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Equestrian use of Roadways

Harley knuth

Long before cars, horses were the main type of transportation. Now cars have to share the road with the occasional horse rider. Riding has become a popular pass time and even a series sport. Some riders don’t have fancy arena’s so they ride on the public roads. Many people including riders don’t know the rules of equestrian use of public roads. Some states don’t even allow horses to be on the road.

In Milton, Massachusetts an accident caused by an elderly gentleman hi by a young lady on horseback. The young lady suffered a broken pelvis and her horse had to be put down. (Rules of the Road, Horse and law ). Accident like this one occur more frequently than people think. More serious injuries have been recorded even some fatalities. So every rider needs to know the risks before riding on the road. Horses have a flight or fight nature, they can be unpredictable. Espealy when riding on the road. cars can easily spook a horse. Injuries are common while working with horses. Injures can depend on age, sex, safety equipment, and the experience of the horse (Williams, 1). The age of the rider has a great impact on the number of accidents. The majority of accidents happen to 10-15 old girls. They have less expectance than older riders. 20 year olds also have a great number of accidents, because they practice more and have a higher experience level

Girls have a higher accident level than boys however in their 30's men have a higher accident level (Williams, 3). During the warmer months accidents happen more often. Riders are out enjoying the weather. Horses are more spunky during spring time. More accidents happen when horses and riders are on the road more during the warmer months. Accidents on road happen more in rural areas than in urban (Williams,3).

Most accidents happen to the riders head,. When they are thrown from a horse they usually land on their heads. Head injuries can be very serious. "For adults the 12% of Injuries are head injuries. For Children 13% are to the head. Arms, Trunk, legs, and face”(William, 11) are areas that also get a great number of injuries. Children have a much higher accident rate those adults.

To prevent injuries a rider can use good safety equipment and good riding skills. A rider should were the proper riding boots. Riding boots have a healed so that the riders heal doesn’t get caught in the stir ups. A rider can be drug behind the horse if this happens.

ASTM approved helmet should be worn at all times when handling horses. Helmets protect your head a lot more than one would think. Wearing a helmet protects your head and neck. Also don’t ware loose clothing can catch on thing and should be avoided. Long hair should be pulled back and braided. (William,9)

Horses and pony’s should be a good size for the riders age and skill as a rider. the horse should have a temperament that the rider can handle. when riding a horse on the road the rider should know their horses temperament.(Williams,9)

Before the ride, all equipment should be double checked before even mounting. All saddles and bridles should be well maintained. Do not use any cracked or brocken gear. Replace all worn out tack. Tack can easily break and cause accidents to happen. Use caution when riding outside of paddocks and always be aware of your surroundings. There are some rules that both cars and riders need to know when coming into contact with each other to prevent accidents from happening.

Cars should slow down and move over whenever possible. (Rules of the Road,3) each state has different laws on how to drive when approaching a horse and rider. However drivers should treat riders in the same manor as pedestrian. Slowing way down is an essential part of the rule while approaching a horse and rider. Horses can spook easy and the rider can be thrown. Drivers should use common sense. Horse drawn buggies also need to be given the same respect as horse and rider. “Buggies are considered a slow moving vehicle”(Rules of the Road, horse and law). Most slow vehicles must have a emblem on them. Buggies usually have more than one person in the cart. More people can be hurt if an accident happens with horse buggies. Horses will sustain more serious injuries also.

What should the rider do while on public roads? Well each states laws are different. Some states want riders to ride on the left hand side of the road. Others want riders to ride on the right. If you want to ride on the road, you should reasech that states specific laws on equestrian of road ways.

“Horses and buggies have all the rights and obligations of other vehicles when being ridden or driven on public road ways.” (Rules of the road, Horses and the law) Common rules for riding on public roads include. Do not Ride on the road at night time. Divers may not be able to see you. However you should always wear reflective clothing. Walk your horse. Don’t race or run on the highway. Your horse may lose footing. Most states want riders to ride with the flow of traffic. Ride on the right hand side of the road, unless Your states laws are different. If you are riding with friends all horses should be in single file. Don’t ride side by side. Stop at stop signs or before entering a road. Don’t carry any packages with you while leading or riding. (Article 34-B,New York Laws) You need both hands to keep control of horse. Younger riders should not ride on the public roads without an adult. All rider must be wearing a helmet on the roads.

“The Federal Highway Administration has publicly clarified that Equestrian and other no motorized recreational use may be allowed on shared paths and trail.” (Equestrian use of highways, Bicycles). So Riding on the road is legal. But riders and cars must follow good safety habits. Riders should regularly look after gear, wear proper riding cloths, and follow the law. Cars should show down and move over. (Rules of the Road, horse and law).