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Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

I plan on contributing information from additional literature, as the number of sources referenced on this page is limited. This diagnosis is fairly new and developing, and with additional information, it may be more well-rounded on its Wikipedia page. I can mention some of the available treatments and courses of action.

Bryant-Waugh, R. (2013). Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder: An illustrative case example. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46, 420-423.

In previous years, the DSM was not inclusive in recognizing all of the challenges associated with feeding and eating disorders in 3 main domains:

  • Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) was an all-inclusive, placeholder group for all individuals that presented challenges with feeding
  • The category of Feeding Disorder of Infancy/ Early Childhood was noted to be too broad, limiting specification when treating these behaviors
  • There are children and youth who present feeding challenges but do not fit within any existing categories to date

Under 'Treatment'

Clinical Diagnosis

Clinicians will often follow a diagnostic checklist to test whether or not an individual is exhibiting behaviors and characteristics that may lead to a diagnosis of ARFID. Clinicians will look at the variety of foods an individual consumes, as well as the portion size of accepted foods. They will also question how long the avoidance or refusal of particular foods has lasted, and if there are any associated medical concerns, such as malnutrition.

Under 'Comorbidity'

There are different kinds of 'sub-categories' identified for ARFID:

  • Sensory-based avoidance, where the individual refuse food intake based on smell, texture, color, brand, presentation
  • A lack of interest in consuming the food, or tolerating it nearby
  • Food being associated with fear-evoking stimuli that have developed through a learned history

ARFID vs Anorexia

Norris, M. L., Robinson, A., Obeid, N., Harrison, M., Spettigue, W., Henderson, K. (2014). Exploring avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in eating disordered patients: A descriptive study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47, 495-499.

Early Onset

Kurz, S., van Dyck, Z., Dremmel, D., Munsch, S., Hilbert, A. (2015). Early-onset restrictive eating disturbances in primary school boys and girls. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 779-785.