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I am a priest and an orthodox monk (hieromonk), who seeks the truth and delivers the Word of salvation.

My church, is born of the AOCC and is our first Patriarch His Beatitude Uladislau Ryzi Ryski. We have been vilified and treated in a thousand ways, for the sole fact of not being recognized by the great patriarchates, I hope that when presenting our Succession, many of those who attack us will change and realize that in respect and charity is the hand of the only Judge.

We were born from the persecution of Russian Marxism, it was thanks to the UKAZ n. ° 362 of His Holiness the Patriarch, of the Sacred Synod and Supreme Ecclesiastical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, November 20/7, 1920, which gives us the autocephaly. Ukaz No. 362 is the decree that was issued by His Holiness the Patriarch Tikhon of the Church of Russia in 1920 during the ascendency of the Bolshevik government in Russia. The ukaz established governance rules for dioceses of the church that may find themselves cut-off from the patriarchal organization. The ukaz became the basis for various actions and decisions by the elements of the Russian church outside the fatherland.

As the Bolsheviks increased their pressure on the church organization and people after the October 1917 revolution Patr. Tikhon, the newly elected patriarch of the Russian Church, experienced increasing difficulties communicating with the dioceses of the church. Recognizing that communications between the patriarchate and the dioceses may cease he prepared an order containing instructions for those parts of the church that find they cannot communicate with the patriarchate. This order, Ukaz No. 362, he signed on November 20, 1920. It was using this ukaz that the overseas dioceses and church in diaspora organized themselves during the years of Bolshevik domination of the Russia.

Based on the foregoing, we are a duly constituted church with a valid succession, as shown below.