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Defining knowledge (objective)


See also: existential knowledge

An objective view of Knowledge derived from machine intelligence work, is that knowledge is an "outcome" when a Platonic Form of identity is instantiated in an existential host with a motive capability to align the measured and planned states of Self with Identity. According to a model developed for stored purpose machine intelligence by Jones and Rubalsky[1], when Identity is propagated into a contextual fabric, an entity is brought into existence. It only then becomes capable of hosting existential knowledge supporting both "Universal" or "ultimate" truths defined by Plato and Buddhist systems[2] and situational or contextual truths defined by Aristotle's Metaphysics.

  1. ^ Warren Jones, Lana Rubalsky (2010) "Stored Purpose - Introduction" wJones Research. [1]
  2. ^ Newland, Guy (1999) "Appearance and reality: the two truths in four Buddhist systems" Snow Lion Publications, pp 95