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User:ILuvSunshine/sandbox/YinYueTai V chart

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English Version


Yin Yue V chart is the world's first professional MV list, updated weekly, statistical stations and station outside the ten data, obtained comprehensive ranking popularity visible! Yin Yue V list Sina microblogging Tencent space Like other related station sharing of data by user-generated, is the real users to participate in the list.

V list ranking algorithm and description:

1, to participate in the ranking of the MV

Yin Yue V list only contains the official the MV to be issued within one year. Field, rice plate, cover MV does not participate in the ranking. The MV of the same picture, different languages, such as subtitles MV, dance versions of non-repetition included in the list.

2, V-list divided

Europe and the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Mainland China, South Korea, Japan is divided into five list, no connection and influence between the scores of five list. Specific songs V list is divided according to the artist area. For example: EXILE's "I do" in the Japanese chart, BigBang's "Oh, Yeah Japanese version of" championship in South Korea. Therefore, belong to a regional artist, no matter what language to sing, and highest charting in the region.

3, the fraction composition

Yue V list records within one week of MV playback sound, it is recommended to download, collection, microblogging forward, like, ten of data, integrated derived rankings.

Ten reference data based on user behavior and attention, the same weight as follows:

The broadcasting of 7.5% (ie, play the highest score of 7.5 points, and so on)

7.5% outside play

12.5% ​​of the recommended number of

12.5% ​​of the collection number of

10% of the downloads

Reviews the number of users 5%

Sina microblogging forwarding 12.5%

Tencent microblogging forwarding 12.5%

Everyone Like a number of 10%

QQLike number of 10%

4, fractional composition instructions

Ten data, each one very important, high individual score has little effect on the overall ranking.

Station outside the station complete player count (including Yue single player), each user record 10 times a day (a registered user ID to calculate the non-registered users according to the cookie);

A mv only collection once a day recommended time.

The same IP only remember up to 10 times to download, the Hebang when will show the filtered data.

The same user repeatedly commented on the only record.

Sina, Tencent forward data refers to a single MV forwarding others microblogging microblogging Sina, Tencent microblogging week in the share of a key station, and complete broadcast data, not included.

5, a single score calculation

The individual score of a MV data on the individual natural number, divided by which the language of MV in the single highest data of the natural logarithm. That the formula is: individual score = ln (MV on the individual data) / ln (in which the language of the MV in the single highest data) (natural logarithm Detailed see Baidu Encyclopedia: http://baike.baidu.com / view/11033.htm)

For example as follows:

The collection number of a MV 500

The highest number of data collection in which the language of the MV 2000

MV single collection score of ln (500) / ln (2000) = .8176

Therefore, the MV of an item of data the closer the maximum, it is the score the closer. If the MV of a particular data for the maximum, this score is 1.

6, the total score calculated

A music video of the final scores (composite index) for the MV score on each individual by multiplying the sum of the weights of the individual

For example as follows:

The above example, the collection of the MV, single score 0.8176, collection points into 0.8176 * 12.5 = 10.2, other items in this way is derived by adding the final score. That is, if an MV of the data are the highest, then 7.5 +7.5 +12.5 +12.5 +10 +5 +12.5 +12.5 +10 +10 = 100, the final score will be 100 points.

7, the highest charting dynamic charts

The highest charting the dynamic (1): meet the finalists conditions of the MV according to the week cumulative value in real time rankings, updated ten minutes in which you can see real-time ranking of the next weeks list of shortlisted songs, and display a lift of trends and data.

Tuesday to Sunday, the default display the highest charting dynamic, convenient Wyatt faithful to view this week's data dynamically. Real-time ranking data cleared in the week Sunday 24 points next week and start ranking.

(2) weekly chart: highest charting dynamic after one week off and landing, the formation of the weekly chart, the results to be published day every Monday for the weekly chart.

Chinese Version







按欧美、港台、内地、韩国、日本分为五个榜单,五个榜单之间分数无任何关联和影响。具体歌曲V榜根据艺人所在地区来划分。例如:EXILE的《我愿意》在日本榜中,BigBang的《Oh Yeah日文版》在韩国榜中。因此,属于某地区的艺人,无论唱什么语种,都在该地区打榜。




站内播放7.5% (即播放最高分为7.5分,以此类推)


















单项分数为一首MV在单项上的数据取自然对数,除以所处语种的MV在该单项上最高数据的自然对数。 即公式为:单项分数 = ln(MV在单项上的数据) / ln(所处语种的MV在该单项上最高数据)(自然对数详解见百度百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/11033.htm)


一首MV的被收藏次数为 500次

所处语种的MV的被收藏次数最高数据为 2000次

那么这首MV收藏的单项的得分为 ln(500) / ln(2000) = 0.8176






7、打榜动态 与 周榜


