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User:Horace the cheese

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(help me)) ive probably left out some semi colon there. i couldnt eben figure out how to post a message or comment on you page so definitly in need of help. im afraid ive been ruined by soicial utilities into thinking everything should have a nice shiney button andloud coulorfull smileys to help me through!! im actually feeling very out of my depth and not a little bit dumb here. give me a few years to figure it out!! actually i love the idea of wiki. its what i thought the internet was before i saw it!!really i onlywant to know about cheese. and how to coagulate milk with an enzyme produceing plant. and although ive been boiling drying crushing and trying to make milk curdle with thistles i dont know whether the temperatures in rennet recipes are suitable for thistle or nettle. so i suppose its going to be a it more difficult to find out than id hoped. especially since i will have to learn how to use wiki first. and since im so busy making sure the milk doesnt boil over and the kids dont get sick from eating so much failed cheese i will probably be very slow. maybe there is a cheese section? or some people who are cheese makers who are wikipedians? maybe u can tell me how to find the right wikipedian to ask.? ok thank you i hope i havent been too informal i didnt read the bit about how to edit etc cos i cant find my classes and the milk is boiling!!1 and im terribly lazy, well im not in real life but with computers it takes so much effort to do things for me even simple things like having my num lock on sends me to the computer shop so its not laziness at all just ineptitude. ok thanks hope this gets to you Horace the cheese (talk) 14:10, 4 July 2011 (UTC)