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This page is a conglomeration page for my edits on the Operation Flashpoint: Red River wiki in regards to the various weapons, vehicles, environments, and characters (and more!) found in-game.



The United States Marine Corps is the main, playable faction in the game. All of the allied characters, with the exception of pilots, aircrews, and Navy EOD are members of the USMC. While friendly helicopter pilots, crews, and cavalry units (such as LAVs, APCs, and tanks) and certain fixed-wing aircraft crews are Marine Corps units, A-10 pilots and other miscellaneous pilots (such as the F-15 air cover suggested in the mission briefing for INFO NEEDED, where Colonel Hardaway, in the briefing, states that the mission is a MULTISERVICE operation) are U.S. Air Force units, and the Special Warfare Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) units in "Meet the Neighbors" are U.S. Navy units.


  • Colonel Hardaway ("Mustang Actual")
  • Staff Sergeant Damien Knox ("Outlaw 2-1," Outlaw 2 Squad Leader)
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Often carries an M4A1 A and an MEU(SOC), except in certain situations (such as "1st and 10, Let's Do It Again", where he uses an M4A1 NO SUP)
SSgt. Knox is always the Rifleman class.
Damien Knox is one of three main characters to have a unique character model (the others being Knox and Sorenson).
  • Sergeant McGee ("Outlaw 2-Alpha Actual," Outlaw 2-Alpha Fireteam Leader)
McGee's first name is unknown (as is Sorenson's)
McGee is one of three main characters to have a unique character model (the others being Knox and Sorenson).
Sgt. McGee is always the rifleman class.
  • Sergeant William Kirby ("Outlaw 2-Bravo Actual," Outlaw 2-Bravo Fireteam Leader, Rifleman Default Class)
Hometown: Somewhere in California
Sgt. Kirby is the "Player 1," "host player" or "offline player" character.
Kirby defaults to the Rifleman class.
Kirby has done multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan before entering Tajikistan, and is the most experienced member of Bravo team.
  • Lance Corporal Daniel Taylor (Outlaw 2-Bravo Fireteam Member, Grenadier Default Class)
LCpl. Taylor is the "Player 2" character.
Taylor defaults to the Grenadier class.
Taylor (and the Grenadier character model) both show black characters, but the skin color is not kept if Taylor is a class other than Grenadier (likewise, "white" characters can appear black by switching to the Grenadier class).
Taylor grew up an inner-city kid, and by the time he joins the Marines, he has very little family left and is seen as somewhat antisocial by the Marines around him.
  • Corporal José Soto (Outlaw 2-Bravo Fireteam Member, Scout Default Class)
Cpl. Soto is the "Player 3" character.
Soto defaults to the Scout class.
The Scout is the only character model that does not wear a helmet.
Soto appears to have sideburns between his hat and bandanna.
Soto is a cautious, calculating character, saying that before he takes a shot, he simplifies everything by going back to his training, and just thinking about the target, physics, and himself. He even comments that he has convinced himself that the enemy hunting for him is even colder and more skilled than he is himself, adding "...but that's just how I stay alive."
  • Corporal Ryan Balletto (Outlaw 2-Bravo Fireteam Member, Auto Rifleman Default Class)
Cpl. Balletto is the "Player 4" character.
Balletto defaults to the Auto rifleman class.
Balletto is known for his thick southern American accent.
Balletto has had insubordination issues with other units, saying he hoped the Marine Corps could appreciate a free-thinking individual, but is instead punished for expressing his emotions in a way not consistent with the Marines' core values. However, sometime after joining Kirby's team, he says he will follow orders and won't be any trouble, adding, "Not this time."
  • Sergeant Sorenson ("Outlaw 2-charlie Actual," Outlaw 2-Charlie Fireteam Leader)
Sorenson's first name is unknown (as is McGee's).
Sorenson is always the rifleman class.
Sgt Sorenson is one of the three main characters with a unique character model.
Sorenson is shot in the leg during the mission, "Careful What You Wish For..." and Charlie team subsequently provides sniper support during "1st and 10, Let's Do It Again."





Sub-Machine Guns






Light Machine Guns


Special Weapons (Not Included in Class Setup)



  • M18 Claymore Proximity Mine
  • M18 Smoke Grenade
  • M67 Fragmentation Grenade
  • C4 Charges
  • Infrared (IR) Strobe
  • M14 Anti-Personnel (AP) Mine
  • M## Anti-Tank (AT) Mine
  • Binoculars

Weapon Attachments (Letters Denote Change to Weapon Name)

  • M203 Grenade Launcher (A)
  • Aimpoint Red Dot Sight (RDS)
  • EO Tech Holographic Sight (CQB)
  • Trijicon ACOG Marksman Scope (M)
  • Sniper Scope (SN)
  • Thermal Night Optic Scope (NO)
  • Suppressor (SUP)

Weapon/Player Equipment

  • Flashlight (functions as headlights in drivable vehicles)
  • MEU(SOC)
  • M14 DMR
  • M39 EMR
  • Infrared Laser Sight (only visible through night vision)
  • Night Vision Goggles


  • HMMWV "Humvee" (Open-Top Transport and Mounted M2 Armored Escort)
  • M2 Bradley LAV
  • M1A2 Abrams MBT
  • AH-1Z Super Cobra
  • CH-53 Super Stallion
  • A-10 Thunderbolt II ("Warthog")

Class Outfits/Character Models


Playable Classes


"Standard" outfit, basic USMC BDUs. The Rifleman has a spider web tattoo on his neck.


Marine BDUs with a balaclava and a large backpack. The Grenadier has a darker, African-American skin tone.


Marine BDUs with rolled-up sleeves, no helmet, a bandanna, and a wool cap. The Scout's pant legs are also not tucked into his boots like other classes' pants.

Auto Rifleman

Marine BDU pants with an uncovered helmet, and Marine Corps olive green tee shirt. The Auto Rifleman also wears a gold wedding band on his left ring finger and has exposed tattoos on his upper arms.

Outlaw 2 Character Outfits

Staff Sergeant Damien Knox

Knox wears a scarf made of the same material as the Scout's bandanna, and has large radio antennae protruding from the left side of the front of his body armor. Besides, these, Knox's outfit is similar to that of the Rifleman.

Sergeant McGee

McGee's outfit is similar to the Rifleman, with the exception of the backpack he wears with radio antennae poking out of the top and a first-aid kit on his left thigh. McGee also wears clear, black-framed shooting glasses.

Sergeant Sorenson

Sorenson's outfit is similar to McGee's, except INFO NEEDED

Other US Forces Character Outfits


Basic beige flight suit with olive body armor and flight helmet.


Similar to the Rifleman class, but with a darker brown camouflage pattern and a large, Grenadier-like backpack.




  • AK-47
NOTE: The AK-47 M (M for Marksman Scope) is actually closer to an AK-47 SN, as the scope on the AK-47 M acts like an SN scope on other rifles.

Light/Medium Machine Guns

  • PKP

Special Weapons

  • Type 2004

Weapon Attachments

  • Marksman Scope (M)
NOTE: The AK-47 M Marksman Scope acts like a USMC Sniper Scope when aiming down the sights.


  • Technical (Mounted PKP)

Class Outfits




Dark shirt with lighter pants, and a reddish headwrap.



White clothing with a dark headwrap and crossed bandoleers.

AT Gunner


Identical to that of the Sniper, with the exception of a small backpack with crossed rockets inside it, and sticking over the AT Gunner's shoulders.




  • QBZ95
  • QBU88
  • QBZ03

Sub-Machine Guns

  • QCQ05


  • QSZ92


  • M2000

Light Machine Guns

  • QBB95 SAW

Special Weapons

  • PF98 Queen Bee
  • _ SAM
  • QJC88 Pintle

Weapon Attachments

  • Grenade Launcher (A)
NOTE: Only found on QBZ95
  • Sniper Scope (SN)
NOTE: Only used on QBU88 Marksman Rifle
  • Holographic Sight (CQB)
NOTE: Only used on M2000 Shotgun
  • Red Dot Sight (RDS)
NOTE: Only used on QBZ03
  • Marksman Scope (M)
ONTE: Only found on QBZ95 and QBZ03



Class Outfits


PLA Soldier

Note: The PLA Soldier class covers all types of PLA units, except for SpecOps

Light green, black, and white digital camouflage, and occasionally a boxy backpack with an antenna sticking up from it.

Special Operations ("SpecOps")


Black helmets, body armor, and boots. Dark olive green cloth uniforms beneath the armor. Black balaclava and dark black sunglasses.



Bohemia Interactive Magazine Reference
