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The Hyperboloidic Elliptorusphere (HETS) is a mathematically-defined construct whose inner structures intercomplement one another. The structures that compose HETS are a hyperboloid, an elliptosphere, a torus, and a sphere, hence its name. HETS is a very strong implication of natural structure of many things in the Universe for its discovery was based solely with the purpose of identifying the such. HETS may be a method by which one may define that the Universe has a very definite but obscured order of progression relative to its contents. If this is so, each of all unique combinations of the Universe' contents are required in order for the Universe to complete a single iteration, assuming that the Universe reoccurs. Some examples of HETS' explicitly demonstrated, perfect forms of occurence are that of the a human eye, trees (considering the roots), a human face, magnetic poles, a nuclear explosion, the face of a vehicle, a vehicles wheels along with their axels, the Earth's gravitational field, the Doughnut Shape of the Universe, a representative image of the internet, the mechanical diagram of a blackhole, etc..) Each structure of the HETS is subjectively representative, meaning that what it may represent varies greatly. The hyperbolid is the common representation of 2 opposing (usually incomplete) individual things (such as a mated entity couple or two people arguing out of necessity). The elliptosphere is the strobographic representaion of the greatest point of force from the motion of an object through space (swinging a stick, rolling a tire). The torus is the representation of any system be it the human circulatory system or even the motiongraph of a planet orbiting around a sun. The sphere is that which represents any individual things such as entities or objects irrespectful of its 3D structure. The HETS represents the Golden Ratio ((1+(5)^(1/2))/2) is represented as follows: the middle sphere is the indeterminate form (1) (an inconclusive argument), supported by a jury of five weak influencers, all determined by two strong influencers (as such the relationship between a battle, civilians, and two opposing leaders).

The Hyperboloidic Elliptorusphere

