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User:He Br Spring 2008

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Hello world! My name is Bryan Heenan and I am a freshman at Ohio University and this is my Sociology Project.

This is my Sociology 101 Spring Quarter Project Proposal

Intergroup conflicts and discrimination

  1. Objective I propose to show the different kinds of conflicts between groups and how discrimination causes these conflicts. I also intend to show the different kinds of groups that have conflicts ranging from different ethnicities to sports fans.
  2. Interest This is interesting because it will show and explain why some groups do not get along and the source for their arguments and why they are having conflicts with each other
  3. Background reading I will read wikipedia, text book and research other sources over the internet and will post the links below.
    1. I will find popular press discussions of my topic. Perhaps Wikipedia articles, blog entrys, newspaper and magazine stories, etc.
  4. General Plan I plan to get many examples of the kinds of groups that are currently in conflict or groups that have had conflicts in the past and give the who? why? and what?
  5. Collaborators I will be working alone.