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User:Homesteader-timmy/Crave Magazine

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Crave Magazine - Your Guide To Extreme Culture ...

  Crave Magazine was the brain child of Robin Steeley of Modesto California, after having moved to Vancouver, WA (part of Portland, Oregon's metro) area she had a chance encounter with Tim Halverson, the creator of portlandmusicians.com. Robin had won a contest for tickets to a local show in Portland, Tim had called her to inform her of her winnings and they ended up spending a couple hours on the phone talking about there adventures in and love for music. Robin told Tim about Crave Magazine, which at the time was only setting up swag tables at local music shows. Tim was just entering into the local promoter arena and had his first show coming up soon and invited Robin to set up at the show. The show was August 8, 2003 and it was the first time Tim and Robin met face to face, a strong friendship was quickly formed and dreams became entangled once Tim requested Robin tell him more about her Crave Magazine idea.
  At this time, Tim had spent the last three years self teaching web design and working diligently to get his foot in the door of the local music scene. After a couple of months of dream chatter Tim finally convinced Robin to publish the first issue of Crave Magazine. Crave Magazine was first published January 2004, it was decided that the magazine would be online only for the time being and published every two months. The first online issue contained a total of 21 articles and can still be viewed online here. The issue featured the band Arch Enemy and also contained interviews with these other national acts RA, From Autumn to Ashes, Killswitch Engage & Superjoint Ritual.
  Crave Magazine was a national magazine but was born in the great Pacific NW and both Robin and Tim felt they needed to support and encourage the local scene that they were so much a part of. They did that by creating the Crave Northwest section of the magazine, which contained a featured local band in each issue as well as several live and CD reviews. The first issue's NW section was very small containing only a very small article on the local band Shifft (now dis-banded) and yes, that's Shifft, with two f's.
  Although Crave Magazine's foundation was based on music it was not the whole of Crave. Robin & Tim realized that with extreme music came an extreme lifestyle and a full culture around that lifestyle so they wanted to include as many aspects of that culture as possible. The first two issues included an extreme sports section but many more "extreme" sections were to be added over time including extreme film, books, art and an adrenaline life feature with each issue.
  Due to the learning curve involved in this endeavor the second issue was delayed, it was finally published April 2004.  

