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User:Itkillik/Estancia Valley, New Mexico

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The Estancia Valley of New Mexico is a closed basin, located East of Albuquerque and South of Santa Fe. It is bounded on the West by the Manzano and Sandia Mountains. It is bounded on the Northwest by the Ortiz Mountains. It is bounded on the Northeast at the bluff dropping off into Rowe. Portions of the valley lie within the New Mexico counties of Torrance, Santa Fe, Bernalillo and Valencia.

Significant Features of the Estancia Valley[edit]

Features found on U.S.G.S. maps and the U.S.G.S. database for the Estancia Valley are listed below along with the quadrangle
E Est LH


The valley has no year-round streams feeding it, nor any outflow.

Significant Water Drainage Features[edit]

Arroyo de Yrisarri (Est)
Arroyo de la Miga (Est)
Arroyo de San Jose (E)
Bachelor Draw (E)
Buffalo Draw (E)(Est)
Buffalo Springs (Est)
Canada de Escabosa (Est)
Canada de la Miga (Est)
Canada de la Perra(Est)
Canada de la Puerta (LH)
Canada de las Narrias (E)
Canada del Chinchonte Canon de Chilili Canyon de Gallegos (Est) (E)
Canyon del Pino Chavez Draw (LH)
Cienega Draw (Est)
Compton Draw (Est)
Hyer Draw (E)
Juan Tomas Canyon (E)
King Draw (E)
Milbourn Draw (Est)
Rattlesnake Draw(LH)
Red Canyon Draw(LH)
Salt Draw (E) (Est)
San Lazarus Gulch (E)
Woodman Draw (E) (Est)


Laguna Del Perro(LH)
White Lakes (L)



Baldy, 6595' (Est)
Cerro del Conejo (Est)

Lobo Hill, 6501'(LH)
Northam 7003' (E)
Oro Quay Peak, 8226' San Pedro Mountain, 8242' (E)
South Mountain, 8254' 8301, 8690' (E)



Current Communities[edit]

Cedar Grove (E)
Chilili (Est)
Edgewood (E)
Estancia (Est)
Lamy (L)
McIntosh (Est)
Moriarty (Est) (E)

Former communities[edit]

Antelope Springs (Est)
Augustine (Est)
Bachelor (E)
Barton (E)
Hyer (E)
Martinez (E)
Old Chilili (Est)
Otto (E)
Pine Springs (Est)

Historic Schools[edit]

Mapped Places[edit]

1935 1956 Edgewood 62500 (E) Bassett Ranch (E)
Bella Vista Ranch (E)
Blackwell Place (E)
Briggs Place (E)
Butler Ranch (E)
Cavasos Place (E)
Davis Ranch (E)
Fullingim Ranch (E)
Hale Ranch (E)
Hill Ranch (E)
Horton Place (E)
Irby Ranch (E)
Jarett Place (E)
Johns Place (E)
King Bros. Ranch (E)
Lacy Place (E)
Loyd Ranch (E)
Martin Place (E)
Mosely Place (E)
Silvia Ranch (E)
Simmons Ranch (E)
P. Simmons Place (E)
Stewart Ranch (E)
Van Scoyk Ranch (E)
W. L. Williams Ranch (E)
F. Yates Ranch (E)
J. Yates Ranch (E)

1956 Estancia (Est)
Ballinger Ranch (Est)
Clark Ranch (Est)
C. Davis Place (Est)
E. Davis Place (Est)
Dean Ranch (Est)
Dunn Place (Est)
Flowers Ranch (Est)
Goodner Ranch (Est)
Hornsby Ranch (Est)
Mendonca Ranch (Est)
Milbourn Ranch (Est)
Thompson Place (Est)
Tijeras Ranch (Est)

1960 Lobo Hill (LH)
Berkshire Ranch (LH)
D. Williams Ranch (LH)
Davis Ranch (LH)
Dean Ranch(LH)
Green Camp (LH)
Huntley Ranch(LH)
Kinchloe Homestead(LH)
L. Williams Ranch (LH)
Lamb Homestead(LH)
Old Price Ranch (LH)
Red Canyon Ranch(LH)
Sprule Homestead (LH)
Stockton Place(LH)


Mount. View, Moriarty (Est)
Mtn. View, Hyer (E)
Garland, (Est)

Census Information[edit]

Covered in the following census areas:

Meinzer, Oscar Edward (1910), Preliminary report on the ground waters of Estancia Valley, New Mexico, Washington: Govt. Print. Off.


The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America edited by Peter U. Clark, Peter D. Lea,

"Pre-late Wisconsin paleolimnologic record, Estancia Valley, NM", Frederick W. Bachhuber

Torrance County Business Directory http://files.usgwarchives.net/nm/torrance/history/directories/business/1912/