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Are we too dependent on the internet?




Internet refers to a global network of interconnected computers and the infrastructure through which applications such as e-mails, chat rooms and instant messaging operate. Internet was developed many years ago in the early sixties with the inputs of many professors, the likes of J.C.R Licklinder, Al Gore and many others.

Points for:


With technology enhancing to the next level, majority tends to explore and grow with it as they depend on it. Internet acts as the post brain for most of us as every individual have their own various reasons for using it inconsiderate whether they are good or bad. It is used worldwide by people of all age groups either for educational purposes or business. Businesses and its people depend solely on it as great business deals are due to networking. Exchanging of e-mails becomes very vital as it helps you as a business person to bond and interact with the outside world. Others tend to learn and grow intellectually by searching the net whilst others socialize and mingle on social networks such as face book and twitter.

"Now with the advent of google, I could search for "Java chat program" and the WHOLE code would come up, I could just add what I need and market the software. Would everybody agree with me that this is actually not programming? and that the programmer is not actually a true programmer because google gives them everything on a plate. Even when I get stuck on code, in fact ALL the time, I just google and the answer comes up. And further if it wasnt for google it would take me months to work out a specific piece of code. Does this really make me or anybody else a true programmer? Ive started iphone development, I find that if I dont use google, and just use books its IMPOSSIBLE to make ANYTHING." [1]

Points against:


However other people seem to cope well without the internet. They do rely on books and teaching materials though. The Library happens to be their best source of information. These minority groups do believe in hard work and determination as searching the net without any attempt of research first points to plagiarism. One has to do some critical thinking before seeking any other alternatives. They regard the internet to be too broad and unreliable as it does not always follow the motion posted. In other words....”Let's take it a step further: before computers...before electricity...before civilization...we had to hunt and farm without any slaves. It was tiring work, but made us stronger. (Actually, farming weakened us, so let's go before the agricultural revolution and just be hunter gatherers).” [2]



In conclusion, I totally agree that we are dependent on the internet. The world isn’t exactly the same since centuries ago; the only thing that is constantly keeping changing is the efficiency of the methods. It does not matter what type of method you use, what matters today is productivity and efficiency. I guess life is too short, and we should just stick with the result. In other words Google is just a reflection of evolution, nothing more. So, I suggest we rather boost efficiency by utilizing available resources and save time.

Reference list

  1. ^ Circuit advertisement 07-20-2010 05:15PM #ADS
  2. ^ Opwuaioc 07-20-2010 06:15PM#3

3. http://forum.codecall.net/general-programming/30393-we-too-dependent-google.html Retrieved on 04 August 2011 at 03:15PM

4. http://walthowe.com/navnet/history.html Retrieved on 03 August 2011 at 12:27AM