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Coat of Arms of Astrakhan

Astrakhan — is a city of Russia, the administrative center of the Astrakhan region. The oldest economic and cultural center of the Lower Volga region and the Caspian sea. It is included in the list of historical cities of Russia. It forms an urban district of the city of Astrakhan. The Astrakhan centre of the urban agglomeration. It is located in the upper part of the Volga river Delta, on 11 Islands of the Caspian lowland. The distance to Moscow by road is 1550 km. the City is divided into 4 administrative districts: Kirovsky, Sovetsky, Leninsky and Trusovsky.


Map of Volga river

At the end of the XIII century on the Volga there is one of the Golden Horde cities - Astarkhan. The city was built on a high hillock, on the right Bank of the Volga river 12 kilometers above modern Astrakhan. The Italian Ambassador Ambrose Contarini, who visited Astarkhan in 1475, described his journey as follows: "on the morning of April 15, the wind blew, and we set sail, moving all the time near the shore. This continued until April 26, when we entered the mouth of the Volga, the greatest river. From its mouth to Astrakhan-75 miles. Due to the strong current, we arrived only on April 30 in Astrakhan. On this side of Astrakhan-in the direction of the sea-shore-there is a huge salt lake; it is said that it gives so much salt that it could supply a large part of the world with it." One of the theories explains the name of the city in those lands lived the descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes, the Aesir. For military merits they received from Batu Khan the diploma-Tarkhan exempting from duties in favor of the state. It was a great honor. In commemoration of this event, the aces gave the name of the city "As-Tarkhan". Later, a Hajj pilgrim, who had returned from a pilgrimage from Holy Mecca, settled in the city. He was held in high esteem and respect in the city. Therefore, sometimes there is another name of the city - Haji Tarkhan. Since its inception, Astarkhan has become a center of trade and has grown rapidly. Houses were built, mostly of reeds and clay, the city was protected by a low stone wall. In Astarkhan worked pottery, blacksmiths, copper foundries. The winter of 1396 came. The city was preparing for defense, and from the Volga on the strengthened ice it was easy to capture the city. And then the inhabitants of the pieces of thick ice built a powerful wall. But the rulers decided to surrender the city without a fight. Timur's troops from Central Asia, who plundered many cities of the Golden Horde, did not spare Astarkhan. After their departure on place prosperous cities remained a ghastly conflagration. Although the city was rebuilt, it has lost its former importance.

Formation of Astrakhan Khanate

Ivan III defiantly breaks the letter of Khan Akhmat

After the defeat of the Mongol troops on the Kulikovo field, the power of the Golden Horde came to an end. The state was torn by internal contradictions. Began his disintegration. This process accelerated after the invasion of Timur. In the middle of the XV century the Astrakhan Khanate was formed. In the North, the borders of the khanate reached Saray-Batu, by then deserted, in the East they passed along the Buzan river. In the South and West were on the Terek, Kuban and don. The main occupations of the population of the Astrakhan Khanate were nomadic cattle breeding and trade. Astrakhan-the capital of the khanate-was at the intersection of trade routes. In the bazaars of the city you could buy fabrics and silks from the East, furs, leather goods from Kazan and Russian lands, slaves from the Crimea. A significant role in the economy of the khanate was played by crafts-hunting fishing, salt extraction. Agriculture was not developed. Fertile lands were found only on the banks of the river Buzan. The population of the Astrakhan Khanate was completely dependent on the Mongol khans and was imposed a large tax-yasak.

Urban governance


At the end of the XV century Astarkhan belonged to three brothers who were nephews of the Mongol Khan Ahmed. They hardly lived in the city. In summer, wandering with their herds, the Mongols went to the borders of Russia in search of good pastures and returned only in winter to spend a few months in Astarkhan. The elder brother Hasim Khan ruled the city. Every year he sent to the Prince of Moscow. In the place with the Ambassador there were whole caravans of Tatar merchants who carried with them Persian silk to exchange it for furs, saddles, bridles, etc.

Accession of Astrakhan Khanate to Russia


The Astrakhan Khanate was almost always dependent on the stronger Kazan and Crimean khanates. In the XVI century, the Crimean khanate, headed by Saib Giray, sought to completely conquer Astrakhan. Together with him, The Astrakhan Khanate drew closer to Russia and in 1547 concluded a Treaty with it. The struggle of Russia and Crimea for the Volga region is even more intensified. In 1547, Saib-Giray captured Astrakhan and put on the throne of Yamgurchey Khan, hostile to Russia. Russian Russian Tsar Ivan the terrible, interested in obtaining Russia access to the Caspian sea, sends in 1554 in Astrakhan three Russian detachment voivode Prince Yu. Pronsky-Shemyakin, who almost without a fight captures Astrakhan. On the throne was planted protege of Moscow dervish-Ali. In 1556, a new approach of the Russian troops I. Cheremisin Took place. Dervish Ali was overthrown and for treason under guard escorted to Moscow. From that moment The Astrakhan Khanate was finally annexed to Russia.

The beginning of the uprising in Astrakhan


In the summer of 1606 in the Northern land began one of the largest uprisings of the time of Troubles in Russia. The main force of the uprising were enslaved peasants and slaves. Along with them, the uprising was attended by the Cossacks, townspeople, archers in border cities. The peculiarity of the uprising was its multinational character. Among the rebels could be found Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Tatars. One of the largest centers of struggle was Astrakhan. Astrakhan events go far beyond the uprising led By I. Bolotnikov. The government managed to suppress this movement only in 1614, the beginning of the open struggle in Astrakhan dates back to the last year of the reign of B. Godunov. The year of the beginning of the uprising in Astrakhan can be considered 1605. At this time in Astrakhan recruited in the service of "people walking". Their pay was delayed. The Cossacks were starving and complaining. Rebellious Cossacks in the spring of 1606, coming to the Volga lower reaches. We decided to go to Moscow. In the years 1605-1606 in Moscow reign false Dmitry I, who was with the Cossacks of Ilaci Muromets in correspondence. Astrakhan grassroots welcomed the accession to the throne of false Dmitry I, considering him the rightful king. "Saint Theodosius bravely resisted this, instilling in the people that he who calls Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich is an impostor ...",- it is written in the Klyucharev chronicle. But the Bishop's words only angered the people. He wanted to kill, but soon with the dishonor was sent to Moscow. The uprising in Astrakhan was directed not only against the nobles, but also against the merchant people. Crowds of people began to smash the shops. The driving force of the uprising was the poorest part of the townspeople (serfs, yaryzhki, working people), in addition, the uprising was actively involved shooters and Cossacks. The forces of the rebels were scattered. There was no strict discipline. After the death of false Dmitry I in Moscow, boyar Fyodor Sheremetyev managed to suppress the uprising in Astrakhan.

The new rise of the rebellion


The beginning of the uprising led By I. Bolotnikov again stirred Astrakhan. Here and there there were conflicts. In 1612, the troops of one of Bolotnikov's atamans Ivan Zarutsky approached Astrakhan. By that Time I. Zarutsky already served and on the side of the Polish king Sigismund III, and at false Dmitry II, and even visited the first national militia, and then fought on the side of enemies of a militia. Now, fleeing from the people's anger, ataman I. Zarutsky, together with the former wife of false Dmitry I Marina Mnishek, who became his wife, arrived at the walls of Astrakhan. "Staying In the salt shelter... on behalf of the Moscow tsarina, as Marina was reputed, Zarutsky sent Ioan Andreevich Golitsyn that he met the tsarina of Moscow and accepted her with due honor in Astrakhan with all her army", - it is written in the Klyucharev chronicle. In the city, incited by the monks, the lower classes revolted. Forces for the defense of the city was not enough. But Golitsyn acted decisively. He expelled from the city of the monks of the Trinity monastery. Then, having lured to the city 300 people from I. Zarutsky's army, executed them. Ataman I. Zarutsky did not dare to storm the city. On his orders, fortifications were erected near the city of Astrakhan at the Bashmakovsky Erik. I. Zarutsky was joined by the rebellious Tatars led by Prince Mambeyev.

Astrakhan in 1681

Defeat of the rebels


In January 1614, detachments of Tatars led by Prince Mambeyev moved North to the Red Hill (now Krasny Yar) under the protection of the earthen fortress. "There was a terrible bloodshed, so that Golitsyn doubted to get the upper hand over the thieves, finally broke and what was looted in Russia, fell into the hands of the victors; Marishka and Zarutsky with a few Tatars and traitors-Cossacks fled to the Yaitsky steppes, where they were caught," - so describes these events Klyucharev chronicle. According to historians S. M. Solovyov and N. I. Kostomarov ataman Zarutsky and Marina Mnishek with his son were allowed to Astrakhan and settled in the Kremlin. I. Zarutsky demanded from Astrakhan to swear to the son of Marina. Obey him.But the city is ripe dissatisfaction with the rule of Zarutsky. Fearing revolt, Zarutsky raged: "put in water good citizens and plundered their estates, relying on Tatars". Day and night there were tortures and executions. The reason for the uprising in Astrakhan was the order of Zarutsky on the day of Bright Sunday to execute all suspicious. I. Zarutsky locked himself in the Kremlin. A fight ensued. From the walls of the Kremlin on the Astrakhan hit guns. To help Astrakhan there has arrived a squad of Terek archers under the command of Vasily Khokhlov. Zarutsky's troops were defeated, He himself fled, but was soon captured and together with Marina Mnishek and her son was sent to Moscow. In 1721, the Treaty of Nishtadt was signed, which opened the way to the Baltic sea for Russian merchant ships. Ended the great Northern war. Russia faced the task of moving to the East. The first stage of its solution was to strengthen the Russian positions on the South-Western coast of the Caspian sea. To prepare the Persian campaign, Peter I went to Astrakhan. "The great Peter immediately appreciated the importance of Astrakhan, which was navigable at the mouth of the great river, not far from the Caspian sea, adjacent to the rich countries of the Caucasus and Persia, and on the road to Central Asia, promised to make the most important point of Russia in trade and political relations, and thus almost from the first years of his reign, the Great Emperor began to care about the development of industry and trade," wrote historian Astrakhan N. F. Leontiev. Great preparations were made for the arrival of Peter the great in the city. In the Kremlin, all the dilapidated buildings were demolished, a special residence for the Emperor and his retinue was built next to the Governor's house. Down the Kutum, Shamanovska garden for Peter the great built a magnificent Palace. In the garden itself, various amusements were urgently repaired: swings, carousels, places for racing. Near the Palace built a small bridge over the Erik. On a quiet, sultry day on June 19, 1722, a Russian squadron approached Astrakhan. From the towers of the Kremlin the Artillery salute thundered, the Cathedral bells rang. From the Nikolsky gate, to which the Emperor rode in a boat with the Empress and retinue, he went through the Kremlin square to the assumption Cathedral. The arrival of His Majesty was met at the door of the Cathedral Church on the porch of the Bishop with the Holy cross and gospel, and bells, and praying in the Cathedral Church of His Majesty deigned to be the Bishop a quarter of an hour, and from the Bishop deigned to go to his house sovereign..."- recorded in the diary of the Governor of A. P. Volynsky.

Peter's stay in Astrakhan


Astrakhan people treated Peter differently. The king walked the streets with a long clay pipe between his teeth. In the view of most Russians, only Satan can spew smoke and fire from his mouth. From the first day to the Emperor a flood of requests, petitions and complaints to their local authority. Many of them remained unanswered in the archives of the Chancellery, and some of them were answered by the Tsar himself. One day Peter climbed the Prechistinskaya bell tower and examined the surroundings with a telescope. Peter was particularly struck by the assumption Cathedral and the Kremlin itself. He drew attention to the condition of the Astrakhan streets and ordered them to be paved. To do this, now every ship that sailed to Astrakhan, had to bring a few pounds of bricks or cobblestones. The main residence of Peter I was the Palace in the Zaman garden. Every day Pyotr Alekseevich went up on a yacht on Kutum and the Kremlin where in provincial office plans of the forthcoming campaign were hatched. Peter examined the gardens where the vines of Hungarian and Rhenish grapes were planted. He ordered to arrange watering machines for irrigation of gardens and to establish a special garden office. In one of July days Peter I together with the Empress, visited the Poultry yard created by his decree in 1718. Here they raised strange birds and sent them to St. Petersburg. Having examined the Poultry yard and remained satisfied, the Emperor pointed out that there were also different rare animals. The great Peter was interested in many things in Astrakhan: trade, sericulture, fish and salt industries, but first of all he paid attention to what was associated with the Persian campaign.

Preparation for the Persian campaign


During the campaign, allies were needed. One of them was Kalmyk Khan Ayuka. In mid-July, in the camp near the salty river, a meeting of Peter I and Ayuk Khan took place. During the conversation, the goals and objectives of the Kalmyk troops during the Persian campaign were discussed. At the end of the ceremony, Peter I presented the Khan with a battle saber decorated with diamonds and semi-precious stones. Ayuka presented his best soldiers to Tsar Peter, assuring him that they would " always be ready to defeat the enemies of Russia." On July 18, 1722, Peter I organized a review of the flotilla on the Volga. Warships lined the shore. The flagship stood out. On the plesir-yacht with a Golden eagle on the mast, the king rode around the flotilla, which met him with a salute. Chief hieromonk of the fleet Lawrence Gorka consecrated all newly built ships. A volley of artillery rang out from the battlements, and Admiral-General Apraxin raised the pennant of the flagship, The Princess Anne, and gave the signal to March. "July in 18 th day in osmom hour afternoon the entire our fleet, in the name of of God path its perceived in sea in 274 courts", - was recorded in travel journal Emperor.

Completion of Peter I's stay in Astrakhan

Peter 1

The Persian campaign ended successfully. In 1723, a Treaty was signed with Iran, according to which Derbent, Baku, Gilyan and Astrobal departed to Russia. October 4, 1723 Peter I returned to Astrakhan. The king was very ill. Personal life-medic Lawrence Blumentrost strongly recommended to abandon all cases and comply with the regime. But Peter had to sum up the results of the Persian company, in Moscow and St. Petersburg were waiting for urgent business. From day to day a Turkish envoy was to arrive in Astrakhan. While waiting for the envoy, Peter I wasted no time. He had long been interested in Astrakhan fisheries. The king went to Trinity and Kamyzyaksky utsugi. The Tsar was especially interested in the black caviar trade, the prices of which were constantly growing on the world market. Meanwhile, preparations were being made for the departure, which was scheduled for November 5. The day of departure arrived. Under the bells and cannon salute galley of Peter I, accompanied by small galleys, set off. From the shore shouted: "Hurrah!". Peter c Empress stood at the stern, the last time looking around the tower of the Kremlin and the White city. Abundant city-port, city-fortress-such remained Astrakhan in memory of Peter the Great.

The construction and defense of the new Astrakhan


As time went on. The ancient city was decaying and crumbling. It could no longer be a reliable protection for its inhabitants. Over Astrakhan was in mortal danger. Amorcee instigated by the Prince, revolted Tartars. Turkish Khan Suleiman was preparing a campaign to Astrakhan the Danger came from the Crimea. In 1556 it was decided to build Russian Astrakhan on a new site In 1558. the first Astrakhan Governor Cheremisov chose to build the city of hare hillock, on the left Bank of the Volga. During the flood whole herds of hares escaped on this elevated place. It seemed that nature itself took care of the protection of the city .On the North, West and South sides access to it was blocked by the Volga river, its tributary Balda and impassable swamps. It remains to strengthen the Eastern side. Here first poured earthen rampart. But it quickly collapsed. Then the city was surrounded by a wooden palisade.Located on an island, on a high shore, the city of Astrakhan, surrounded by a wooden wall and an earthen rampart, did not represent a picturesque picture. The low buildings of clay and reeds seemed to crowd together. The streets are covered with sand in the summer and impassable mud in winter were often impassable. A horrible smell came from the fish hanging everywhere, which was a staple food. Severe hot Climate, lack of meat and bread were the cause of frequent epidemics. Astrakhan was of great importance for the development of Russian trade. This was the reason for the government's concern for the city. The Tsar guards Astrakhan, sends here people, supplies, wood for the construction of the Kremlin. In 1558, Russian masters Dey Gubastyj and Mikhail Velyaminov, sent by the Tsar from Moscow, began to supervise the construction of the stone Kremlin . Bricks were brought from the ruins of the Golden Horde city. The walls of the Kremlin and the areas between them were reinforced with towers. The most powerful tower is the Crimean, located on the Western side. The thickness of its walls reaches 3.5 meters the Tower has five tiers, 20 loopholes were made. Neither time nor people were able to break the Crimean tower, it remained in its original form. The tower was very weak. It had only 9 loopholes. In front of the tower was a Granary yard-hence its name and weak armament. The names of the Kremlin towers reveal their history. Bishop's-near the house of the Bishop; Red-beautiful; Artillery-near the artillery yard. With the growth of the population of Astrakhan, to the East of the fortress, there is a settlement with residential yards . By 1631, this area was surrounded by a stone wall and was named White city. The stone Kremlin became a reliable protection for citizens.

Geographical location

Map of Astrakhan Oblast

Astrakhan region is located in the South-East of the East European plain within the Caspian lowland, in temperate latitudes, in the zone of deserts and semi-deserts. The region is part of the Southern Federal district. It bordered by two regions of the Russian Federation the Volgograd region and Kalmykia, and with Kazakhstan, at sea with the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The region stretches in a narrow strip on both sides of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain for a distance of more than 400 km. the Main landscape of the region is represented by a desert plain, complicated by huge masses of sand, hills, lakes, karst landforms. The desert plain is crossed from North-West to South-East by the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, whose abundant water flows form a vast Delta at the confluence with the Caspian sea. Within the floodplain and Delta desert landscapes are replaced by meadows, belt forests, dense thickets of reeds and cattails, bright Lotus flowers. The Volga and Caspian waters are rich in various species of flora and fauna. Climate

The Climate of Astrakhan is temperate, sharply continental with large annual and summer daily temperature amplitudes, low rainfall and high water evaporation. The city is characterized by East, South-East and North-East winds, from April to August there are dry winds. This type of Climate is explained by the geographical position of the city in the zone of semi-deserts. Astrakhan has an average of 213 Sunny days per year. The duration of the day in Astrakhan varies from 8 hours 36 minutes on December 22 to 15 hours 48 minutes on June 22. The annual rainfall is 234 mm. by the amount of precipitation Astrakhan is the largest arid city in Europe. The first observations of the weather in Astrakhan began to carry out in 1745, some enthusiasts-Astrakhan. In 1888, a weather station was opened at the Astrakhan real school. In 1934, the Astrakhan branch of hydrometeorological service was established, which after a number of reorganizations was transformed in 1959 into the Astrakhan zonal hydrometeorological Observatory. The highest temperature recorded in Astrakhan for the entire period of observations — + 41 °C, and the loWest -33,8 °C.



As of the 2010 census, the population of Astrakhan oblast was 1,010,700. The urban population is 674,000 and the rural population is 336,700. The gender makeup of the region is 53% female and 47% male. There are 1,130 women for every 1,000 men. The average population density of the region is 19 people per 1 sq km of the Most densest territory Astrakhan region is Privolzhskiy rayon (47 people per 1 square km); increased population density in Ikraninskiy district (25 people per 1 square km) along the main road in the Volga Delta. The most poorly populated Enotaevsky, chernoyarsky and Akhtuba districts. The population of the region is relatively young (this is due to its national composition and large migration influx); only 19 % of the population is older than working age. Migration inflow in the region is positive (3 % in 2005). people in search of stability in the economy, social and political life move to the Astrakhan region mainly from Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

The history of the settlement of the Astrakhan region


Already in the second half of the XVI century in Astrakhan region, along with the Russians, began to arrive Armenians, Bukharans, khivins, Persians, Indians. They were attracted by profitable trade with the Moscow state, as the government encouraged the development of trade with Eastern countries, providing various benefits to overseas merchants. Since the XVII century in Astrakhan there are living yards of Persians, Armenians, Indians, established trading companies. However, Armenians were among the first to settle here, many of whom eventually turned into local residents. In the first half of the eighteenth century they already had in Astrakhan their homes, churches, living rooms rows, opened Dzhulfinskuyu company for trade with Persia. In the decree of September 23, 1725, Armenians are already called "Astrakhan residents from ancient years", as evidenced By M. S. Rybushkin in his notes about the Astrakhan region. Europeans also sought to establish trade relations with Astrakhan, and through it with the countries of the East. The British were particularly energetic. In the 30s of the XVIII century, the steppes of the Northern Caspian became the habitat of Kalmyks, who previously roamed the vast expanses of Western Mongolia. Here, in the Caspian region, the Kalmyks completed the process of feudalization. With numerous herds of sheep, herds of horses, they moved from place to place in search of pastures, places for wintering cattle, watering. Having migrated from the North Caucasus, in the Astrakhan steppes in 1740 appeared Kundra Tatars, or karagapsh, - descendants of Nogais. Joining the Kalmyks, they in 1755 took Russian citizenship. During the XIX century among them there was a process of transition to a settled way of life . At the end of the XVIII century Kazakhs appeared on the territory of Astrakhan region. Russian Russian Empire in 1799, through the mediation of the commander of the Astrakhan Cossack regiment Popov Khan of one of the Kazakh Hordes Bukey began negotiations with the Russian government to obtain Russian citizenship with the provision of steppe nomads between the Ural river (Yaik) and the Volga. In 1801, Paul I gave his consent. In 1801 — 1802 years several hundred wagons of Bukei legally appeared in the Astrakhan region. On behalf of the Khan of Bukey Horde, the Kazakh got the name bukey, and by its territorial, geographic location Internal. It should also be noted that the historically large group in the Astrakhan region was the Tatar population, which for a long time led a sedentary lifestyle, engaged in all kinds of economic activities, made a great contribution to the economic development of the region. At the beginning of the XIX century in Astrakhan lived about 30, and in the middle of the century-about 45 thousand inhabitants. According to the first all-Russian census of 1897 in the Astrakhan province, whose area was 207193.3 square miles, lived 994775 inhabitants, among whom 134531 people lived in cities, 860244-in rural areas. In Astrakhan itself there were 113001, in Enotaevsk-2807, in the Red Yar — 4684, Black Yar — 5144 inhabitants. In 1915, the population of the province was 1430000 people. The peculiarity of the Astrakhan Cossacks was its multi-ethnic composition. There were Russians and poles, Kalmyks and Tatars, little Russians. The Cossacks were an example of religious tolerance. Although the vast majority of Cossacks were Orthodox, among them were, in addition, Muslims, Catholics, old believers. Being very different on ethnic and religious grounds, the Cossacks were United by convoy-guard service and mutual economic interest. By the beginning of XX century in Astrakhan province lived 1241432 people. Among them: Russians-552399, Ukrainians-178712, Belarusians -12452. Thus, the Slavic group of the population was predominant, it as a whole United 733563 persons. Here you can still add 2358 poles. Other nationalities were distributed as follows: Kazakhs-279321; Kalmyks-143674; Tatars-65456; Armenians-9724; Germans-3382; Jews-2597; Persians-1259, French and English-45, others-50 people. Of all the inhabitants of Astrakhan province by the end of the XIX century, about 70 percent were sedentary, and 30 percent-nomadic. Thus, by this time the Astrakhan region, previously deserted and uninhabited, was mostly inhabited, which was a solid basis for further socio-economic development of the Astrakhan province.



Natural wealth


The main wealth of the subsoil of the Astrakhan region is hydrocarbon raw materials, which largely determines the socio-economic development of the region. 7 oil, gas and gas condensate fields have been identified in the region. Of these, 5 deposits were found in Mesozoic sediments (Promyslovskoye, Beshkulskoye, Severo - Shajinskoye, Bugrinskoye, Camel) with depths of productive layers in the range 750-2700 m, 2 deposits-in Paleozoic (Carboniferous) sediments (Astrakhan, alekseevskoye) with depths of productive deposits 3800-4100m. Developed four fields to master - the Camel, in intelligence - alekseyevskoye and in conservation - Bugrinskij. The Astrakhan gas condensate field (AGCM) is unique in terms of reserves and composition in the European part of Russia. Proven gas reserves are 2631.87 of billion m3, condensate-409.73 million tons currently. The left-Bank part of the field of LLC "Astrakhangazprom"is being Developed. With the planned level of gas production of 12 billion m3 per year the security of the enterprise with industrial reserves on the left Bank of the AGCM is hundreds of years. In the Astrakhan region there are a number of deposits of other minerals, including the largest in Russia Deposit of table salt the Baskunchak lake. It contains 98 % sodium chloride, salt is extracted to a depth of 8 m. the Deposit has been developed since the last century. Large reserves of salt, open method of development and proximity to the transport railway allow us to consider this Deposit as the largest not only in Russia but also in the CIS. JSC "Bassol", developing the field, produced 1420 thousand tons of salt. The security of the enterprise with reserves at the design level of production is 27 years. On the territory of Narimanovsky and Limansky districts there are a number of deposits of self-sedimentary salt with insignificant reserves and low quality of mineral. On the territory of the region revealed a significant number of deposits of common minerals: brick and tile raw materials, flasks, sand, gypsum, mineral paints and groundwater. In the Narimanov district of the region there are significant reserves of therapeutic muds. The resort "Tinaki" currently uses the mud of lake Curative. The approved reserves of therapeutic mud for the category b Deposit amount to 177 thousand cubic meters. The Mineral resource base is an important component in the economic development of the Astrakhan region and a source of significant funds to the regional budget.

The main indicators of economic development of the Astrakhan region


The economy of the region, since 1997, is in a stage of steady growth. Over the past six years, there has been a significant increase in the main indicators of the state of the economy. Change of the main indicators of the regional economy in 2002 to the level of 1996. In 2002, the growth of the gross regional product by 1996 amounted to 50.3 %, industrial production-75.5 %, gross agricultural production-17.1 %, freight turnover of transport enterprises-77.4 %, retail trade turnover-21.9 %, investments in fixed assets-49.3 %, the volume of contract work-77.4 %. The results of the region's economic development in 2002 confirm the consolidation of sustainable economic growth trends. The growth rates of industrial and agricultural production of the region exceed the all-Russian. Astrakhan region consistently occupies the 2nd place among the subjects included in the Southern Federal district in terms of production of industrial products per capita. The volume of cargo transportation and the turnover of transport enterprises are increasing at a faster pace than in the Russian Federation. Real wages and incomes have increased. In terms of wages, the region occupies a leading position among the regions of the Southern Federal district, and in terms of per capita income is on the 3rd place. Housing construction is developing intensively. In terms of housing construction per capita Astrakhan region in 2001 took the 1st place in the Russian Federation, and in 2002 the commissioning of housing with a total volume of 520.7 thousand square meters. m. approached the pre-perestroika record volumes in 1987. Compared to 1991, the level of telephony has more than doubled. Gasification of the region is going on intensively: over the past six years, more than 2800 km of gas pipelines have been built, more than

68626 households have been gasified, gas has first come to 107 settlements. The construction of objects of social sphere. Special attention is paid to the most vulnerable categories of the region's population: war and labor veterans, pensioners, low-income families. An important role in raising living standards played adopted in the early 2001 Regional Representative Assembly "Program raising living standards population Astrakhan area until 2005", unparalleled which there is no nowhere in Russia. The growth of the economy has provided a significant increase in tax revenues and significantly expanded the opportunities of the region for the development of social and industrial infrastructure.



Astrakhan region is one of the most unique regions of Russia. Its area is more than 44 thousand square kilometers, occupying part of the Eastern European plain, the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, Delta and adjacent deserts and semi-deserts. Agricultural land is more than 3.4 million hectares. The areas occupied for vegetable crops are the largest in Russia. 350 thousand tons of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, beets, onions and cabbage are annually grown and sold in the fields of the region. Astrakhan vegetables are characterized by high consumer qualities. For example, tomatoes grown in the region are a source of high-value vitamins and minerals, and the content of vitamin C is almost equal to lemons. Astrakhan region is one of the largest tomato producers in Russia. The region produces more than 25 varieties of tomatoes with excellent taste, containing many vitamins. Many years of agricultural experience in the production of tomatoes has identified varieties and hybrids that are most popular with consumers. In terms of quality (appearance, maturation, transportability), tomatoes grown in the Astrakhan region have no equal in Russia and abroad. Climatic conditions of the region allow to receive two crops of potatoes a year. The introduction of domestic, Dutch and German varieties into the production of high-quality seed material is a determining factor in obtaining high, stable yields. In the region for a number of years, the regional festival "potato" is held annually, in which the scientific and practical conference "Second bread" is held. Astrakhan region has always been famous for its melons. The phrase "Astrakhan watermelon" has already become a brand of the region. Local watermelons on taste, medical and dietary properties have no equal neither in Russia, not in Europe. Traditional in the Astrakhan region is the production of rice. Inspection organizations have never had any complaints about the quality and environmental safety of Astrakhan rice, all sanitary standards have been met. The taste of Astrakhan rice attracts buyers from many regions of Russia. The product range of crop production is constantly expanding. Crop production of the Astrakhan region is represented by the following industries: 1)rice farming, with a production volume of 19.8 thousand tons; 2) vegetable production-382,0 thousand tons; 3) melon-137,3 thousand tons; 4)potato production-156,5 thousand tons. Animal husbandry of the region includes: cattle breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming, horse breeding, camel breeding, pig breeding. The leading branch of animal husbandry of the Astrakhan region is sheep breeding. The region has a unique genetic Fund of sheep of fine-wool, Karakul, meat-wool and edilbaevskoy breeds, providing great opportunities for the production of wool. Recently, the development of meat sheep. Pig farming is one of the promising and profitable branches of animal husbandry. Main breeds: large white, Landrace, Duroc and others. In stud horse breeding there is a great potential to increase the breed qualities of the kushum, don and Arab breeds of horses. In addition, camel breeding is successfully developing. In the Astrakhan region is 80 % of the total number of camels in Russia (about 5000 heads). This is the world's largest population of camels - Bactrians Kalmyk breed. The main direction of the camel industry is the production of meat and wool. The development of dairy production (shubat) can become a promising direction in camel breeding. Annually in the Astrakhan region are camel races for the prize of the Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation. Poultry farming is actively developing in the region. One of the poultry farms is being repurposed for the production of broiler meat.

Transport complex

Astr railroad station

Priority directions of development of the transport sector are: construction of commercial seaport Olya; reconstruction and upgrading of the Astrakhan consolidated port including construction of berthing facilities and mooring cover, purchase of port equipment (reach stackers and gantry cranes); create operators for services provided for cargo flow; development existing and creation of new shipping companies, the renewal of the courts; reconstruction of the airport "Astrakhan", including strengthening of the runway, as well as equipping the airport with the latest equipment and modernization of the terminal; construction of a bypass road on the Eastern side of Astrakhan, access roads to seaports, construction of the TRANS-Caspian ferry crossing, reconstruction of bridges. The transport component of the region has an extensive network of communications-Railways-more than 600 km, roads - more than 3.5 thousand km, waterways - up to 1.5 thousand km and 185 km of the Volga-Caspian shipping channel. A great advantage of the region is the possibility of intermodal organization of cargo transportation, allowing to combine the advantages of all types of transport. The administration of the region pays great attention to the development of the road industry, road builders has supported and actively interacts with the State service of roads of Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation. At present, one of the main tasks of the management of "Astrakhanavtodor" is to preserve the existing network of public roads, improve its condition, improve traffic safety.

Air service


In the region there is one international airport of the city of Astrakhan, under the name "Astrakhan". Located on the Southern outskirts of the city. The former name - "Narimanovo". Sea / river communication. Astrakhan region due to its geographical location is the main Russian section of the corridor "North-South". It is located in the South-West of Russia, in the Northern Caspian sea, the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the Volga river Delta. Astrakhan transport hub is a well-equipped point for servicing and transshipment of large-scale transit cargo flows. There are enterprises engaged in the transportation of goods by water transport, their processing, as well as freight forwarding. The estuary river port is located in the city of Astrakhan.

Chemical and light industry


The chemical industry of the region is characterized by the concentration of production at large and medium-sized enterprises, which occupy the main share in the volume of chemical production. Industry enterprises produce a wide range of the products: fiberglass and products from them, fiberglass, fiberglass, staple yarn, polyethylene products, molded and non-molded rubber products, medical cork capping for various purposes, paint and varnish products more than thirty names, roofing, etc.

The light industry of the Astrakhan region is represented mainly by small enterprises producing a wide range of adult and children's outerwear, bed linen, bulk yarn, knitwear, network materials, etc.

Fuel and energy complex


Analysis of the fuel and energy complex of the Astrakhan region showed that the current economic situation in which oil and gas companies operate in the region is characterized by instability and uncertainty. The functioning of industry organizations is influenced by such factors as the deterioration of geological conditions, the quality of reserves and various changes in market conditions. Sustainable development of oil and gas companies in the region in the future depends on their ability to predict and respond flexibly to changing environmental conditions, to retain and acquire new competitive advantages in the oil and gas market. In this regard the role of strategic management of enterprises of oil and gas complex increases. The project "Sunny city", implemented in Narimanov, allows to provide hot water and heat to all its residents. This solar installation is considered to be the largest in Russia: on the territory of 2.4 thousand square meters there are 1.2 thousand collectors. With the launch of a new combined-cycle power plant with a capacity of 235 MW, the problem of the energy deficit of the Astrakhan region is almost solved. Due to the power facility, flows from the power system of the neighboring Volgograd region decreased by 3 times. Visible prospects are the Main hydrocarbon potential of the region which is located on the Astrakhan vault, within which 4 gas condensate fields and 1 oil field are discovered. And today there are important prerequisites for increasing the level of production and processing of local hydrocarbons. First, there is a shortage of gas in the Southern Federal district, which forces 35 billion cubic meters of gas from Western Siberia and Central Asia to be supplied to the region annually. But due to the proximity of the Astrakhan vault fields to the main consumers in the Southern Federal district, the price of transportation of Astrakhan gas is much lower than that on alternative routes. In addition, the unit costs of developing production capacities in Eastern Siberia and on the shelf of the Arctic seas are comparable to the costs of increasing the production volumes of deposits in the Astrakhan region or even exceed them. Secondly, the construction of the South stream gas pipeline can become a" push "to increase the production of hydrocarbon resources in the region. Potential prey only on license area OOO "Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan" amount to 50-60 billion cubic meters of reservoir gas and in the development of all licensed areas - up to 100 billion cubic meters Production of marketable gas may reach 60 billion cubic meters, and stable condensate and 30 million tons per year. Thirdly, an important condition for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region is the formed infrastructure and an excess of labor resources. The main gas pipeline Makat - North Caucasus and the oil pipeline of the Caspian pipeline consortium pass through the territory of the Astrakhan region, there are ports, Railways and roads.



Astrakhan Kremlin as a monument of history and military engineering


Astrakhan Kremlin is an outstanding monument of Russian military engineering art and architecture of the second half of the XVI century. The construction of the Astrakhan Kremlin is connected with an important period in the history of our Motherland, when the further growth and strengthening of The Russian centralized state was hindered by the constant threat of attack from the East. One of the most important foreign policy tasks of Ivan IV was the struggle against the Tatar khanates in the Volga region, the struggle for the accession of the Middle and Lower Volga region to the Russian state. As a result of the conquest of Kazan (1552) and the annexation of Astrakhan (1556), the Russian state took possession of the Volga along its entire length and gained access to the Caspian sea. In 1558, modern Astrakhan was founded on the left Bank of the Volga. On a high hillock, called Hare, or Long, was built the first wooden fortress. The conquest of Astrakhan by Turkish-Tatar troops in 1569 and other aggressive actions of Turkey and its vassal of the Crimean khanate showed the need for a more serious strengthening of Astrakhan as a forward Outpost on the South-Eastern borders of the Russian state. In this regard, it was decided to build a stone fortress instead of a wooden one. The chosen location of the stone fortress-the Kremlin-dictated the shape of its plan, a long and narrow triangle stretching one side along the Volga river. For the construction of the Kremlin, brick was used from the ruins of the former Golden Horde capital Saraya-Batu, located on the Bank of the Akhtuba river, on the site of the present village of selitrenny kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region. The walls of the Kremlin at the corners and in the areas between them were reinforced with towers. With the growth of the population of Astrakhan, to the East of the fortress, there is a settlement with houses. By 1631, the area was surrounded by stone walls and was named White city. On the South side, the walls of the Granary were attached to the Kremlin. The Kremlin was the center of the Astrakhan uprising, which began in June 1606, during the peasant war under the leadership of I. I. Bolotnikov. In may 1614, the rebellious Astrakhan stormed the Kremlin and expelled a band of traitors, led by ataman I. Zarutsky and Polish adventurer M. Mnishek. During the peasant war led by Stepan Razin, the Astrakhan Kremlin was the residence and stronghold of the rebels for seventeen months - from June 22, 1670 to November 27, 1671. Tsarist troops managed to take the Kremlin by storm only after a long siege. After the victory of the great October socialist revolution, red Guard detachments were formed on the territory of the Kremlin and the Military revolutionary Committee was placed. The Bolshevik-led Red Guard heroically defended the Kremlin during the counter-revolutionary uprising in January 1918. The Kremlin was subjected to heavy artillery fire, which caused considerable damage to its structures. 25 January (7 February on a new style) 1918 year began offensive brigades red Guard, ended defeat counterrevolution and establishment Soviet power in Astrakhan and Astrakhan governorate. In 1919 in the Kremlin under the leadership of S. p. Kirov there was a reorganization of parts of XI army for protection of the mouth of Volga and defeat of white guard troops and foreign interventionists. The stone walls and towers of the Astrakhan Kremlin were built in 1582-1589 on the site of wooden-earth fortifications of the 60s of the XVI century. They were built on the basis of the achievements of military equipment of their time as the most powerful military engineering fortifications. The Kremlin was built under the direction sent from Moscow the masters Michael and Sonya Dey Lips.

Astrakhan music theatre

In terms of the Kremlin has the configuration of a right triangle, elongated apex in the South-West direction, at the corners and sides of which are built towers, connected by walls. Taller and more powerful walls and towers were built on strategically important sites. The Kremlin occupied an insular position. On all sides it was surrounded by natural barriers: on the North-West side - the Volga, on the East-the river Kutum with marshy banks, on the South-a deep swamp.

Each side of this triangle is fortified by three towers, of which each corner belongs to two sides. The towers were passable and deaf. In the Eastern wall along the modern Oktyabrskaya street there are two corner blind towers - Artillery (North-East) and one travel-Prechistenskaya tower-bell tower, located almost in the middle of the Eastern wall of the Kremlin. The Southern wall of the Kremlin, running along the present Lenin square, has three blind towers: two corner-previously mentioned Bishop's and Crimean (South-West) - and located almost in the middle of the wall Zhitnaya tower (South). In the North-Western wall, along Zhelyabov street, there were also two corner deaf (Crimean and Artillery) and two travel towers-Red and Nikolsky gate with a gate Church.

The pass towers were more powerful and tall, with thick walls. Their passages were closed by massive wooden gates, bound with iron sheets. All towers were divided into several battle tiers. The tiers were connected by stone staircases, which were arranged in the thickness of their walls. At the level of the fighting area of the fortress walls in the towers arranged through passages to the adjacent part of the wall. The thick walls of the towers were made by deep niches (chambers) with loopholes for the placement of the guns. On top of the towers were topped with battlements, on which were built wooden tents with guard towers. On the Prechistenskaya tower in the guard tower hung a guard bell. The fortress walls of the Astrakhan Kremlin only in General resemble the existing at that time the Kremlin of the Central part of the Russian state. The walls of the Astrakhan Kremlin had a special system of organization of cannon and cannon fire. They were cut through by a large number of gun loopholes located in the furnaces of the middle and lower (plantar) battle and loopholes mounted combat for shooting from hand firearms, which in other Kremlins at the time was not yet. On the territory of the Astrakhan Kremlin there were many structures. Such as: assumption Cathedral-a wonderful monument of ancient architecture. The Cathedral is a simple cubic volume, crowned with five gilded heads with crosses, placed on small wooden painted drums; Trinity Cathedral; Kirilov clock and Bishop's house, as well as many other structures. We can say that the Astrakhan Kremlin, along with the Moscow and Smolensk Kremlin, was one of the strongest fortresses of medieval Russia. According to the latest measurements carried out in connection with the restoration of the Astrakhan Kremlin, the total perimeter of the walls and towers in their modern form is 1544 m. the Area enclosed between the walls and towers is 11 hectares. The length of the Kremlin from the Artillery to the Crimean tower is 665 m, from the Prechistensky to the Red gate - 480 m, from the Nikolsky gate to the Zhitnaya tower-295 m. depending on the terrain, the height of the walls ranges from 7 to 11.3 m, the thickness-from 2.8 to 5.2 m.

For 370 years of its existence, the walls and towers of the Kremlin were dilapidated, repeatedly rebuilt or built economic structures. In all these alterations very little regard was paid to the ancient architectural forms, so that only a few of them have survived to the present day. In our time, those who will have to see Astrakhan for the first time from the deck of the ship, be sure to note not only the beauty of the Kremlin ensemble, but also the power of its fortifications-mighty white walls, reaching a twelve-meter height and five-meter thickness, and slender towers, completed and decorated with green glazed tiles. At the end of the XVIII century, "an island appeared in front of the city", and the Volga soon retreated forever from the fortress. One must think how majestic the Kremlin looked at the time when the Volga flowed under its very walls. Astrakhan Kremlin-a monument of Federal importance since 1980, a unique architectural ensemble of the XVI century, a sample of cultural architecture of the XVIII century. The branch unites 5 historical sites: the Red gate tower with exposition "the Astrakhan Kremlin - a sample of military engineering of the middle of XVI century" Artillery yard with gunpowder cellar of the XVI century and the torture tower of the XVI century with the exposition "architecture of old Astrakhan", "History of proceedings", as well as the building-monument of the XIX century the exposition "Culture and life of peoples of Astrakhan region", the Kremlin was built in 1558 - as an

Outpost on the South-Eastern borders of Russia is an attractive historical and cultural center of the city. But not always the Kremlin monuments and the fortress itself were under the master's supervision of the state. The Kremlin over the years has been dilapidated and destroyed. Its walls and towers were often rebuilt, overgrown with economic considerations disfiguring architecture monuments buildings.

The fate of the Kremlin changed significantly after the garrison was removed from its territory. This happened shortly after the end of the great Patriotic war. In 1947, the Astrakhan Kremlin was included in the list of architectural and historical monuments of national importance and put under state protection. The issue of restoration of the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin occurs in 1949, By which time South of the Kremlin wall between the towers by Gitai and Crimean collapsed. The Director of the local history Museum P. S. Biryukov expressed great concern about the destruction of historical and cultural monuments of Astrakhan and in the region on the pages of the local newspaper. He managed to draw public attention to the need to increase responsibility for the quality of protection of monuments of Astrakhan antiquity, proved how valuable the Astrakhan Kremlin is and how important it is to find funds for its restoration. His public performance reached celi3. Summer 1949 in connection with the adoption of The government Resolution on the restoration of the walls and towers of the Astrakhan Kremlin, a group of architects of the Central design and restoration workshop of urban construction headed by A. Vorobyov is sent to Astrakhan from Moscow. They examined the architectural complex of the Kremlin and determined the degree of preservation, as well as the tasks and volumes of restoration work. Restored monuments of architecture in 1974 were transferred to the Astrakhan Museum-reserve. Thanks to the selfless work of the team of restorers, artists of the Kremlin wall and tower, its white-stone Orthodox churches have found their second life4. In the late 50s of the XX century, free access was opened to the Kremlin. Now Astrakhan residents and guests of the city can freely walk on the territory of the ancient fortress, stand on the main Cathedral square, visit the Kremlin Museum expositions. The Kremlin was filled with spiritual light and the chime of Church bells calling the faithful to prayer. Spirituality is returning to the Kremlin walls, which means that the main architectural monument of the city has hope for the future.

Temples and monasteries of the city

Astrakhan Uspenskii sobor

More than 400-year-old way of Astrakhan Orthodoxy is four centuries of life, development and development of the Astrakhan land. The main task of Astrakhan Orthodoxy was the moral leadership of society: missionary educational and diverse charitable activities. Development of Church and public initiatives, construction and preservation of churches, maintenance of educational institutions was supported by Astrakhan patrons. One of the oldest monasteries of the city is St. John the Baptist monastery (Ivanovo). The first mention of it dates back to 1688, and quickly acquired the importance of spiritual stronghold. The monastery complex includes the main Cathedral, the house of the Abbot, noon, a small refectory, cells of the monks. In 1716, within the walls of the monastery was opened tsifirnaya school for children. On the river Kutum, the monks had their forge, boats, rafts with a pier, a huge garden. They had the right to extract salt, to fish. The present Church was rebuilt in 1899, in the old Russian brick style. Four small domes are placed close to the large Central drum, topped with a helmet-shaped dome. This emphasizes the movement up to the clouds, gives the temple lightness, harmony. Many disgraced priests from Moscow and St. Petersburg lived in the monastery. In the 30s the monastery was closed. For many years the premises of the monastery served as warehouses. In 1989, the Church was returned to the Orthodox Church. He was then in a very emergency condition. In a new way, the roof of the dome was covered, the entrance staircase was rebuilt, the floor inside the temple was restored.

The walls were re-painted in the academic style, a new iconostasis was made of stained oak. In 1995, by the decree of Patriarch Alexy, the monastery was restored to its rank. Now the monastery has a few brothers. Silhouette of this temple from different places of the city. Every year on the fEast of Baptism many believers come here for Holy water. According to tradition, the water consecrated here is considered the most healing and strong. Church of the Intercession of the blessed virgin Mary was built in 1885 at the expense of the merchant Ivan Gubin by architect Znamensky. Since 1928, this Church has become a Cathedral, that is, the main temple of the city. This Church has always been active, that is, it never stopped the service. In 1930, the bells were removed from the bell tower of the Church, and the Church lost its voice, but soon Archbishop Philip, to the great joy of Astrakhan, returned to the pulpit after 14 years of exile, appealed to the faithful to donate to the stitching of the bell, they have copper, bronze and silver objects. The congregation responded with joy, and soon a large bell was raised to the belfry. The Church is built in the old Russian style with a high two-tier bell tower. It is crowned by one massive eight light drum. Painting of the dome, walls, altars in the academic style were produced at the expense of Ivan Gubin. Magnificent sharp 6-tier iconostasis made in Astrakhan famous masters. The iconostasis system was formed in Russia in the XIV century, it is characteristic only for Russian churches. It separates the temple itself from the altar part. In the center of the Royal gate, leading to the Holy of holies of the Church-the altar. On the iconostasis icons are located on both sides of the Royal gates, in the first row from the floor. The facade of the Church set is decorated with small clones, collected together in three. On the left side is the administrative building where our Bishop lives permanently. Last year, for the arrival of Patriarch Alexy, another house-residence was built. In this part of the city, where the temple is located, Coopers, blacksmiths and wheelwrights used to settle. This area was called the Village, a Bazaar, nearby – Selenskogo Isady. The Church of St. Prince Vladimir is 100 years old. This Church was built in memory of the 900th anniversary of baptism in Russia and the 300th anniversary of the diocese of Astrakhan in the Byzantine style in 1902, it was built for 7 years, with donations from the citizens themselves. Sometimes it is called the sea Cathedral, as the parishioners were sailors and workers of ship repair shops. Vladimir Church miraculously survived the destruction during the Soviet era. In the 60s, it was decided to blow up the temple, but one of the parishioners of this temple climbed to the highest dome and tied herself to the cross. The explosion was postponed. A new attempt to blow up the temple was repulsed by the Tatars. They surrounded the building with a living ring and three days sat and burned fires. Having met such resistance, the city authorities retreated. In 1967, there was a bus station. Only in 1999 it was decided to restore the temple. A lot of work has been done to restore the temple. The entire roof was replaced, the window openings were restored, a cross was placed on the dome, and the temple acquired a majestic proud sound. Around the temple, a square is broken, an openwork fence is put up. The temple came alive and shone. Znamenskaya Church. The appearance of this temple is associated with another significant event in the history of Astrakhan. In 1670, the city was captured by a rebellious Cossack freemen led by Stepan Razin. Almost two years hosted in Astrakhan razintsy, on the conscience of which was a considerable number of executed Astrakhan, and may 11, 1671, they, after terrible tortures, was killed Astrakhan Metropolitan Joseph. In November 1671, the city was approached by the Royal army led by the voivode boyar Ivan Bogdanovich Miloslavsky. Long negotiations began, and finally the astrakhans, tired of the long-term turmoil, agreed to surrender the city peacefully. It happened on November 27 on the day of the celebration of the icon of the mother of God, called "the Sign". On the occasion of this joyful event, on the initiative of the Astrakhan voivode boyar Ivan Miloslavsky, a wooden Znamenskaya Church was built. The exact date of construction is very difficult to call, but it is likely that the temple began to build immediately after the events. In 1672, it could have already been completed and consecrated by the new Metropolitan Parthenius who arrived thumb|Troickii sobor in Astrakhan. The temple was located inside the White city on its Southern outskirts, near the walls. Near the temple there was a cemetery and, according to some assumptions, a convent. The idea that the monastery was located at the Znamensky Church can be considered erroneous, since in 1671, even before the construction of the Church itself, there was already an Annunciation convent in Astrakhan. The monastery was simply located for a long time near the Znamensky Church, which was a parish. In 1710, the ancient Znamensky temple is still mentioned in the Affairs of the Consistory. The new stone Church was built by the care and works of Archimandrite Methodius of the Transfiguration monastery (the future Bishop) and consecrated on November 3, 1751 by Bishop Hilarion. In 1804, at the expense of Astrakhan, the 1st Guild of merchant Vasily Petrovich Tokmachev, two chapels were added to the temple. The North aisle in honor of Alexy, the man of God, was consecrated on July 31, 1807 by Archbishop Sylvester (Lebedinsky), and the South aisle in honor of the icon Of the mother of God of Bogolyubsky was consecrated on August 1, 1807 by the Cathedral Archpriest Vasily Pamfilov and clergyman Kirill Vasiliev. The icons in the aisles were painted by the priest of the Church of Michael the Archangel, a talented local icon painter of the time, father Vasily Andreev. This temple was located somewhat to the South of the former, as the walls of the White city were dismantled and the space to the South of the temple was vacated. The former temple stood on the slope of the hill, which caused some inconvenience, and this played a negative role in the subsequent history of the temple. The new place was near the former Mochagovsky salt lake, why in the following years the temple was repeatedly subjected to repair, necessary because of the weakness of the Foundation and damage to the walls from the extraordinary dampness of the soil. Repairs were made in 1826, 1838,1842, 1850, 1859 and in subsequent years. But, despite repeated repairs of the temple, by the end of the XIX century, he came to a state so sad that the question arose about its closure or the construction of a new temple. Astrakhan Bishop Sergiy (Serafimov), who visited the Church in September 1899, was struck by its neglected appearance and declared that further existence was impossible. It turned out that there was no money for the construction of a new temple. Cash Church funds would be enough only for the construction of a wooden Church, but a wooden Church in The white city would not be allowed to build. To raise funds for the expensive and difficult task-the construction of a stone Church, with a small number of parishioners and the commercial stagnation that had befallen the city at that time, seemed an absolutely impossible task. At the same time in Astrakhan the temple in honor of the Holy Prince Vladimir was built for 6 years. And this despite the very large costs from the municipal government and the big donations. By all accounts, the poor means Znamensky parish would have to build a Church for more than 40 years. The desire of the well-known Astrakhan industrialist kharlampy Nikolaevich Khlebnikov to help in this good cause contributed a lot to the beginning of construction works. He immediately made the first payment for the construction of a new temple - 200 000 pieces of brick. His good example was immediately followed by another eminent parishioner Vasily Bazhanov, who donated 5,000 rubles for the construction. At the same time, the construction Commission was formed, the Chairman of which was elected the actual state Councilor H. N. Khlebnikov. During the whole time of the construction of the temple received donations for their teams, and also individuals. the largest donors were: H. N. Khlebnikov, V. I. Bazhanov, N. N. Ilyin, T. F. Evdokimov, O. O. Ilyin sons, N. P. N. T. Kovalev, I. N. Rukavishnikov, I. F. Skrebensky, P. H. Khlebnikov, p. P. Weiner, Astrakhan City Duma and Astrakhan mutual credit Society. Archpriest John of Kronstadt, who was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church as a Saint in 1990, also contributed to the construction of the Church. The construction Commission asked him to bless the works begun, and in 1902, visiting Astrakhan, FR. John donated funds for the construction of crosses crowning the Church. The architect Sergey Ivanovich Karyagin was entrusted with drawing up the plan of the new Church. When discussing the projects, the Commission preferred the five-domed temple, with a high, two-tier bell tower, in the style of Moscow churches of the XVII century. Work on the dismantling of the old temple and the construction of a new Commission set to

pass the contractor Ia Khramov, who built more than one temple in the city, including Pokrovsky, Prince Vladimir, co-Religionist and Sretensky in the John the Baptist monastery.On January 30, 1900, on Sunday, the last Liturgy was celebrated in the old Znamensky Church, and after it a prayer service to the Savior, the mother of God and the Three Saints, on the day of celebration of which the old Church building completed its existence. All the Church utensils were transferred to the Entrance-Jerusalem Church, which was located nearby, in the chapel of which the priests of the Znamensky temple, who performed service for their parishioners, were sheltered during the construction. After that, the dismantling of the old temple began.

Preserved description of the sign of the old temple. It was small, built in the Baroque style: a long elongated dining room with a high roof. The Central part of the temple is rectangular with two high Windows on the North and South sides. On the temple there was a small octagonal drum with eight false Windows, crowned with a dome and a cross. The roof on the refectory and on the dome of the temple was tiled. To the West, above the narthex stood a low two-tiered bell tower, which had an almost circular shape. On may 18, 1900, on the fEast of the ascension of the Lord, a procession from the Holy Jerusalem Church arrived at the site of the planned construction. The proper rite of laying was performed with sprinkling of Holy water and laying of a commemorative copper plaque. By winter, most of the masonry walls were completed, and during the spring and summer of 1901, all the carpentry work was done, the Church was roofed, domes were made and iron doors were suspended. The issue of flooring was also addressed. Members of the Commission proposed to arrange cement-concrete floors in the temple, but their significant cost and lack of funds forced to postpone this work until the next year. Then the Chairman of the Commission H. N. Khlebnikov expressed a desire to donate such floors to the temple, as well as the stairs at Solea. By the end of 1902, the floor in the Church was laid, tiled stoves were put, frames and doors were put, glass was inserted, that is, the main construction work was completed. At the temple the asphalt sidewalk, two stone fencing gate was arranged, the yard Church was put in order and for residence of the watchman the spacious and capacious house was put. Temporarily in the temple was installed and the old iconostasis, icons for which were made in Moscow in 1867 by order of enotaevsky merchant Sampson Nikitich Kravchenkov. In the Central iconostasis had silver Holy gates, made in 1859 by the parishioners, and in the side aisles copper Royal doors, plated through fire, made for the right side-altar in honor of the Bogolyubsky icon of the Mother of God in 1860 with funds of the Astrakhan merchant Sergei Zhemchuzhnikov and wife Yuliani and to the left of the altar in honor of Alexis, the man of God in 1869 the means of titular counselor Vasily Kirillovich Klyuchareva and his wife Ludmila. May 11, 1903 solemnly, with a huge concourse of worshippers, were consecrated and raised crosses on the Church and the bell tower. On may 15, the fEast of the ascension, the bells were consecrated and raised. And on September 30, 1903, exactly three and a half years after the dismantling of the old Church, the new Church in honor of the icon of the mother of God "the Sign"was consecrated. The solemn service with the rank of consecration of the Church was performed by Bishop George of Astrakhan (Orlov) in the co-service of father John of Kronstadt. Participation in the consecration of the Kronstadt pastor, already during his life by many revered for the sanctity of life, gave this service a special solemnity. On October 12, 1903, the right chapel was consecrated in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov, who had just been glorified in the face of saints, and on October 19, the left one was consecrated in honor of the Holy Martyrs of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. In its new form, the Znamensky temple became one of the best decorations of the city of Astrakhan.

The interior of the temple was not so pleasing to the eye due to the lack of paintings, but many ancient shrines still attracted the pious attention of Astrakhan. First of all, it is the venerable image of the Lord Almighty, standing on the right side of the Royal gates. On the left side was also a very revered local icon "Sign" of the mother of God. Stored in the temple and the ancient gospel, on polualeksandriyskoy paper,

circle lined with silver and gold, donated November 26, 1796 collegiate assessor Kirill Fedorov. Also, from the Church every year to the assumption Cathedral, a procession was made on April 4. After October 1917, the Znamensky Church began to experience hard times. During the January battles of 1916, the temple was in serious danger. Someone started a rumor that from the bell tower of the Znamenskaya Church, the white Cossacks shot from a machine gun. The Bolsheviks took this rumor quite seriously and decided to blow up the temple. By the grace of God they did not succeed. Miraculously, the Church survived the fire that incinerated the entire center of Astrakhan. Around the temple, on all sides, absolutely everything was burned down, except for the confectionery Charlau, and all the time it was, literally, a wonderful island in the midst of a raging sea of fire. Unfortunately, all the buildings in the churchyard burned down.

Soon here, in the Znamensky temple, there was one remarkable event in the history of the Astrakhan Church and our city. On may 24, 1919, the Holy Martyr Joseph, Metropolitan of Astrakhan, was glorified in the face of saints. This event has long been waiting for Astrakhan, but in December 1918, the entrance of believers in the Kremlin, to the assumption Cathedral, where the relics of the Holy Saint rested, was difficult. The Kremlin housed the headquarters of the 11th red Army, including the Revvoensoviet front, and the military authorities gradually one after another occupied the Church buildings located here. On may 23 (10 old style), just before the glorification of the Holy Martyr Joseph, the military authorities banned the conduct of any services in the assumption Cathedral and the Church was sealed by them. Undoubtedly, this was seen as an attempt by the authorities to prevent the celebration of glorification. But the Archbishop of Astrakhan Mitrofan (Krasnopolsky) blesses to hold a solemn service in the nearby Kremlin Znamensky Church. This was undoubtedly a providential act, since the Foundation of the Znamensky Church was inextricably linked with the name of the Holy Martyr Joseph, who was killed by the razintsy and through whose prayers Astrakhan was freed from these robbers. On the day of glorification, may 24, an attempt was made to make a procession from the Znamensky Church to the assumption, to the relics of the Astrakhan Saint, but the military authorities did not let the faithful into the Kremlin. After the capture in the spring of 1924 by the renovators of the Nativity of the virgin Church, which was for some time the Cathedral Church of the Orthodox community of believers, Archbishop Thaddeus (assumption) moved his chair to the Znamensky Church. It became a Cathedral Church for a while. But a week later was also captured by the Renovationists. Renovationists lasted in the Znamensky temple until 1930, when it was taken away from them by the authorities and by the decision of the city Council of 2 / II.1930 was transferred to the Central club of pioneers. But the club of pioneers did not have time to stay here, as the decision of the city Council of July 2, 1930 in the premises of the Znamensky temple was transferred to the construction training center. Unlike many other Astrakhan churches, completely destroyed, Znamenskaya Church lost only its upper part, along with the domes and bell tower. The rest of the Church, which makes up the bulk of its volume together with the altar apses, was preserved and was converted into a bread factory. In such a the form of the Yasukuni persists and now. Of course, not all churches and monasteries have survived to the present day, many churches have died. But what we see now fills our hearts with pride, because among the most important tasks in the preservation of cultural heritage are the revival of religious roots, the restoration of the important role of the Orthodox Church.

Monasteries and temples have always been important centers of spiritual life. They had a special attractive power. The very existence of monasteries and monks helps people to bear the hardships of life more easily, because they know that there is a place where they will find understanding and comfort.

The growth of Orthodoxy after seventy years of destruction of the Church is now accomplished by the works of Astrakhan pastors, parishioners and benefactors. Astrakhan is also a unique ethnic reserve. In the city there were 30 churches, 5-Armenian-Grigoryan, 2 – Roman Catholic, 8-Tatar mosques, 2-synagogues, Lutheran kirk, Persian mosque, Kalmyk kurul. And all this in a small space that can be passed during the day. This is nowhere in Russia.

Artistic, musical, theatrical life of Astrakhan. Guild of outstanding Astrakhan

Astrakhan puppet theatre.jpg

The history of Astrakhan region has always been inseparable from the names of outstanding statesmen, famous citizens, great Astrakhan-scientists, writers, poets, actors, artists. On November 22, 1717, The Astrakhan province was established by the decree of Peter the Great. The first governors of Kar were enlightened people of that time-A. p. Volynsky, V. N. Tatishchev, N. A. Beketov. In 1834-1844, the Governor of the region was major General I. S. Timiryazev, who contributed a lot to the effective management of the economy of the region. One of his achievements in the cultural formation of Astrakhan was the creation of the provincial Museum on December 1, 1837. This Museum is 171 years old. It is one of the oldest Museums in the country. Astrakhan state United historical and architectural Museum-reserve tells visitors about the history of the region, geography, Geology, Climate, flora and fauna of the Lower Volga. The "Golden pantry of the Museum" is particularly famous, where a unique collection of gold and silver products found by archaeologists in the Astrakhan region is kept. The collection of the Golden storeroom is the result of many archaeological expeditions and is of great historical value. In the spring of 2006 in the center of Rome in the best exhibition hall with great success was first shown an exhibition of Sarmatian gold from this Museum. About our talented countrymen, about the origins of musical, theatrical, literary life of the city tells the exposition of the Museum of culture of Astrakhan, located on Chernyshevsky street. It was founded in 1978 in honor of the 150th anniversary of the great writer N. Chernyshevsky. The first hall of the Museum "Astrakhan book 18th century". Here are collected part of the liturgical books that have survived to our times, editions of ancient authors, spiritual literature. Of particular interest is the" History of the ataman Empire "By D. Cantemir, "Alifrestin" by A. Magnitsky, which is already 300 years old, the manuscript Synod of the Trinity monastery. It also tells about the fate of our countrymen who glorified our city-the first Russian academician, poet V. Trediakovsky, and the first fabulist in the country I. Chemnitzer. The second hall of the Museum is the interior of the office of the writer N. Chernyshevsky. There are a lot of documents and photographs about the opening of the first provincial printing house Lesnikova E. P. Nikiforova, S. Semenov. In 1813, the first issue of the newspaper "Eastern news", founded by I. vepsgopf, one of the first Newspapers in the province, was published. In 1816-1818, a unique Asian music magazine was published in the city, founded By I. V. Dobrovolsky, in which songs and dances of different peoples were placed, both for piano and for full music. Rybushkin M. (1792-1840 biennium) - a graduate of Kazan University, teacher, researcher of antiquity. He wrote "a Brief history of Kazan". Since 1835 he was the Director of gymnasiums and schools of Astrakhan province. he was fond of studying the history of the Astrakhan region, published articles and notes. In 1841 he published his book "Notes about Astrakhan", which laid the foundations of local lore. In the Museum we can also see the beginning of the drama theater in the city. Chernyshevsky was a great theatergoer, often watched performances and analyzed the work of the local troupe with great importance. The theatre was founded in 1810 and had seen great actors on its stage: Ermolov, the Komissarzhevskaya, Ugine, Strekalova etc.

Astrakhan residents are also honored masters of theatrical art and cinema of the past years: L. N. Sverdlin, I. A. amiable, V. K. Chekmarev and our contemporaries-E. G. Vitorgan, B. G. Nevzorov, P. V. Menshov, A. Zavorotnyuk, D. Dyuzhev, etc.

Museums of the city


A set of Museums existing in a certain territory, as well as one type, profile, departmental affiliation, is called a Museum network. In the Astrakhan region it is quite developed. It includes The Museum of military glory, the Museum of Chernyshevsky, Khlebnikov, Ulyanov and others. In 1997, one of the oldest provincial Museums in Russia-Astrakhan state United historical and architectural Museum - reserve-celebrated its 160th anniversary. The funds of six urban and six rural branches of the Museum contain more than 250 thousand exhibits. Among them you can see a variety of unique archaeological, numismatic, ethnographic, natural history collections, a collection of handwritten and printed books, photographs and documents of the XIX-XX centuries, models of ships, tools and household items. The Museum exhibits cover a huge historical period from the first sites of ancient man on the territory of the region to the modern development of the region. A large place among the exhibits of the Museum is occupied by the collection of archaeological objects made of precious metals "Golden pantry" , more than 48 thousand coins has a numismatic collection of the Museum, in addition, rich ethnographic and natural history collections are collected. The Astrakhan state United historical and architectural Museum-reserve includes branches: the Astrakhan Kremlin, the Literary Museum of Chernyshevsky, the Museum of local Lore, the Ulyanov House-Museum, the Museum of military glory, the Museum of Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev. In the Astrakhan region there are many Museums dedicated to various spheres of human activity. Visiting them, you can get acquainted with the culture, traditions and customs of local residents, the history of the region. They can be divided into several groups on various grounds. One of the most important categories of classification is the profile of the Museum or its specialization. The fundamental feature here is the connection of the Museum with a particular science or art form, technology, production and its branches. This connection can be traced in the composition of the Museum's funds, in the subjects of its scientific, exposition and cultural and educational activities.

Museums of one specialization are united in profile groups: natural-scientific, art, historical, architectural, literary, theatrical, musical, Museums of science and technology, industrial, agricultural, pedagogical Museums. Depending on the structure of the profile discipline or branch of knowledge, these main profile groups are divided into narrower ones. In the Astrakhan region among the historical Museums stand out:

1) archaeological,

2) ethnographic,

3) military-historical,

4)historical and everyday Museums, recreating or preserving the picture of life of different segments of the population, documenting the socio-psychological features of life, which are most clearly manifested in the interiors of homes,

5)monographic Museums dedicated to a particular person, event, institution, team.

The first group of Museums includes the archaeological Museum in the village of saltpetre. It is located on the site of the Mongolian city of Sarai Batu. Subsequently, this monument gave so many discoveries and findings, data on the architecture, economy, population of the city that it was turned into an open-air Museum. Its peculiarity is that the excavations continue to this day, bringing new information. The village itself and the surrounding area belongs to a unique historical territory, where there is a high concentration of archaeological sites. Another example would be the samosdelka settlement, where archeological excavations are also produced. The settlement is of great value as there are a large number of archaeological sites belonging to the Khazar and Mongolian eras. The second group includes the ethnographic Museum in the Kremlin, which presents the history and culture of the peoples who lived in the Astrakhan region. The third group includes the Museum of Military glory, which presents exhibitions on the history of the great Patriotic war, the defense of the city of Astrakhan and some other wars. In addition, the Museum offers tours dedicated to the heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. It should be noted that in addition to the Central Museum of Military glory, there are local and school Museums of this type located throughout the region. For example, most schools have their own rooms-Museums dedicated to the participants of the war-graduates of this school. The fourth group includes the Museum of the history of the city of Astrakhan. The fifth group includes the Museum of V. Khlebnikov, Museums of ASTU, ASU, various enterprises, such as GAZPROM, Drama theater and others.

Art Museums are represented only by one monographic - the Museum of B. Kustodiev, which is a gallery. Natural science Museums in Astrakhan are few, among them the regional planetarium, medical Museum.

In the Astrakhan region there are Museums whose activities are associated with several scientific disciplines or branches of knowledge. They are called Museums of complex profile. This is the Astrakhan Museum-reserve, it combines historical, natural and scientific specialization, as there is an exhibition on the ecology of the region. Museums-ensembles created on the basis of architectural monuments, their interiors, the surrounding area and various structures have a complex profile. Depending on the nature of the ensemble, they can be historical and artistic, historical and architectural, historical and cultural Museums. This type includes Astrakhan historical and architectural Museum-reserve. The development of science and technology, art and culture leads to the emergence of new specialized groups of Museums. These include the Museum of medicine in Astrakhan the Museum of culture of Astrakhan the Museum of fisheries in the village Greenhouse Ikryaninsky district, AGPS Museum, Museum of history of salt "Bassol". Along with the profile classification there is another, according to which there are Museums of collection type and Museums of ensemble type. It is based on the division on such grounds as the way Museums carry out the function of documentation. Collection-type Museums build their activities on the basis of the traditional collection of material, written, visual materials corresponding to their profile. The basis of the activity of the Museum of ensemble type are architectural monuments with their interiors, the surrounding area, the natural environment. They perform the function of documenting by preserving or recreating the ensemble of immovable monuments and their inherent environment. The most common forms of this type of Museums are the open-air Museum(Selitrennoe village), the house-Museum, the apartment-Museum (V. Khlebnikov, Chernyshevsky, Ulyanov Museum and others).Recent Museums can also be classified as a group of memorial Museums, as they are designed to perpetuate the memory of outstanding people and events. The authenticity of a place – a memorial building or place, a collection of memorial objects and a memorial-household composition-became a necessary component of memorialality.

According to another classification, Museums are divided into public and private, formed mainly since 1991. unlike private state Museums are owned by the state and they are financed at its expense. Another characteristic for the classification is the administrative-territorial feature, according to which regional and district Museums are distinguished.