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Closeted Heterosexuality

Closed Heterosexuality is when a person who thinks they have heterosexual attractions but aren't sure if they are heterosexual or attracted to both genders. Closeted Heterosexuality usually happens to youth in the church these youth hide their heterosexual romances and heterosexual sexual activity due to their strict upbringing. Heterosexual acts outside of a heterosexual marriage are sin according to the Christian Bible. Christians of all orientations whether heterosexual or not must practice chasity if they aren't going to get married in God's definition of a marriage which is a heterosexual union. Closeted Heterosexuality also affects a lot of teenage girls and young women because some young girls feel insecure in themselves to the point of hiding their attractions to a boy or girl they like,This Closeted Heterosexuality usually affects straight women due to issues related to weight, former child sex abuse,being turned down by people in the past and many more reasons to why a girl will partake in Closeted Heterosexuality. Some closeted heterosexual women decide to go on and date girls even though their attractions aren't aimed at girls because they feel comfortable with other girls. This is not to say that non-heterosexual orientated girls don't exist because many exist but this isn't about them.