User:IhtshamUlhuq Qureshi

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Why teen-ager are sad nowadays?

This question bothers me a lot so i decided to answer it on my own.

The reasons behind the sadness of average teen-ager are:

1, Study

2, Results (means, Again Study)

3. Family Problems

4. Taunts of "THE RELATIVES"

5. Comparison between him and other teen-ager

6. Lot of stress because of all this.

So, The one more question is why i choose these reasons behind the sadness of teen-ager?

This is because, Study bothers, student a lot. Because most of the students aren't studying what they really want. They are pressurised to study what their PARENTS wants them to.

Secondly, the result bother them a-lot because If they do not get the first position with good marks, they and their parents will have to listen to the taunts of their relatives, and then all of them (relatives) look at them with contempt.

Thirdly, Parents' worries can also have a profound effect on a child, and he may begin to become depressed, which can greatly affect his health, development, and education.

Fourthly, Taunts of Relatives depressed them a-lot. A-lot of teen-agers will be agree-ing with me. According to me, the main reason behind the sadness of average teen-ager is this. Because every-time they feel ashamed in-front their relatives, because of the grades of their (relative's) childrens. Whenever relatives come to your house, their first question is, "How many marks did your child get in the exam?" And because of this they taunt teen-ager And their parents; and this makes them sad and stressed.

Fifth, This is the sad truth of this ERA. Each and every-time your parents starts comparing their children with other's children. Whenever their child makes a mistake, at the same time they start comparing him with other people's children.

"Look how good their child is, he obeys every word of his parents" and you are the one who is rude, the one who does not listen to us!"

"Look, their child always raises their head with pride, and you are the one who has disgraced us to this day."

"Look, their child always comes first in the exam and you are the one who always passes and cuts our nose!"

"See how tall their child is and how short you are!"

"See how clean their child always is, and look at yourself creepy and ugly"


Sixth, after all this teen-agers become sad and their parents wonder; why is our child sad, and not good in studies at all.


Trust me this makes us happy more than you think?

If you are my relative, and you are reading this, I sincerely apologize to you!


Sad to say, but I'm writing this because one of my cousins ​​once wrote an article that made me sad a lot; because i had to face lot of taunts "Look, their child can write article on internet, so why can't you?"


At the end of the article i would like to thanks you all who read this fill article. This is the first article of my life. I don't know whether you can comment below this or what, but here is my Instagram handle.

IhtshamUlhuq Qureshi