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Hey My Name is Andre Here’s some fact’s about me Im 12yrs old im hispanic also was born nov 16,2005 in Riverdale Georgia.i have 3 older siblings.I love technology. I'm also transgender (FTM).Here’s my story (currently)Six grade the worst experience I’ve been through i was bullied so much to the point i missed so much days of school pretending to be sick just for an excuse to miss.Stundent’s there they care about being “popular” they also love to spread “rumors” about other people.Everything was fine when school started but then it all changed in the middle of the school year when I started to get bullied i tried to ignore them it didn’t work they would always ask me questions about “do you like girls?” Or “are you lesbian?” I would always say idk or no because these types of kids are the ones who starts rumors.Then this the part where i was like im done with those types of kids and school..grades started dropping,absents got to a higher number everyday,and this is when i had my downfall i started getting depression I didn’t wanna eat,slept all day,just in my room alone.my mom got worried after i said “I WANNA KILL MYSELF”i said it because i was like feeling like that but I wouldn’t actually do it.After that my mom went to the school told them everything about me and what had happened the school got me a counselor for boosting myself esteem.i thought it’ll be best to came out as trans(ftm-Female to transgender)i been knew since fourth grade but i didn’t have the confidence and courage i was scared my family wouldn’t accepted but they all accept me.So one thing I regret is not going to school I messed up on that i miss my friends i had some good teachers but I don’t miss the students there.Now my family has a couple problems with the missing school a lot.Now I have to do 6th grade all over again but im doing virtual school Temporarily i learned that just Don’t listen to other people when they talk about Bc you’re perfect in your own way.My mom always told me to read other people’s stories and learn new words that you can use to defend yourself “OutSmart them” they actually work so you’re not the only one going thorough it just know that you’ll get through it.if i can get through it you can too.Have a great rest of day or night.