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The History of Iramva clan

General clan founder of Iramva clan is called Lokpe. Lokpe has three (3) children’s 1. Gudumbe 2. Diyoga 3. Anda

Direction of their movement from the origin.

Gudumbe came together with Anda, on the way to their settlement Anda lead on the way and has children remained and bury his dead body and Gudumbe passed lead with his children hence their suppuration. For this reason Gudumbe moved and settled in Congo around Olengaku, Lidrisu and Muri hence giving raise to twelve (12) by clan (groups) and they are called Muramva in Congo.

Anda: when the son’s of Anda tried to follow Gudumbe and his children, they were confused by the foot mark of Rhino around. Luhipi and river Kinya, therefore, they turn and settled around Ngiliku hill before separation later. However, after their married separated and occupied whole discovered of their Iramva land. With their natives E.g. Mujuru, Pojiri, Amuko, Podrika, Jobu later on Kokozi after when we have given them our parts of the land. Our border with the native clans mentioned above. Iramva land is bordered from the eastern by river Kaya along side Uganda and from west by Rego Lokdobo, Kogbulu along side Congo, And Bindu from the North, and by South Dingarikabo. Hills around or occupied by Iramva land

Drabatiku, Itu-Ndreku, Ngiliku, Araguze, Lemekora, Gumbiri, Ireni, Limanduru, Alikuku, Kiyakotro, Akim, Kperekpere, Kuburuzo, Kondua, Olengaku, Atio Ombachan.

Streams of or within Iramva Land

Iyiwa, Nyawu, Yamaru, Ofua, Izembiyi, Imvi Logurucha, Tretrembi, Kocici Obaze Stream and Gboro. Hence of the Sudan.

The last group of Iramva

This group is headed by Ndoyogo they follow the Nile to Rhino camp, therefore they are called IRIA of Uganda This group of Iramva have also 12 by clan or group in summary Lokpe great ground father of Iramva has three children’s

❖ Gudumbe – Muramva ❖ Ndriyoga _ Iria ❖ Anda - Iramva

History of Iramva in Sudan

Anda is our grandfather and Anda’s father is Lokpe

Anda as our grandfather has three Children’s • Apiti • Wosu • Wani

Short summary of Anda’s kids Apiti form the group of ➢ Pakayo ➢ Geri ➢ Drimu ➢ Lodiki Wosu form the group of ➢ Pagunya ➢ Pojomure Wani form the group of ➢ Umba Hence seven (7) groups or by clan

The Children of Apiti Apiti has three children’s • Abure- Pakayo • Ada - Geri • Aridru, Arimu and Baba Lodiki The history of Iramva Drimu, Apiti is our grand father of Drimu. Apiti married a wife from Kamaka, give birth to Andru. Andru, he has two wives • Drimu has two children • Uwoko has on child The first wife from Drimu gave birth to Wani drimugo hence the grouping of Drimu by clan. Wani’s sister is called Ukia ➢ Ukia was married to Amuko. The children of Ukia o Baba – Mali o Abuga The Children of Wani Wani has three wives ❖ The first wife is was married from Bura her name is Ineku and has one child named Galle o Galle children He married the first wife from Nyori-mosu and gave birth to Cheni. Cheni get married to Pamio and have three children

o Druku o Ate o Buni He married to the second wife of Galle is from Gurepi named Poni. Poni has two children o Buruku o Anyaku

Buruku being the son of Galle married a wife from Nyumbe and has a daughter called Imaru.

Imaru: Have two places of marriages

1. Get married a husband from Bura- Aringa and have a son Atama. 2. Second husband from kemuru and give birth to a daughter called Chandiru later married to Igaba.

Anyaku son of Galle

Married a wife, first from Ujiri and has a daughter called Cukwon she is married to merlika. The second wife is brought from Iyiba and has given birth to Galugbe.

The second wife of Wani from bilenga named Kodro. Kodro has children Iliki and Dada; Dada was killed by his uncles Galenga.

• Iliki Iliki has four husbands She was married by Kitole and has a Daughter called Abiria, later the husband refused Iliki and her daughter Abiria remain as our property. Abiria got married to Nyaga of Jobu and these children are our ‘Nyerinyiz’ now

o Ide o Ebere Baba o Paipai o Ada o Juliano • The second husband of Iliki from Kuwi and has a daughter Ukia, Ukia was married in Lokora; the present is Wongo of Lokora. • The third husband of Iliki from Moze and has three children called Sebi Dada and two daughters are unknown. • The fourth husbands of Iliki from Nyokoko she has a child called Tulu. • The third wife of Wani from Mujuru named Aka she has three children o Pudi o Ayiga o Iliki • Pudi Is married to Ponyeri and has three children o Druku o Araba o Kenyi • Iliki Iliki is married to Ponyeri also and has three children are as follows: o Ide o Andrura o Abiriga • Ayige son of Wani his first wife was from Pajomo named Araba, Araba has a daughter called Gune and Gune was married to Jobu. • And second wife from Bura, named kuyu and kuyu has a child Yaya and Yaya was married to pombe. • The third wife of Ayige Alinya from Bobori and has a daughter called Aya, and Aya was married in Nyokoko e.g. yesua. • The Fourth wife of Ayige is Ukia from Bura and has son called Anda, and Anda has two sisters one sister died without children a live one is Ika.

Anda son of Ayige. Anda has six wives

o The first wife from Umbachi named Kadai, Kadai has one child called Undolo and Undolo has two wives ▪ From Pojoka called Motura has children o Engilisi o Lokure o Aya ▪ From Jobu has a daughter called Aniti The second wife of Anda from Alipi called Ayuyu, Ayuyu died without children the reason is there. The third wife of Anda is from Pojiri named Uba, Uba has three children o Luka o Frajala o Ika

Luka married a wife from Parikile name Itta. 1. Itta has six children i. Mariku (Taban) ii. Michael iii. Angelo ‘Alokore’ iiii. Karlo v. Dada vi. Adaga ‘ died without head’ 2. Uwa ‘ Mary Apai from Weli has five children i. Remo ii. Adaru iii. Kenyi iiii. Araba v. Akujo Frajala ha two wives: i. Kara from Robu has ii. Unknown Kaia has five children • Abiriga • Akio • Adonye • Adole • Duduko

Ika is married to Retiko

Second wife from Bura has Kuyu and late Adiges.

The fourth wife of Anda is from Pombe named Ide, and has three children are as follows: • Samuel Ayiga • Simona • Ayine Samuel Ayiga: Have four wives are as follows: • Kerebe from Pojiri • Fatina from Pakujo • Shara from keliko • Unknown with two children Adongi and Boka Kerebe has three children • Khemis ‘Aminga’ • Gaba • Sadia Fatina has five children • Senya • Juma • Nafisa • Abdu • Dawa Shara has two children • Gallanga • His sister The fifth wife of Anda from Kuluba called Akio and she has five children are as follows: • Ukuga ‘Chandria) • Adraru married to Jobu • Yenya married to Ludrara • Dede kelekele married to Retiko • Araba kawukawu married to Leiko The sixth wife of Anda from Ponyeri, called Kerebe or Ataima, and she has Four children are as follows: • James Ade • Adiye married to Apoyo • Ayume • Diri Enosha.

Summary of Iramva Drimu:

Andru is the grand father as follows:


Son Wani Ayige Anda

Father Andru Wani Ayige

History of Iramva – Lodiki only Iramva Lodiki and Iramva Drimu they are brothers, have one father out different mothers. i.e. (One grand father different Grand Mothers). Their grand Mother is Andru, this wife of Andru is married from Uwoko, and the name is not known and has a son. Baba of Uwoko

Baba’s children: He married from Lodiki named Yaya, and she has two children they are • Lodru • Araba Araba was married to Pakila and has a son called Adingo. Lodru has three wives the first wife from Ponyori; Kila has a child called Daadaa. Daadaa married his wife from Nyokoko her name is Cheza children of Daadaa are as follows: • Gata married to Nyaro • Baba • Nigo Alimash. Lodru second wife from Oludri and has son called Oluru Lodru third wife was from Nyaro named Gatra. The children of Gatra • Noah Gboko • Jua married to Lodiki and has two children Koji and Jubuto. Noah Gboko son of Lodru: he has two wives, the 1st, wife is from Mujuro, and her name is Aji. Aji has two children • Ika translated to Keliba • Druku Aburemu Druku Aburemu married a wife from Ginyabu and named Seita.

The second wife of Noah Gboko is from Jobu Nyangia Nyangia: Have two daughters • Poni married to Pakujo • Kuta married to Ponyori

The history of Pakayo:

Iramva Pakayo become first by clan of Apiti meaning that Apiti’s first wife is brought from Pakayo. And this wife of Apiti has a son named Abure.

Abure: married a wife and has son called Lugba, and Lugba married from Bilenga, her name was Akandru. Akandru has two children are • Kenyi • Ide Ide was married in Amuko and has two children • Badru • Sadiadri

Kenyi 1st, wife from Podrika and has two children are • Doli • Ide is married to Moli

Kenyi second wife was from Bura (Name Unknown), and has a child Ayakaka. Ayakaka is married to Bago and his son is (Koronalio). Doli married from Bura, but the women is found in Bura not a Bura lady called Udia. Children of Udia, Doli’s wife.

Udia has three children are as follows: • Ideba: is married to Moli • Isaya • Pita: was married to Nyori

Isaya has a wife from Jobu named Ade- Kariglia and has following children: • Ayi ↔ Nyokoko • Kichi ↔ Pojuka • Adonye ↔ Pomuna • Tata • Oliver Nigo The history of Iramva Geri:

Geri are the children of the second wife of Apiti, this wife is married from Geri Clan. The children of woman married from Geri are:- • Ada • Ayiga • Aba

→ Aba was married to Gochu → Ayiga died without children → Ada married and has a child called Aligo

→ Aligo married from Uhudri and has two children are:- • Apiti • Nyaga

Apiti married from Bura and has a child called Ayou, and she is married to H.B (need more information) from Raidra Nyaga has three wives are as follows:-

• 1st, wife from Godria and has a child called Ika • 2nd, wife from Nyokoko also has a child called Undo married to Leiko. • 3rd wife from Mujuru, and has two children o Soro o Ellia Soro has three wives are as follows:- • 1st, wife from Alipi called Inya and Inya has a child called Mikaya. • 2nd, wife from Jobu named Tinda, and Tinda has three children o Taban no children o Engilisi no Children o Congo is Married in Itoko

3rd wife from Leiko named Alima, Alima has three children are as follows: • Akujo • Aate • Gamba – ( itom ) After the death of Soro Mikaya also took Alima to be his wife and have two children with Alima. Ukugas and Ajio. Ellia son of Nyaga married a wife from Nyoke, called Aate and has six children they are as follows: • Aba • Asega • Abure • Kemisa • Abrirga • Akujo


Wosu has two wives are as follows:

• 1st, wife from Pojomure hence (Iramva –Pojomure) • 2nd, wife from Pagunyer hence ( Iramva – Pagunyer)

The history of Iramva Pojomure:

This is form the 1st, wife of Wosu, Wosu married from Pojomure, and has a son called Asiku: and Asiku has two wives are as follows: • Asiku 1st, wife called Kamaka and a child called Wani, and Wani has a child called Lugala. And Lugala has three wives as follows:- o Lugala 1st, wife from Godria called Koronyo, and Koronyo has a child called Konyi, and he married from Geri-Keliko and has children (Mabe and Modo). o Lugala 2nd, wife Ganji, married and has a child called Lomo. o Lugala 3rd wife from Gimunu, named Kede and has a child called Araba, married to Gulumbi, and she divorced the Gulumbi guy, and married to Gimara with presence of Wani. Asiku 2nd, wife from Mujuru and has a child called Lokolo, and Lokolo married from Rugbuza and has two children o Wani o Foroko • Foroko was married to Iringa • Wani son of Lokolo married a widow of Pagunya named Gune from Lokora. And Gune has a child called Wongo, Wongo married from Lomila named Akio Iasusa and has five children they are as follows:- • Gbekede • 2nd, • 3rd, • 4th, • 5th, Wosu second wife from Pagunya and has a son Kadumbe, Kadumbe has a child called Baba, and Baba has a child called Wani, and Wani married from Robu named Idria and has two children they are as follows: ​ • Dada • Anda Dada married from Lokora and has Indoga, and Indoga has two wives as follows: • 1st, from Rugbuza an has two children o Druku o Dranga Indoga 2nd, wife from Pamuna and has three children o 1st, o 2nd, o 3rd, Anda son of Wani married from Buranga named Ungua and has four children

o Baba ↔ Nyokoko and Ponyori o Poru ↔ Jobu o Idria ↔ Irimvu o Kuyu ↔ Mujuru

NB. In the History of Pagu one stage is mixing i.e. (that is) on e of Amvuga and Galla

The history of Umba:- Wani: - married from Umba and has Ada Umbago Ada married from Bilenya named Iya and has Lodru Lodru: has two wives they are as follows:- • 1st, wife from Mujuru named Choko and has three children are o Chiki o Wani o Yanyu Yanyu was married in Buraligi and has a child Amute, and Amute has children. Chiki has four wives: • Chiki 1st, wife from Jobu she has three children o Wani or Karala o Kide is married in Gochu o Dudu is married in Aju Wani or Karala has two wives o 1st, wife from Bura and has Children • Tarangya • Wongo o 2nd, wife of Karala entered a widow of his father Chiki from Gochu Aate and Aate has three children • Bullen • Allia • Amodo The second wife of Chiki from Oraba , named Gatra, and she has four children o Dada or Jabiri o Karube married to Ponyori o Alinyi married to Alipi o Osuna married to Gulumbi Dada or Jabiri has three wives are :- o 1st, wife from Aliba named Asha and has 5 children o John o Pia o Adraru o Gorge o 2nd wife from Pojiri named Yayi , and Yayi has four children o Abure o Mudrale o 3rd, o 4th, o 3rd wife from Panapa named Sura, and Sura has three children they are o Lokure o Two sisters The third wife of Chiki from Jobu again named Yaya and has a child called Ayiga. o Ayiga has two wives o 1st, wife from Godria and has two children. o 2nd, wife from Jobu and has children. Wani son of Lodru:-

Wani married from Ombachi named Aate and has a child Iya, and Iya was married to in Metino. The second wife of Lodru from Pojiri named Anyu, and Anyu has two children o Gbagbe o Kenyi Gbagbe married and has a child called jamba Naso, Jamba entered to widow of Chiki Gatra and has a child called Yobu, and Yobu married to Moze.

Kenyi married from Idriko and has four children. o Choko o Iye o Okiba o 4th, Okuba married from Bura named Seida and has five children they are as follows:- o Galla o Awiringuli o 3rd, o 4th, Fourth wife of Chiki was from Bago named Aate and has children they are as follows:-

o Awuga married to Alipi o Aba married to Lomila o Sabba married to Weli.