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Hi every one. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Chan Hong Ming, I live in Hong Kong . So my user name is started 'HK'. My birthday is on 28,July in 1989. I am not yet 17 years old . Since the education system of HK is different from US. Although i am nearly 17 years old, I still cannot go to the university. This is what I hate most about HK! In HK there are two open examinations that all students should be attained . One is HKCEE, and other is HKAL. We have our HKCEE when we are in F5. Now I just finished it. If i can get 14 points out of 30, then I can be in F6. It seems very easy but it is not. If we go up to F6, do not think that it will be an easy life, two years later, that means we are in F7, HKAL is waiting for us, another harsh exam. If we can pass it, then we can go to U. Do you think that as a HK student is hard?? Actually it is suck.

Let talk about my own information. As you know, I am in F5,that is your year 11(maybe). I study Arts, there are science class and arts class in HK, I study 8 subjects for my HKCEE. They are Chinese, English, Mathematics, World History, Chinese History, Economics, Chinese Literture and Religious studies. I hate most is RS and the rest are okay . My school is called SKHTSK Secondary School. I study in class 5A and most of my classmates is girls.

About my family, I live with my parents and my smaller brother. I have a cat. Actually I don't like it at all. I come from a traditional Chinese family (maybe it is not), and i have a lot of relatives. Even some of them I have never seen.

Then talk about myself, my favourate food is ice-cream, my favourate movie is ... there are a lot, such as X-men, a cinerella story, new york mintute, the lord of the ring, harry potter... my favourate tv programme is ... something you don't know! my favourate actors/actresses/singers are Hilary Duff, Ben Foster, Jamie Bell.

I don't know what else can I write, then talk about my future planning, I hope I can get in University of HK. I would like studying psychology or economics. Also,I hope I can visit or live in US within ten years. This is my dream since I have sense. I always think about moving to New York where is my favourate city(Although i have not been there).

Lastly , sorry for my poor English. It is really difficult(not at all) for us, whose mother lanuage is Chinese. Hope all of you have a nice day!!