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In 1880 Samuel Johnson became a deacon and was ordained a vicar in 1888. Claiming Yoruba ancestry, he was concerned that his people were losing their own history and completed the original manuscript of his history of the Yoruba people from his notes in 1897. Whether by accident or design, this completed manuscript was sadly lost. However, after his death, his brother, Dr Obadiah Johnson, produced this work from his notes. It was at last published in 1921. Unfortunately, Obadiah died in 1920 so neither he nor Samuel saw the finished product. It remains a key resource for the understanding of Yoruba history.

Isinbode Ekiti: Comprises of the following quarters: Ekuye, Ilaro, Uruku, Uro, Imikan, Uremo, Esiagbon, Ilado, Oke-Eku, Igando, Eriti, Ufe, Abilogbo, Idimi, Ojere, Irare, Ijowa, Ilogbo, and the camps.


The present-day Isinbode Kingdom formerlly known as Isin-Obo is situated in the eastern part of Ekiti, in Ekiti East Local Government. She shared boundaries with Irun-Akoko via river Oyimo and Afin-Akoko via Ose, Ufe, both in Ondo State. Igeregere hill marks the boundary between her and Ara in Ikole; with Ode in Gbonyin, the boundary is at Ekan stream and rivers Erode and Ose. The same Ekan stream marks the boundary between Isinbode and Orin-Odo in Ikole Local Government.

Ekiti East LGA

Ekiti East Local Government was created under the Local Government Edict of 1979. This took place as a result of the creation of Ondo – state which has it’s headquarter at Ibadan under the administration of the late Head of State Gen. Murtala Ramat Muhammed. At its creation, the old Gbonyin District Council which has it’s headquarter at Aisegba-Ekiti and part of the then Ekiti North Division were carved to from Ekiti east Local Government with it’s headquarter located at Omuo-Ekiti.

However, with the creation of more Local Government in 1996 as a result of the creation of Ekiti state by late Gen. Sanni Abacha, Gbonyin Local Government has been carved out of Ekiti East Local Government. However, during the reign of the present Oba in 2014, Isinbode claimed to have their own Local Government Secretariat ( Isinbode Local Government which includes her provinces; Isinbode Eremeji-Isinbode, Ilupeju- Isinbode, Agbara-Isinbode and their settlments) but which was abortive.

Vision & Mission Our Vision

To see that the Kingdom becomes first among the equals and to see that healthy living and literacy is enhanced. Our Mission

To upgrade the governance of the Isinbode to a democratic standard, and to give every citizen of Ekiti East Local Government the propitious empowerment and better living.

QUARTERS AND SUB-QUARTERS IN ISINBODE KINGDOM. In Isinbode Kingdom, various quarters and Section occupies the Land as follows; Ekuye , Ilaro, Uruku, Uro, Imikan, Uremo, Esiagbon, Ilado, Oke-Eku, Igando, Eriti, Ufe, Abilogbo, Idimi, Ojere, Irare, Ijowa, Ilogbo, and the camps.

The major quarters that form the kingdom area (Isinbode) are as follows:


There are three distinct religious groups in Isinbode kingdom. These are:

  1. Christianity, which has many denominations such as Anglican, Methodist, Roman Catholic. the CMS i.e Anglican Christianity has the largest adherents among the three churches.
  2. Islam has the Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria as the only denomination. Since its inception, its influence has continued to expand among the townspeople. Only recently, there is the Ajowa muslem society.
  3. The third group is made up of various traditional worshippers. This group continues to lose its adherents to both Christianity and Islam. Both Christianity and Islam have contributed immensely to the rapid socio-economic development of the town especially on the field of education while the traditional worshippers continue to remind us of our past and try to keep our cultural heritage alive. 


The educational advancement of the town owes much to the efforts of various religious denominations in the town, Local Government as well as self-help spirit of the people.

Obedu Community Junior Grammar School, Isinbode.


The first Indegineous graduate - Mr. M.B. Olajide, Post graduate - Mr. Michael F.,Female graduate - Mrs. Janet Adejoko Oluwasanmi, and many more.


The people of ISINBODE are predominantly farmers. About 80% of the male adult population engage in farming. The male adults have large plantations of food crops such as yams, cocoyam, cassava, maize, beans, rice and plantains. Some male adults have and maintain plantations mainly through hired labour. The farmers also plant cash crops such as cocoa which used to be the mainstay of the economy of this area. kolanuts, palm produce, coffee, cotton and tobacco are planted in smaller scales. In addition we have some people who are Tailors, Traders, Carpenters, Mansions, Bricklayers, Goldsmiths, Blacksmiths, Shoe-makers etc by profession. The women-folk engage in various trades.


Most contributions about the story of Isinbode. Segun Adebusola, Isinbode is not found among the towns in Ekiti State on the web simply because nobody sends any write up about Isinbode and send it to the webmaster. If you can do that yourself or get someone to do it and forward it to the webmaster, you will find it within 2weeks among the towns of Ekiti State. That's how my town came on the web.

isinbode have contributed to the growth and development of ekiti state. we have about six saw-mills, which employed many youths of the state and also agricultural products to feed the citizen. l was surprise not to see isinbode ekiti in the web site.

[[Category:The nature of ekiti people Category: News Extra | Date:2008-08-20 I’m innocent, says Ekiti principal sacked over alleged exam fraud ODUNAYO OGUNMOLA Everything was going on well for Mr. Oladele Olusola Olowooye, until May 30, 2008 when he was slammed with a compulsory retirement by the Ekiti State government. He was unceremoniously removed from his seat as a principal of a public secondary school. The unexpected retirement cost him his exalted office, image and reputation, which he is battling hard to regain, denying his alleged involvement in examination malpractices in public examinations organised by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). His name featured among top school officials in the state who were either dismissed, compulsorily retired or suspended by the state government in a statement from the office of the Commissioner for Education and Technology, Mrs. Abiola Ayimonche, for allegedly aiding and abetting examination fraud in public examinations. The school where Olowooye served as principal, Obedu Community Senior Secondary School, was subsequently de-recognised by WAEC on the alleged examination fraud racket that was uncovered in the school. But Olowooye did not want the allegation from the state government go unchallenged, at least for the sake of posterity and the need to clear his hard-earned name and integrity since silence would be tantamount to admission of guilt. The commissioner had told reporters that Olowooye and other teachers that were axed were neck-deep in examination fraud and were sanctioned to serve as deterrent to others with similar proclivity and to sanitise the education system of the state. She noted that Ekiti State , the acclaimed Fountain of Knowledge, is renowned for its values of integrity, truth, transparency, and honesty, vowing that her ministry would not condone any desecration of these values in the education sector. The letter conveying Olowooye’s sack, dated May 30 and entitled: "Compulsory retirement from public service", was sent from the state Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM) and was signed by the Chairman, Chief Samuel Kolawole Babalola. It reads: "The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) reported to the state government that your school, Obedu Community Senior Secondary School, Isinbode-Ekiti, was involved in examination irregularities during the conduct of the May/June 2007 Senior Certificate Examination, which led to the de-recognition of the school as an examination centre by the council. "As you are aware, the case was investigated by the Standing Disciplinary Committee of the Teaching Service Commission. The report of the committee was critically examined by the commission and a case of gross misconduct was established against you. "Consequently, you are to proceed on compulsory retirement with immediate effect. You are to hand over to the school Vice Principal after you might have submitted all government properties in your care". But Olowooye replied in a letter to the State Executive Council vide a letter dated June 19, entitled:" Protest letter against humiliating and whimsical forced retirement as a principal through witch-hunt without fair hearing and meticulous investigation: Call for redress and reinstatement as principal I". It reads: "I am the principal who was humiliated and forced out of office through a forced retirement letter dated May 31, 2008, which I received on June 4. "At first, I did not understand the connotation and meaning of the phrase ‘misconduct’ in the letter, but on June 5 through June 7, the whole scenario began to crystallise as I later learnt through the slanderous broadcasts over the radio and television and in the newspapers that I was being retired for collecting WAEC fees from students and refusing to register them for the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE). "I want to point out the following facts: Entries for WAEC, WASSCE and NECO SSCE, as a function of payment of the required fees have never been investigated by any individual or panel in my school throughout the period of the investigation of my school. What was investigated was examination malpractices and enrolment of additional candidates. "I cannot understand the antics of my detractors in formulating bestial lies against me in the spirit of seething criminality couched in slander and libel. In my schools and throughout my lifetime, I cannot recall any incidence of stealing and cheating and defrauding any human being. "I am not a thief, I am not a criminal. I have no eyes on materialism; mine is to meditate, pray in order to conquer the limitations of the flesh". Olowooye stated that WAEC and NECO fees are paid by individual students to the Obedu Development Account at Springbank, Ode-Ekiti branch, after which the candidates are issued tellers. He also added that indigent students are sometimes helped to register for the exams by the principal using his personal money or from other sources. He maintained that he had never in his life collected money from students without registering them. Citing what happened in 2008, as an example, Olowooye claimed that he personally paid N47,000 of his own money on behalf of 10 students on the understanding that they would refund the money. He pointed out that while some had refunded him, others have not. He attached the photocopies of the relevant tellers. The embattled former principal said in the 2008 WASSCE, he is still being owed N68,000, which he was yet to recover from sources that owed him, adding that he paid N12,000 to cyber café operators for this year’s NECO. He said he could not understand where the allegation of collecting money without registering them emanated from. "I am innocent, the Ekiti State Executive Council should restore me as full a principal. I am in support of this government. I got N1,000,000 as housing loans, regular salaries and other benefits. "As a physicist, mathematician, chemist and education specialist, I still have a role to play in developing my state, Ekiti. Unknown to many, this government has been beneficial to my family members who occupy key positions in Ikole Local Government or who are members of various commissions in Ekiti State", Olowooye added. Olowooye also wrote letters to the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, the Speaker, Federal House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, calling for an investigation into the alleged miscarriage of justice, lies, fallacies and generalised ill-treatment which led to his premature retirement from the public service. But Ayimonche defended the government’s decision to compulsorily retire Olowooye, which she described as a move to sanitise the state education sector and to restore integrity into the system. Mrs Ayimonche said the state government would not fold its arms and allow the integrity of its education system to be soiled, pointing out that the decision to retire Olowooye and demote other teachers was also meant to serve as deterrent to other teachers and school officials who are involved in alleged sharp practices. While warning that the war against examination fraud had just commenced, Mrs Ayimonche said that the state government would not allow its education sector to be bastardised. She added that it had taken government this long to break the examination fraud racket in public schools in the state. ]]

THE PEOPLE Grade C Traditional Titles (Towns in Alphabetical order) S/N TRADITIONAL TITLES TOWNS 1 Alaaye Aaye-Ekiti 2 Alaaye Aye-Oja--Ekiti 3 Alaafao Afao-Ekiti 4 Alararomi Araromi-Ekiti 5 Oloja Araromi-Oke-Ekiti 6 Odoloofin Araromi-Odo-Ekiti 7 Alasin Asin-Ekiti 8 Owa Ayebode-Ekiti 9 Owa Ayegbaju-Ekiti 10 Owa Egbe-Ekiti 11 Elewu Ewu-Ekiti 12 Eleyio Eyio-Ekiti 13 Eleda Eda-Ile-Ekiti 14 Elepe Epe-Ijero-Ekiti 15 Elepe Epe-Ekiti 16 Elesure Esure-Ekiti 17 Elesun Esun-Ekiti 18 Apetu Idao-Ekiti 19 Onofishin Ifishin-Ekiti 20 Olugbole Igbole-Ekiti 21 Obaloke Igbona-Ekiti 22 Onijan Ijan-Ekiti 23 Onijesa Ijesa-Modu-Ekiti 24 Elejelu Ijelu-Ekiti 25 Oloja Ikogosi-Ekiti 26 Obanikosun Ikosun-Ekiti 27 Onikoyi ikoyi-Ekiti 28 Onikun Ikun-Ekiti 29 Eleri Ikunri-Ekiti 30 Alafon Ilafon-Ekiti 31 Obadu Ilemeso-Ekiti 33 Eesatokun Ilukuno-Ekiti 34 Ajagun Ilumoba-Ekiti 35 Onipere Ipere-Ekiti 36 Olumojo Imojo-Ekiti 37 Olupole Ipole-Iloro-Ekiti 38 Owa Irele-Ekiti 39 Oluroko Iroko-Ekiti 40 Oniro Iro-Ekiti 41 Aroniro Iro-Ekiti 42 Obasaoye Isaoye-Ekiti 43 ONISIN ISINBODE-EKITI 44 Olu Iyemero-Ekiti 45 Obalemo Odo-Orov 46 Owa Oke-Ako-Ekiti 47 Olojebu Oke-Ijebu-Ekiti 48 Obalemo Oke-Ora-Ekiti 49 Obaloje Oloje-Ekiti 50 Owajunmu Omu-Ekiti 51 Olorin Orin-Ekiti 52 Olorun Orun-Ekiti 53 Olosin Osin-Ekiti 54 Onikun Temidire-Ekiti 55 Amuro Temidire-Ikolev

The Isinbode, whose ancestors migrate from Ile-Ife as a people, form one of the largest Kingdom in Ekiti East Local Government Area. Isinbodes are culturally homogeneous and they speak a dialect of Yoruba language known as Ekiti. The homogeneous nature of Isinbode confers on the Kingdom some uniqueness among the kingdom of Ekiti Slight differences are noticeable in the Isinbode dialect of the Yoruba language spoken by the people. This is informed and influenced by their spatial locations, especially the border communities to other states. For example the people of Ekiti East local government area do not speak exactly the same dialect with the people of Ijero local government area, while the people of Ado area speak something different from the people of Ikere area. The communities influenced by their locations include Isinbode Kingdom, Iro, Ode, Egbe,Eda, among others,that speaks a dialect closely related to others of the same region. The people of Kota, Omuo-Oke speaks a dialect similar to that of Ijumus in Kwara/Kogi States. The people of Isinbode West and Gbonyin local government areas, that is, the Ode, Agbado, Aisegba communities speak a similar dialect. However , part of the uniqueness of the Ekitis is that where ever is your own part of the state, you will understand well, when the other Ekiti man/woman speaks, inspite of the dialectal variations. in addition, all towns in Ekiti State take a common suffix, "Ekiti," after their names. the main staple food of the people of Ekiti is pounded yam with vegetable soup. Isinbode as a people settle in nucleus urban patterns, well linked with network of roads. The Kingdom can boast of more than 50 large and small, ancient and modern villages located on valleys that characterize the Kingdom from which the confinement takes its name, Isinbode, that is, 'The people of Isinbode has arrived' (freedom). Isinbode, apart from the fact that it is the only town in Ekiti East with a warm and humid temperature in Ekiti State is the shield and source of some prominent Villages such as Iro, Eda, Ife and others. The people of Isinbode are hard-working , upright and very articulate. Isinbode men are predominantly farmers but women engage in trading. RELIGION The people are mostly Muslims and Christians while some are still traditional religionists.