There are so many factors that we can say the population of Somalia country will not growth until they stay this situation they are in Corruption Tribalism And other factors Wen we according to corruption if we are Somalia people corruption is our favorite thing I don’t know the reason For example you are prime minister then your brother said. My brother you have to seek work my son while his son never written some thing his ever, so that is the main problem that we have. If we silent that what will hope the future of our children because of this man is the worker of health care what he has done of our children even our population

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