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User:Irena Vanevska/AMSM

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Auto - Moto Association of Macedonia (AMSM) is a system of 10 companies which offer more than 20 different types of services in the field of motorized traffic and tourism. Through its 18 regional clubs, AMSM covers the entire territory of the Republic of Macedonia. For more than 15,000 members, AMSM provides discounts and benefits, as well as 24 hour care for safer travel at home and abroad.



The beginning of Auto - Moto Association of Macedonia is the formation of the first auto - moto associations which started functioning in 1945. The next year, 1946, in Macedonia there had already been nine associations established, whose basic aim was carrying out operations of public interest for the citizens throughout the country. The first associations were established in: Skopje, Kavadarci, Bitola, Kicevo, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Veles, Prilep and Berovo and later the associations were also established in Stip and Strumica. Its existence and development are marked through series of structural and organizational changes, some due to the time, and some in response to the need to be and to remain closer to the older and to the new generations.

As a result of its 65 years of existence on the one hand and continuous commitment to walk together with the developed world automobile clubs from other, AMSM is a modern organization which unites the rich experience and modern concepts of operation, typical of consumer - oriented and modern organizations.

The tendency to respond to modern trends with great enthusiasm means continuously expanding services portfolio. Today AMSM is providing complete and sophisticated solutions and services to its customers (technical inspection of vehicles, international documents, roadside assistance and towing, AMSM membership packages, service providers, driving licences for all categories, issuing insurance policies, vehicle homologation, fuel attestation, cargo transport, ADR, etc.).

Thanks to the constant technological development, today AMSM is a modern organization with more than 15,000 members, who have recognized the value and quality of AMSM services.

The continuous achievement of the strategic objectives of AMSM would be impossible without the selfless commitment and loyalty of more than 300 employees, who represent a combination of youth and experience and will undoubtedly prepare and bring the organization to even greater achievements.

AMSM companies and services


AMSM Membership [1]


As a result of the long time existence and experience AMSM created different categories of membership packages which meet different needs and demands of the members. Being part of AMSM member family means much more than security, it means to provide security to your family, your company, in every way, wherever you are.

Types of membership packages

  • For physical persons (Classic, Europe premium and Light)
  • For legal entities (Business and Business Europe premium)

AMSM club magazine "Klub Mobiliti" [2]


With 15 000 copies, AMSM "Klub Mobiliti" is the largest automobile magazine by circulation in Macedonia, which is one of the added value services offered to AMSM members. AMSM members have the privilege to receive the club magazine on their home address free of charge and to read all the benefits, information about AMSM services and interesting articles from different fields.

AMSM technical inspection stations [Skopje (Centar and Chair) and Veles][3]


More than 70,000 vehicles a year are served in three AMSM stations for technical inspection located in Skopje (Center and Chair) and Veles. 95% of these are vehicles of AMSM loyal customers who recognize the service quality and expertise of AMSM stations for technical inspection. Technical inspection and registration of the vehicle can be performed in all AMSM regional clubs throughout the country. With 43​​% market share, AMSM technical inspection stations are the market leader in registration and technical inspection of motor vehicles.


  • Regular technical inspection
  • Preventive technical technical inspection
  • Issuing international documents(green card, vehicle permission letter, international driving license)

AMSM department for roadside assistance and information


The main goal of the AMSM department for roadside assistance and information is a 24-hour care for the road safety of all motorized traffic participants. AMSM department for roadside assistance and information is equipped with 27 modern vehicles for roadside assistance and over 40 drivers-mechanics specially trained to remove more than 50 different types of defects on the spot.


  • 24 hours roadside assistance and travel information (roadside assistance, towing - 196)
  • Traffic and touring information (for road information - 15 555)
  • Medical and travel assistance
  • Service and Support

AMSM vehicle centar


AMSM vehicle centar for vehicles with 17 test centers in 16 cities is the only center in the country that unites all activities and services relating to vehicles, their approval, verification of safety features, environmental improvements, and training of professional drivers and implementing legislation in the field of domestic and international transportation.

