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Nina Killham




Nina Killham was born in Washington, D.C., the daughter of an American Foreign Service officer, and lived overseas much of her childhood. She is a graduate of the College of William and Mary, which she fled her junior year to live in Paris and eat. She is now married to an Australian who is a senior lecturer at the London School of Economics. They live in London, have two young children and like to bicker about the meaning of life". [1] She met her Australian husband in Los Angeles and moved to London with him, where she became British citizen in 2012. She recently moved to Melbourne with her husband and two tri-national children and spends much of her time gazing at the beautiful gum trees.[2]

Major Works and Other Relevant Sections


Her first writing was for the Washington Post Food section where she wrote about local food personalities and tested endless recipes. She also worked as a screenwriter and an assistant for Columbia Pictures. She left the studio to write the screenplay that was going to make her famous and rich but worked as secretary for an earplug company instead. [1]

She worked for ABC News, The Washington Post, and Columbia Pictures.

She avidly uses her personal blog[2].

Currently working on a new short story: We Never Saw Coming[3]

Books by Nina Killham: How to cook a tart, Mounting Desire, Believe Me. My wife the Hyena - was included in the Best British Short Stories 2013[1]

Future Works


Nina, currently has no books or endeavors that are known. Nina posts small memoiresoires on her blog[3].


  1. ^ a b c "Nina Killham | Penguin Random House". PenguinRandomhouse.com. Retrieved 2020-10-10.
  2. ^ a b "About Nina Killham". Nina Killham. 2008-11-09. Retrieved 2020-10-10.
  3. ^ a b "Nina Killham". Nina Killham. Retrieved 2020-10-10.