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User:Jéské Couriano/ArbCaseSum/09

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How to read the sections

  • Decided: The calendar date (in UTC) when the case was decided. If the case did not reach a decision, it will be Closed instead. If the case involved an administrator "retiring", it will be "Deopped" instead.
  • Abbrev.: A shorthand abbreviation of the casename. See ArbCaseAbv for more details.
  • Type: The type of case it is:
  • Admin: A case centred around the conduct of one or more administrators.
  • Dispute: A case that examines an intractible dispute between two or more editors directly.
  • Editor: A case about the (non-administrative) misconduct of an editor.
  • Functionary: A case centred around misuse of Suppressor or Checkuser permissions.
  • Omnibus: A case about misconduct in a topic area writ large.
  • Other: Any case that doesn't fall into one of the categories above.
  • Scope: The overall scope of the case.
  • CT?: An indication of whether or not a case includes or included a discretionary sanctions or contentious topic remedy.
  • Remedy name: The name of the remedy (or a description of it, for earlier cases which did not have sectioned remedies).
  • Remedy (in modern terms): Basically my best attempt to explain, in plain English and modern understanding, what the remedy means.
  • If this section has a coloured background, the colour indicates its status or origin:
  • Yellow (#FFFF00) is a temporary injunction issued mid-case.
  • Blue (#00BFFF) is a post-close amendment or motion.
  • Red (#CD5C5C) is a remedy that has since been rescinded or otherwise is wholly reliant on previous remedies that are themselves rescinded.
  • Green (#32CD32) is a remedy whose wording was amended post-close, either due to an amendment/motion or due to changes in process (such as Discretionary Sanctions to Contentious Topic).
  • Brown (#D2691E) is suspended or in abeyence, usually as part of a period where a remedy has been appealed.
  • Amended/Enacted: If a remedy was added or amended post-close, this will be the calendar date (in UTC) when the remedy was modified or took effect.
  • Rescinded: If a remedy was terminated, this will be the calendar date (in UTC) when the remedy was ended.
  • Enforceable?: Indicates whether a given remedy can be invoked at WP:AE. Any remedy that predates April 2006 and was not still in force by then predates AE entirely.
  • Sup/Opp/Abs/Rcs: The vote totals for a remedy (Support, Oppose, Abstain, Recused).

Any case that has been courtesy-blanked or closed without action will be given a very brief description and nothing further.

  • Decided: Jan. 04, 2009
  • Abbrev.: IAN
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Intractible dispute over naming conventions for articles related to Ireland
  • CT?: No[i]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Community asked to develop a procedure The underlying content dispute about how to title articles in the Ireland topic area is remanded to the community for the next 14 days. -- N/A 8 0 0 2
Back-up procedure If the community discussions referred to above are unable to come to a consensus within a fortnight of the case's close, ArbCom will appoint a panel of three administrators who are not involved in the Ireland topic area and have them determine a means of moving forward. -- N/A 8 0 0 2
No moves pending discussion All editors, writ large, are banned from moving pages in the Ireland topic area until two years after a consensus on those articles' titles, or a policy on titling pages in the topic area, is achieved.
(The first remedy outright bans page moves during the policy debates and the second imposes the two-year moratorium after the consensus.)
-- Yes 8 0 0 2
Binding resolution -- Yes 7 0 0 2
Conditions met The Arbitration Committee notes that the conditions... were fulfilled to the Committee's satisfaction and that, as a consequence, [Binding resolution] is in force until September 28, 2011. Mar. 05, 2010 N/A 8 0 0 2
Existing consensus ArbCom accepts the existence and continuity of WP:Manual of Style/Ireland-related articles as a consensus being established and tells the community to stop rehashing these disputes. Mar. 05, 2010 N/A 8 0 0 2
Amendment (December 2023) This removes a restriction, passed by motion in June 2009 but never listed on the case page, requiring that any move proposals must take place at WP:WikiProject Ireland Collaboration and a related provision allowing that WikiProject's moderators to summarily topic-ban people disrupting those discussions from the page for 1mo. Dec. 02, 2023 N/A 9 0 0 0
  • Decided: Jan. 16, 2009
  • Abbrev.: GMC
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: G.-M Cupertino's sockpuppetry and gross incivility
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
G.-M. Cupertino banned G.-M. Cupertino is sitebanned 1yr. Yes 10 0 1 2
G.-M. Cupertino restricted to one account G.-M. Cupertino must choose an account he controls and disclose it to the Arbitration Committee. Once he does, he can edit Wikipedia from that account and no other.
(G.-M. Cupertino would end up community-banned for sockpuppetry - and logged-out sockpuppetry in particular - making this moot.)
Yes 11 0 1 2
  • Decided: Feb. 02, 2009
  • Abbrev.: PHG
  • Type: Other
  • Scope: Review of FMA
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Mentorship renewed PHG's mentorship arrangement is extended for another 1yr and loosened slightly. As long as he has a mentor who is proficient in the French language, he is allowed to use French sources as long as he informs that mentor of their use. While this is otherwise functionally identical to the old remedy it supersedes it. -- -- No 13 0 0 1
PHG's topic ban is narrowed and extended PHG's topic-ban is narrowed in scope to articles in three specific topic areas: The Crusades, the Mongol Empire, and Hellenistic India. It is also extended another 1yr. Breaches are to be handled as they were for the old topic ban (≤1wk block first five, ≤1yr thereafter, logged on the case page). -- PHG's topic ban is extended Yes 15 0 0 1
Invitation to editing PHG's mentor is allowed to add or remove specific articles from his topic-bans at their discretion. Any such modifications are to be logged on the case page, and the mentor is encouraged to take feedback from other editors into account when deciding whether to do so. -- -- N/A 11 0 0 1
PHG encopuraged ArbCom acknowledges PHG has been complying with his topic ban thus far and encourages him to continue to do so. -- -- No 14 0 1 1
PHG's mentorship is renewed PHG's mentorship (as modified in Mentorship renewed) is extended another 1yr. Mar. 30, 2010 -- No 7 0 0 0
PHG's topic ban is renewed PHG's topic-ban (as modified in PHG's topic ban is narrowed and extended) is extended another 1yr. Mar. 30, 2010 PHG's topic ban is extended Yes 7 0 0 0
PHG's topic ban is extended PHG's topic-ban is extended indefinitely, with appeals allowed semiannually (6mo). It is also narrowed in scope, with Hellenistic India dropped. Nov. 08, 2010 -- Yes 6 0 0 0
  • Decided: Feb. 25, 2009
  • Abbrev.: FS
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: ScienceApologist's aggressive behaviour in the fringe science topic area
  • CT?: No[ii]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs[iii]
ScienceApologist topic-banned ScienceApologist[iv] is topic-banned from articles in the fringe science topic area for 6mo. Breaches are to be met with blocks and logged on the case page. -- Yes 8 3 1 4
Pcarbonn admonished Pcarbonn is admonished for stoking drama in the area and tell him in no uncertain terms to voluntarily withdraw from the topic area or be formally banned from it. -- No 11 0 0 4
Editors warned ArbCom makes it clear anyone who still wants to turn the topic area into a drama mine will have the Committee collapse the tunnels on them. -- No 12 0 0 4
Editors encouraged ArbCom recommends mediation for the genuine content disputes in the topic area and encourages editors to abide by the (otherwise non-binding) mediation results. -- No 12 0 0 4
Motion to sanction ScienceApologist ScienceApologist is sitebanned 3mo, and his topic-ban will be reset to 6mo from this siteban lapsing or being lifted. Clarification as to the extent of his topic ban must also be requested by email to the Committee itself. Mar. 12, 2009 Yes 8 1 2 2
Motion to clarify the interpretive role of administrators Administrators responsible for enforcing a given Arbitration remedy may interpret them in a reasonable and logical fashion while doing so. What they cannot do is attempt to clarify those remedies' scope, as that is exclusively ArbCom's remit. Mar. 12, 2009 No 10 0 1 2
Motion regarding SirFozzie ArbCom finds nothing wrong with SirFozzie's interpretation of the remedy (and defence thereof) other than the set and setting of his explanation, finding he acted appropriately and within administrator discretion. Mar. 12, 2009 No 10 0 1 2
Proxies for ScienceApologist ArbCom authorises Kaldari, Sceptre, and Durova to act as proxies on ScienceApologist's behalf with regards to the Optics article and its Featured Article candidacy. May 25, 2009 N/A 9 0 1 2
  • Decided: Mar. 04, 2009
  • Abbrev.: SBb
  • Type: Admin
  • Scope: SemBubenny's questionable speedy deletions
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
SemBubenny admonished and warned SemBubenny is warned to only speedy-delete articles that unambiguously meet a speedy criterion and to be prepared to defend his administrator actions in a civil manner if they are challenged, with a further warning that any more misuse of administrator tools will lead to their summary revocation.
(The inciting incident in this case was SemBubenny speedy-deleting articles on various phobias, which he promised to quit doing in the lead-up to the case. As he held to that promise throughout, ArbCom opted not to formally revoke his administrator rights at this time.)
No 15 0 1 1
Jurisdiction retained If SemBubenny doesn't learn from this incident, ArbCom can and will revoke his administrator rights, either summarily or through another case. N/A 10 5 2 1
  • Decided: Mar. 15, 2009
  • Abbrev.: AR
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Factionalism in the topic area of a specific eminent 20th-century philosopher.
  • CT?: Oct. 27, 2011 - Nov. 30, 2014 (motion)
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors cautioned ArbCom prefaces the list of remedies with one that notes that the issue is one of ideology, as the dispute is primarily between pro-Objectivism and anti-Objectivism factions. -- -- No 12 0 0 1
Editors encouraged ArbCom urges editors working in the Ayn Rand topic area to make use of formal mediation to resolve any ongoing content disputes. -- -- No 11 0 3 1
Stevewunder topic banned and warned Stevewunder is topic-banned from the Ayn Rand topic area for 1yr. Breaches are to be met with blocks (length left to administrator discretion) and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 10 3 0 1
Brushcherry reminded and encouraged Brushcherry, who is under a mentorship arrangement, is warned to not disrupt active discussions and be more reasonable on talk pages. He's also encouraged to continue editing under his mentorship. -- -- No 13 0 0 1
Kjaer topic-banned and warned[sic] Kjaer is topic-banned from the Ayn Rand topic area for 1yr. Breaches are to be met with blocks (length left to administrator discretion) and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 14 0 0 1
SteveWolfer topic-banned and warned[sic] SteveWolfer " "-" " " " " " " " 6mo. " " " " " " " (" " " " ") " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 14 0 0 1
TallNapoleon topic-banned and warned[sic] TallNapoleon is topic-banned from articles in the Ayn Rand topic area for 6mo. Breaches are to be met with blocks (length left to administrator discretion) and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 14 0 0 1
TheJazzFan banned TheJazzFan is sitebanned 1yr. -- -- Yes 12 2 0 1
Snowded topic banned and warned Snowded is topic-banned from articles in the Ayn Rand topic area for 3mo. Breaches are to be met with blocks (length left to administrator discretion) and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 13 0 1 1
Idag topic-banned and warned[sic] Idag " "-" " " " " " " " " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " ") " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 14 0 0 1
Editors not named The Arbitration Committee defers any further sanctions on users not already sanctioned to the community. Editors not specifically named or sanctioned in this case are not excused or exonerated for any inappropriate conduct. -- -- No 14 0 0 1
Additional sanctions Any administrator may summarily sanction a user who was named in the findings of fact or remedies of this case who disrupts articles or discussions in the Ayn Rand topic area as they see fit. Any sanctions (both directly and consequentially) issued this way must be logged on the case page.
(While this remedy does have a notification requirement, everyone mentioned in the findings of fact was also subject to a remedy, and so everyone listed above would be considered aware.)
-- Standard discretionary sanctions Yes 13 0 1 1
Standard discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions in the Ayn Rand topic area as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. (See WP:Contentious topics for more details.) Oct. 27, 2011 Discretionary sanctions rescinded (November 2014) Yes 14 0 0 0
Discretionary sanctions rescinded (November 2014) Standard discretionary sanctions is rescinded. Any sanctions still active remain bound by the standard appeal procedures for enforcement. Nov. 30, 2014 -- N/A 11 0 0 0
  • Decided: Apr. 08, 2009
  • Abbrev.: MZM
  • Type: Admin
  • Scope: MZMcBride's misuse of administrator tools and automation
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
MZMcBride directed to refrain from using automated tools MZMcBride is banned from using any sort of automation, including bots and scripts, to delete pages as long as this case is active. Yes 9 0 0 2
Extension of injunction As MZMcBride refuses to abide by the earlier injunction, he is banned from deleting any pages other than unambiguous G1, G3, and G10s for the remainder of the case. Yes 8 1 1 2
MZMcBride strongly urged MZMcBride is warned to adhere to deletion policies, improve his communication with the community and consult with them before undertaking major admin cleanup projects, and to improve his judgment in what should be in his userspace. No 12 2 0 2
MZMcBride's administrator status As MZMcBride resigned his administrator tools while this case was ongoing, he must either go through a new, successful Request for Adminship or appeal this remedy to regain them. N/A 13 0 0 2
MZMcBride directed MZMcBride must go through the Bot Approvals Group for anything related to bots/fully automated editing and consult them when using semi-automated or pseudo-automated (i.e. tabbed browsing) editing. N/A 13 1 0 2
MZMcBride commended and urged While ArbCom commends MZMcBride for his ideas on BLP compliance, they are forcing him to loop in the Bot Approvals Group and other interested parties because those ideas rely heavily on automation. N/A 11 2 0 2
Tasks to be segregated MZMcBride must separate out his automated scripts into separate, distinct bot accounts and have each of them go through the BAG approval process. For each bot that passes that process, the task they perform must be clearly stated in that bot's canned edit summaries. No 12 1 0 2
MZMcBride restricted Except for his approved bots, MZMcBride is banned from using any sort of automation on his primary account. This also includes pseudo-automation if he makes actions at a rate higher than twelve actions per minute. Yes 9 4 1 2

(All hard remedies in this case were dependent on the article probation and so any still in effect were thus effectively rescinded and replaced with identical discretionary sanctions when that was replaced with a contentious topic designation on Dec. 20, 2012; this case's enforcement provision was struck when that motion passed.)

  • Decided: Apr. 20, 2009
  • Abbrev.: PR2
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Continued issues in the Prem Rawat topic area after PR
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Momento topic-banned As enforcement of the article probation, Momento is topic-banned from the Prem Rawat topic area for 1yr. Yes 8 5 0 2
Rumiton topic-banned " " " " " ". Rumiton " "-" " " " " " " " " ". Yes 8 5 0 2
Revert limitations " " " " " ", all editors, writ large, in the Prem Rawat area are under 1RR/week and are further banned from reinstating changes that have been reverted for the week after their reversion for 1yr. Yes 11 1 1 2
Users admonished Francis Schonken, Nik Wright2[v], Pongostick, and Will Beback are admonished for their conduct in articles related to Prem Rawat.[userlinks templates omitted] No 10 0 0 1
Mediation encouraged ArbCom encourages the parties to this case and any otherwise-unnamed parties to Prem Rawat-related disputes to go through mediation. N/A 13 0 0 2
Remedies preserved The remedies applied in this case are in addition to the existing remedies applied in [PR], which are not affected by this decision. N/A 13 0 0 2
Jossi required to resolve disputes before returning to this area As Jossi is a key figure in the underlying disputes who "retired" before this case was accepted, he is topic banned from the Prem Rawat area until ArbCom gets an opportunity to address his behaviour. Yes 11 1 1 2
  • Decided: May 12, 2009
  • Abbrev.: PIA2
  • Type: Omnibus
  • Scope: Large-scale continued dispute in the PIA area disguised by a naming dispute over the West Bank region
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Enacted Rescinded Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Area of conflict This remedy merely establishes the area of conflict as the PIA area.
(This remedy is marked as "vacated" per PIA4, but as it is merely establishing the topic area in question for the case it has no material impact from an enforcement standpoint to begin with.)
-- -- N/A 12 0 0 2
Canadian Monkey restricted Canadian Monkey is indefinitely topic-banned from the PIA area. Breaches are to be met with blocks (capped at 1w for the first five and 1yr thereafter) and logged on the case page/centralised log. -- -- Yes 12 1 0 2
G-Dett restricted G-Dett " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- -- Yes 13 0 0 2
Jayjg restricted Jayjg " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- Jayjg topic-ban lifted Yes 12 1 0 2
MeteorMaker restricted MeteorMaker " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- -- Yes 10 3 0 2
Nickhh restricted Nickhh " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- -- Yes 10 3 0 2
Nishidani restricted Nishidani " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- Nishidani topic-ban lifted Yes 13 0 0 2
NoCal100 restricted NoCal100 " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- -- Yes 11 2 0 2
Pedrito restricted Pedrito " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " "/" ". -- -- Yes 11 2 0 2
Jayjg stripped of status and privileges Jayjg's CheckUser and Suppressor rights are revoked, as well as his access to any fora requiring either userright. ArbCom does not mention whether he is barred from ever regaining the userright, but if he isn't he can only get them back by going thru a fresh election. -- -- N/A 10 3 0 2
Lifting of restrictions Any editor topic-banned as a direct consequence of this case may appeal their topic-ban semiannually (every six months). -- PIA4 No 13 0 0 2
Suspension of restrictions " " "-" " " " " " " " may request a carveout specifically for discussions on WT:WikiProject Israel Palestine Collaboration. -- PIA4 No 13 0 0 2
Community asked to come to a consensus on the preferred names ArbCom, against better judgment, encourages the community to come to a consensus on the names of the disputed articles, and to disregard previous failed discussions. -- -- N/A 12 0 0 2
Jayjg topic-ban lifted Jayjg's topic-ban is rescinded. He is still considered to be on notice of, and thus subject to, the PIA contentious topic regime. Jan. 06, 2011 -- N/A 12 0 0 0
Nishidani topic-ban lifted Nishidani's "-" " ". " " " " " " " " ", " " " ", " " " " ". July 21, 2011 -- N/A 8 0 0 0
  • Decided: May 18, 2009
  • Abbrev.: AIT
  • Type: Admin
  • Scope: Aitias' poor judgment in granting rollback
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Aitias' suspension confirmed Aitias' desysop (done due to his attempt at pulling a 172-style exit) is confirmed and rescinded due to his willingness to engage with ArbCom. He is to regain administrator rights at the end of this case. N/A 10 3 0 0
Aitias admonished Aitias is admonished for engaging in too much snark and making other inappropriate comments. No 13 0 0 0
Aitias restricted Aitias is banned from WP:Requests for rollback and its talk page for 6mo. It's worth noting that at the time of this case, rollback had only recently been unbundled from the administrator toolkit. No[vi] 14 0 0 0
  • Decided: May 18, 2009
  • Abbrev.: A-J
  • Type: Dispute/Admin
  • Scope: JzG's inappropriate tool use and Abd's abuse of dispute resolution
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
JzG admonished JzG is admonished for using his administrator tools to further his side in a content dispute and for adminning-while-involved. No 9 2 0 1
Abd advised Abd is admonished to accept valid, good-faith criticism from others and to not aggressively (read: prematurely) escalate to elevated stages of dispute resolution. No 9 1 0 1
Abd urged Abd is also admonished for using dispute resolution to pointlessly extend disputes. No 9 0 0 1
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Amended/Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Ryulong desysopped Ryulong's administrator rights are revoked. He can get them back either through a new, successful Request for Adminship or by appealing this remedy after six months. -- -- N/A 13 0 0 0
Ryulong admonished Ryulong is banned from attempting to seek personally-identifying information (PII) about, or doxxing, Mythdon or anyone else. Breaches are to be met with sitebans, length left to administrator discretion and logged on the case page.
(The original version of this remedy included an unnecessary threat that any further attempts at this would lead to sanctions.)
Amd: Feb 26, 2014 -- Yes 12 1 0 0
Mythdon restrited and placed under mentorship Mythdon is placed under mentorship for 1yr. Before and during the mentorship, he is not allowed to discuss or interact with Ryulong without the express permission of his mentor. -- Mythdon is banned Yes 13/8[vii] 0 0 0
Mythdon is placed under conduct probation Mythdon is placed under conduct probation for one year as part of his mentorship, which amounts to being prohibited from doing things with regards to Ryulong and WP:WikiProject Tokusatsu that he shouldn't be doing anyway in any part of the encyclopaedia. July 20, 2009 Mythdon is banned ??? 6 0 0 0
Mythdon is banned Mythdon's mentorship has been deemed a failure, and so ArbCom rescinds it and instead sitebans him 6mo. For the next 6mo after his siteban lapses or is lifted, he may be summarily sanctioned if he is disruptive at administrator discretion. Sep. 09, 2009 -- Yes 7 0 0 0
Mythdon admonished Mythdon is banned from attempting to seek PII about, or doxxing, Ryulong or anyone else. Breaches are to be met with sitebans, length left to administrator discretion and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 13 0 0 0
Mythdon is strongly urged Mythdon is urged to communicate more with others and to take content/verifiability disputes to venues with a greater audience, such as WT:Verifiability, other WikiProjects, or a village pump for feedback to relay back to WP:WikiProject Tokusatsu. -- -- No 12 1 0 0
Participants at the WikiProject Tokusatsu Since ArbCom cannot force policy onto Wikipedia, the discussion about guidelines for articles falling into WikiProject Tokusatsu's ambit is remanded to its editors, who are urged to collaborate with Mythdon on this matter. -- -- No 13 0 0 0
Mythdon further restricted Mythdon is banned from commenting on or beginning debates where the provenance and reliability of sources is a major factor unless those debates are on Wikipedia policy/guideline talk pages or WikiProject talk pages. Any existing sanctions (remedy or discretionary) specific to WikiProject Tokusatsu are also extended to all WikiProjects, writ large. Aug. 04, 2009 Motion (February 2015) Yes 8 1 0 0
Motion (February 2015) Mythdon further restricted is rescinded. In its place, Mythdon may be summarily sanctioned if he is disruptive at deletion discussions or blindly/irrationally tags multiple articles for maintenance or deletion. This restriction lasts the longer of his next 500 edits or 1yr. Feb. 08, 2015 -- Yes 9 0 0 0
Mythdon restriction lifted A discretionary sanction that topic-banned Mythdon from the tokusatsu topic-area and WikiProject Tokusatsu-related pages is rescinded. May 07, 2022 -- N/A 9 0 0 0

(The remedies below refer to "the SCI area", which refers to any and all articles, edits, and discussions about Scientology and its adherents, broadly construed.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Jossi's administrator status Jossi resigned his tools in the face of a controversy involving their use, and so can only get them back by via a new, successful Request for Adminship. -- -- N/A 10 0 0 0
Church of Scientology IP addresses blocked Any and all IP addresses owned by the Church of Scientology and organisations under its control are to be blocked on discovery as anonymising proxy services. Editors wishing to edit thru a CofS IP may request IP-block exemption to do so. -- Amendment (January 2022) No 10 1 0 0
Scope of Scientology topic ban This is merely setting the scope of the topic area and appeal limitations (semiannually) for any sanctions and remedies issued. -- -- N/A 11 0 0 0
Discretionary topic ban Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to this remedy's existence, any administrator may summarily topic-ban a user from the SCI area, in whole or in part, if they disrupt it. Any such bans (and blocks arising from them) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and can only be appealed to Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. -- Modified by motion (Discretionary sanctions) Yes 11 0 0 0
Single-purpose accounts with agendas Single-purpose accounts who edit exclusively to further an agenda in the SCI area may be summarily topic-banned for up to 1yr. If that account simply "waits out" the topic-ban to resume pushing their agenda, they may be blocked upon resuming editing (length left to administrator discretion, but very likely to be indefinite). -- -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Account limitation All editors named in this case's remedies must choose an account. From that point on, that will be deemed to be their main account; sockpuppets of any sort are to be blocked on discovery. -- -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Editors instructed All editors, writ large, editing in the SCI area must do so...
(1) from their main account,
(2) without using open proxies, anonymising services or other means of masking one's IP address,
(3) Without engaging in any advocacy or POV-pushing, and
(4) after disclosing any connexion they have short of personally-identifying information to players in the topic area.
Each of the affected articles' pages will have these restrictions listed as a talkpage notice.
-- -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Review of articles urged The underlying content dispute is remanded to the community, with ArbCom encouraging users who have no history in the SCI area, no conflict of interest, and knowledge about the topic area to involve themselves in the process to make sure the articles are well-written and neutral in light of the revelations in the case. -- -- N/A 11 0 0 0
Multiple editors with a single voice topic-banned and restricted CSI LA, Grrrilla, Makoshack, Proximodiz, Su-Jada, and TaborG - all of whom are editors whose views and behaviour are virtually identical - are each indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area and restricted to one account. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Low activity single purpose accounts topic-banned and restricted Jack Russell Terrier, Jpierreg, Maureen D, Ongoinghow, Seelltey, Tturrisi, and Voxpopulis - all of whom are single-purpose accounts in the SCI area that edit sporadically - are each indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area and restricted to one account. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Real names and biographies of living people (editors instructed) Arnielerma, Karin Spaink, StephenAKent, Timbowles, and Tory Christman - all of whom have usernames of figures involved in the topic area or related ones - are each topic-banned from the SCI area and restricted to one account until they either rename their accounts to more original names or identify to the Arbitration Committee via email.
(All accounts listed here identified to ArbCom, rendering this remedy moot.)
-- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Editing environment (editors cautioned) ArbCom notes that the topic-area is a hostile editing environment due primarily to the ideological dispute between the pro- and contra-Scientology camps. -- -- No 10 0 0 0
AndroidCat topic-banned AndroidCat is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Antaeus Feldspar topic-banned Antaeus Feldspar " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Anynobody topic-banned and restricted Anynobody " " "-" " " " ". He must also edit Wikipedia from his main account and no other. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
ChrisO restricted ChrisO's voluntary restrictions in the SCI area are confirmed by ArbCom. As such, he is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area, with carveouts for getting non-biographical articles to Good or Featured status by adding sources. -- Modified by motion (June 1, 2012) Yes 11 0 0 0
Derflipper topic-banned Derflipper is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. He must also edit Wikipedia from his main account and no other. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Fahrenheit451 topic-banned Fahrenheit451 " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Hkhenson instructed Hkhenson is topic-banned from the SCI area until they either rename to an original username or identify to the Arbitration Committee via email.
(Hkhenson identified, rendering this remedy moot.)
-- -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Jayen466 topic-banned from Rick Ross articles Jayen466 is indefinitely topic-banned from the Rick Ross topic area. -- Modified by motion (May 2012) Yes 11 0 0 0
John254 already banned This editor has been banned by the community due to sockpuppetry, and so ArbCom declines to issue any further sanctions with regards to John254. -- -- N/A 11 0 0 0
Justallofthem banned Justallofthem is indefinitely sitebanned and restricted to one account.
(Near as I can tell, this is worded as it is to eliminate some bureaucratic red tape regarding sockpuppets, especially if the siteban is successfully appealed.)
-- -- Yes 7 4 0 0
Misou topic-banned Misou is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. They must also edit Wikipedia from their main account and no other. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Orsini topic-banned Orsini " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Rick Alan Ross instructed and restricted Rick Alan Ross is topic-banned from the SCI area and restricted to that account until they rename to a more original username or identify to the Arbitration Committee via email. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Shrampes topic-banned Shrampes is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. They must also edit Wikipedia from their main account and no other. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Shutterbug topic-banned and restricted Shutterbug " " "-" " " " ". " " " " " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Steve Dufour topic-ban replaced Steve Dufour's informal topic-ban from the SCI area is replaced with an indefinite hard ban from same. -- -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Tilman topic-banned Tilman is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
The Legendary Shadow! topic-banned The Legendary Shadow!'s informal topic-ban from the SCI area is replaced with an indefinite hard ban from same. He must also edit Wikipedia from his main account and no other. -- -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Touretzky Touretzky is indefinitely topic-banned from the SCI area. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Modified by motion (May 2012) Jayen466 topic-banned from Rick Ross articles is rescinded. May 28, 2012 -- N/A 10 0 0 0
Modified by motion (discretionary sanctions) Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions in the SCI area as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. June 01, 2012 Scientology (February 2022) Yes 11 0 0 0
Modified by motion (June 01, 2012) ChrisO restricted is rescinded. June 01, 2012 -- N/A 8 1 0 0
Modified by motion (June 08, 2012) Lyncs' ban from the SCI area, issued as a condition of his unbanning, is lifted. June 08, 2012 -- N/A 10 0 0 0
Modified by motion (September 2013) A discretionary sanction issued against The Devil's Advocate is lifted. Sep. 18, 2013 -- N/A 6 0 0 0
Amendment (January 2022) Church of Scientology IP addresses blocked is rescinded. Any still-active blocks made under its provisions lose any enforcement privilege and may be appealed/lifted normally. Jan. 07, 2022 -- N/A 15 0 0 0
Scientology (February 2022)[viii] The contentious topic designation for the SCI area is rescinded. Any sanctions still in force remain so and are bound by the standard appeal procedures for enforcement. Feb. 02, 2022 -- N/A 10 0 0 0
  • Decided: June 11, 2009
  • Abbrev.: MAC2
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Dispute over how what is now Northern Macedonia should be named/titled in articles
  • CT?: No[ix]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Temporary injunction All editors, writ large, are banned from moving any page in the MAC area while the case is live. The injunction also foreshadows pagemoves in the topic area will be restricted as the result of a remedy. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Seek neutral outside opinion ArbCom urges the parties in this case to seek a third opinion from users who do not have any significant emotional or nationalistic investment in the Macedonia topic area. -- -- No 12 0 2 0
Scope of remedies This establishes the nature of the remedies, which revolve around the name of the nation known alternatively as "Macedonia", "North Macedonia", "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" (FYROM), "Republic of Macedonia", etc. -- -- N/A 13 0 0 0
All related articles under 1RR whenever the dispute over naming is concerned All editors, writ large, are under 1RR with respect to the name of North Macedonia. If a stalemare resolution has been established per the remedy of that name below, reverts to enforce it are not subject to #RR. Breaches are to be met with escalating blocks (length capped at 1w for the first block and going up to 1mo, 6mo, and finally indefinite for subsequent blocks) and logged on the case page.
This remedy also defines the Macedonia topic area as articles related to Macedonia, Macedonian nationalism, Greece related articles that mention Macedonia, and other articles in which how Macedonia will be referred to is an issue. This supplements the existing contentious topic regime from MAC.
-- Oct. 19, 2023 Yes 13 0 0 0
Tagging articles Due to the large number of articles (potentially hundreds of articles per ArbCom's estimation) subject to the remedies of this case, ArbCom defers tagging them as subject to 1RR to the community, though they provide code for a sample notice tag to make this process easier. -- -- No 13 0 0 0
Uninvolved administrators This clarifies what WP:INVOLVED means in the context of this case and establishes that previous Arbitration enforcement in the area in and of itself is not considered to be involvement. -- -- N/A 13 0 1 0
Stalemate resolution In the event discussion has reached an impasse due to irreconciliable differences between two entrenched sides acting in good faith, the community may ask neutral and uninvolved administrators to review the situation and determine how best to move forward within the constraints of Wikipedia policy. This stalemate resolution is binding and may be enforced by any uninvolved administrator (including those who issued the resolution in the first place).
If no willing administrator can be found to come up with a stalemate resolution, ArbCom may step in and directly appoint an administrator to do so.
-- Oct. 19, 2023 No 7 5 2 0
Avg banned for one year Avg is sitebanned 1yr. -- -- Yes 9 5 0 0
Avg topic-banned indefinitely Avg is indefinitely topic-banned from the Macedonia topic area. -- -- Yes 13 0 1 0
Kekrops topic-banned indefinitely ΚΕΚΡΩΨ[x] " " "-" " " " " ". -- -- Yes 14 0 0 0
Kekrops banned for one year ΚΕΚΡΩΨ is sitebanned 1yr. -- -- Yes 12 2 0 0
Reaper7 banned for six months Reaper7 " " 6mo. -- -- Yes 13 0 1 0
Reaper7 topic-banned for one year Reaper7 is topic-banned from the Macedonia topic area for 1yr. -- -- Yes 14 0 0 0
Nick is admonished Nick is admonished for edit warring. -- -- No 8 5 1 0
Alfadog777 is admonished Alfadog777 is admonished for edit warring. -- -- No 9 4 1 0
SQRTSP1D2 topic-banned for one year SQRT5P1D2 is topic-banned from the Macedonia topic area for 1yr. -- -- Yes 11 0 1 0
John Carter admonished John Carter is admonished for disruption, including sending nastygram emails to opponents. -- -- No 9 0 5 0
Taiyo admonished Taivo is admonished for releasing private corespondence, i.e. one of John Carter's aforementioned nastygrams. -- -- No 10 3 1 0
ChrisO admonished ChrisO is admonished for editing a protected template and moving a protected page during content disputes in which he was involved. -- -- No 13 0 1 0
ChrisO desysopped (This remedy formally revokes ChrisO's administrator rights, but was rendered moot when he resigned them during the voting. ArbCom passed a different remedy to address this.) -- -- N/A 9 3 2 0
Future Perfect at Sunrise admonished Future Perfect at Sunrise (hence "FPaS") is admonished for a long-term pattern of rudeness and ignoring the community's complaints about same. -- -- No 12 0 2 0
Future Perfect at Sunrise restricted For the next year, FPaS may be summarily blocked by another administrator if he makes an edit judged to be incivil, a personal attack, or casting aspersions. Any such blocks are capped at 1w for the first five (and 1mo thereafter) and must be logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 8 2 3 0
Future Perfect at Sunrise temporarily desysopped FPaS's administrator rights are suspended for 3mo, afer which he will get them back. He is also indefinitely banned from acting as an administrator in the Macedonia topic area or against editors active in that area. Breaches will be met with a summary revocation of his administrator rights or an alteration of the restriction. -- Motion (June 2011) No 7 2 2 0
Single-purpose accounts advised ArbCom warns all SPAs involved in the area to read WP:Single-purpose accounts and to pick up other topic areas to work on in the event their actions get them sanctioned. -- -- No 13 0 1 0
Tighten the abuse filter Abuse filter #119 is to be edited to block edits that change "Macedonia" to "FYROM" (specifically the five-letter acronym, not the full phrase). -- -- N/A 8 4 2 0
Disputed article movement/renaming injunction extension The temporary injunction is retained until a consensus is established for how to name Macedonia-related topics. -- -- Yes 14 0 0 0
Establishing consensus on names Within a week of the close of this case, ArbCom will open a formal discussion to help the community come to a consensus on how to title pages in the Macedonia topic area, which will run for 1mo and be closed by a panel of three administrators appointed by ArbCom. The panel will have 1w from the close of the discussion to summarise the findings (which will then be linked to on the case page) and is ordered to disregard irrelevant, nationalistic, or ethnopolitical arguments. -- -- No 11 2 0 0
Administrative supervision (This remedy appears to have been intended to be used against ChrisO or FPaS as an alternative to losing their tools, and noticeably uses a placeholder in its text. This remedy was formally rescinded Oct. 19, 2023 but was long defunct by that point as no user in this case, or any other in the intervening period, was placed under administrative supervision in this fashion; with GSM coming closest to doing so.) -- Oct 19, 2023 N/A 9 5 0 0
ChrisO's administrator status 2 ChrisO surrendered his administrator userright in light of ChrisO desysopped above, and must go through a new, successful Request for Adminship or successfully appeal this remedy to regain them. He is allowed to retain the Rollback right he gave himself prior to resigning.
ArbCom noted in the revocation remedy that ChrisO had been previously sanctioned (either advisory or hard) in three previous cases, and that ArbCom saw his behaviour in this case as part of a pattern rather than just incidental.
-- -- N/A 11 0 1 0
Motion (June 2011) FPaS' ban from performing administrative actions in the Macedonia area - the only sanction still in force from Future Perfect at Sunrise temporarily desysopped - is rescinded. June 19, 2011 -- N/A 11 0 0 0
Motion (June 2018) On the same day the Prespa Agreement was ratified, ArbCom clarifies that WP:Naming conventions (Macedonia) may be changed via a formal RfC, as with any other policy, but requires it to follow the same rules that were used for the policy's creation (1mo RfC, panel of three uninvolved administrators closing). June 17, 2018 -- N/A 10 0 0 0
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Amended/Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Tenmei restricted Tenmei is topic-banned from the Tang Dynasty in Inner Asia article until 6mo have passed from him finding and confirming a mentor to comply with the remedies below. He is also under a one-way interaction ban from Teeninvestor and Caspian blue.
Breaches of either ban are to be met with blocks, capped at 1w for the first five (and 1yr thereafter) and logged on the case page.
(The original version did not include the part about him finding and confirming a mentor, as it was assumed ArbCom would be able to appoint one.)
Amd: Dec. 10, 2009[xi] Yes 10 0 0 0
Six month review As Tenmei rejects all of ArbCom's choices for mentors and is attempting to force them to take it on, ArbCom flips the script and puts the onus on Tenmei to find a mentor. Dec. 10, 2009 N/A 7 0 0 0
Tenmei mentored Tenmei is put under mandatory mentorship with willing mentors of his choice. Until he finds an acceptable mentor and has them confirmed by ArbCom, he is de facto sitebanned except for contacting potential mentors.
(The original version assumed ArbCom would be the one appointing a mentor, and did not include the effective siteban.)
Amd: Dec. 10, 2009[xi] Yes 10 0 0 0
Mentor must be known Tenmei's mentor must be both publicly identified as such and willing and available to discuss Tenmei-related issues with other editors publicly or privately. Dec. 10, 2009 N/A 8 0 0 0
Editors advised ArbCom encourages editors who have issues talking with people on-wiki to seek an intermediary to interpret/translate their comments clearly, especially where dispute resolution is concerned. This particularly applies to editors whose native language may not be English. (Tenmei is, as far as I can determine, ja-N.) -- No 8 2 0 0
Resolution of content dispute The underlying content dispute on Tang Dynasty in Inner Asia is remanded to the community, with ArbCom encouraging users who are zh-fluent to involve themselves with source assessment. -- N/A 9 0 1 0
Continuing jurisdiction ArbCom reserves the right to revisit this case if the situation doesn't improve with Tenmei. -- N/A 6 0 4 0
Parties are instructed and warned ArbCom tells the parties to, once more, look upon its works, sit in the corner, and despair about what they've done. -- No 9 1 0 0
Editors counseled to step away temporarily ArbCom advises that editors who find themselves getting unnecessarily worked up while trying to edit in a particular area or resolve a particular dispute may wish to step away from it to allow more open-minded editors to resolve the matter and spare their own mental health. -- No 9 1 0 0
Editors who come into conflict Editors who come into conflict with Tenmei are advised to contact the mentor(s) either publicly or by email. Dec. 10, 2009 N/A 8 0 0 0
Tenmei mentorship; Tenmei reminded (motion) As Tenmei has now found and confirmed a mentor, this starts the 6mo clock on his topic-ban, to run concurrent with the mentorship. May 04, 2010 N/A 8 1 0 0
  • Decided: June 14, 2009
  • Abbrev.: DDL
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Edit-warring over linking or de-linking dates in articles
  • CT?: No

(Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any remedy amended in this case was amended by Scope of topic bans and other restrictions, which narrowed the relevant topic-bans' scope to discussions and guidelines about (de-)linking dates and reverting edits that did such.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Amended/Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Temporary Injunction All editors, writ large, are banned from automated, semi-automated, and pseudo-automated edits that (de-)link dates in articles as long as this case is live. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 2
Mass date delinking All editors, writ large, are banned from mass or automated edits that de-link dates for 6mo. If there is no established process or policy on (de-)linking dates after this period has expired, ArbCom will open a review of this case with the intent of permanently topic-banning any parties stonewalling or otherwise impeding such discussions. (And yes, there is an enforcement provision to that effect.) -- -- Yes 10 0 0 2
Date delinking bots Date delinking bots will perform in a manner approved by the Bot Approvals Group. -- -- N/A 9 0 1 2
Lightmouse banned Lightmouse is sitebanned 1yr. -- -- Yes 10 3 0 2
Lightmouse topic banned Lightmouse is indefinitely topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking. -- -- Yes 11 0 2 2
Lightmouse automation Other than what is explicitly allowed to a bot he authors by the Bot Approvals Group (BAG), Lightmouse is banned from using any sort of automation.
(The original version did not include the BAG carveout.)
Amd: Supplemental motion regarding User Lightmouse (2) -- Yes 12 0 1 2
Lightmouse accounts Other than clearly labeled bot accounts approved by the BAG, Lightmouse must edit Wikipedia from that account and no other.
(The original version did not allow him to use bots.)
Amd: Supplemental motion regarding User Lightmouse (2) -- Yes 13 0 0 2
Tony1 topic banned Tony1 is indefinitely topic-banned from policies about date (de-)linking. -- -- Yes 9 2 2 2
Tony1 restricted Tony1 is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 9 2 2 2
Greg L topic banned Greg L is indefinitely topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking. -- -- Yes 12 1 0 2
Greg L restricted Greg L is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 12 0 1 2
Ohconfucius topic banned Ohconfucius is indefinitely topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking. -- Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius (3) Yes 12 0 1 2
Ohconfucius automation Ohconfucius is prohibited from using any automation in article space indefinitely. -- Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius Yes 13 0 0 2
Ohconfucius accounts Other than clearly labeled bot accounts approved by the BAG, Ohconfucius must edit Wikipedia from that account and no other.
(As with Lightmouse's identical ban, the original remedy did not allow him to use bots.)
Amd: Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius (2) Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius (3) Yes 13 0 0 2
Ohconfucius restricted Ohconfucius is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 12 0 1 2
The Rambling Man admonished The Rambling Man is admonished for his hesitancy with respect to dispute resolution. -- -- No 6 5 2 2
Kotniski reminded Kotniski is reminded that dispute resolution exists on Wikipedia. -- -- No 6 4 3 2
Kotsniki topic banned Kotsniki is topic-banned from policies and discussions about about date (de-)linking for 3mo. -- -- Yes 8 4 1 2
Dabomb87 restricted Dabomb87 is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 10 1 2 2
2008Olympian restricted 2008Olympian is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 3mo. -- -- Yes 9 2 2 2
ColoniesChris restricted Colonies Chris is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 10 1 1 2
SkyWalker restricted SkyWalker " " " " " ("-)" " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 9 1 2 2
HJensen restricted HJensen " " " " " ("-)" " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 8 4 1 2
Dudesleeper restricted Dudesleeper " " " " " ("-)" " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 9 1 1 2
John restricted (defunct) John is banned from reverting any stylistic/cosmetic edits for 1yr except when those edits would breach a style guideline.
(This remedy was rescinded before the wording and scope of the other date (de-)linking bans was changed.)
-- John restricted Yes 9 1 3 2
John restricted John's topic-ban is rescinded and replaced with an admonishment, due to the community vehemently objecting to what they saw as an unjustified and punitive remedy. Aug. 02, 2009 -- N/A 7 0 2 2
Pmanderson topic banned Pmanderson is topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking for 1yr. -- -- Yes 8 1 2 2
Locke Cole topic banned Locke Cole is indefinitely topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking. -- -- Yes 12 0 1 2
Locke Cole restricted For the next year after his siteban is lifted or lapses, Locke Cole is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia. -- -- Yes 11 0 2 2
Locke Cole banned Locke Cole is sitebanned 6mo. -- Motion amending "Locke Cole banned" Yes 12 1 0 2
Motion amending "Locke Cole banned" Locke Cole's siteban is provisionally lifted. If he breaches his sanctions or the 3RR before his siteban would have ended (Dec. 14, 2009) the siteban will be reinstated for the remainder. Sep. 08, 2009 -- Yes 7 1 0 2
Tennis expert restricted Tennis expert is banned from reverting the (de-)linking of dates anywhere on Wikipedia for 1yr. -- -- Yes 11 1 0 2
G-Man restricted G-Man " " " " " ("-)" " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 9 1 1 2
Kendrick7 topic banned Kendrick7 is topic-banned from policies and discussions about date (de-)linking for 1yr. -- -- Yes 7 3 0 2
Arthur Rubin admonished Arthur Rubin is admonished for threatening to use his admin tools in a content dispute he was part of. -- -- No 11 1 1 2
Scope of topic bans and other restrictions This amendment modifies almost all of the hard bans in this case as follows:
*All topic-bans from style/editing guidelines are replaced by bans specifically from those policies and guidelines about date (de-)linking and discussions about same;
*All bans from reverting stylistic edits are replaced with bans from reverting edits that (de-)link dates.
Aug. 17, 2009 -- N/A 6 1 0 2
Date delinking bots [2] A bot has been written that meets ArbCom's requirements for automated/mass date delinking, and so ArbCom grants the bot its blessing to be run. Oct. 24, 2009 -- No 5 1 0 2
Supplemental motion regarding User Lightmouse Lightmouse is given a carevout for their account restriction and automation ban to run Lightbot. Nov. 09, 2010 -- N/A 8 0 0 1
Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius Ohconfucius automation is rescinded. Nov. 09, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 1
Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius (2) Ohconfucius accounts is amended to allow Ohconfucius to operate a bot, if he so chooses. Feb. 08, 2011 -- N/A 12 0 0 1
Supplemental motion regarding User Lightmouse (2) Lightmouse automation and Lightmouse accounts are both amended to integrate the carveout into them for parity with Ohconfucius' sanctions. Feb. 08, 2011 -- N/A 12 0 0 1
Supplemental motion regarding User Ohconfucius (3) Ohconfucius topic banned and Ohconfucius accounts are both rescinded. Sep. 09, 2011 -- N/A 8 5 0 1
  • Decided: June 21, 2009
  • Abbrev.: OA
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Conduct of editors in the Barack Obama topic area
  • CT?: No[xii]

(Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any remedy amended in this case was amended by Amendment (July 2009) which limited the scope of the 1RR/week and justification requirements to the Barack Obama topic area.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Amended/Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Article probation review ArbCom takes over the existing community article probation and orders a review of it to determine if it's been effective and whether there's any way to realistically improve it. -- AN/I Nyess[xiii] 11 0 1 0
Reminder of talk page decorum ArbCom acknowledges the Herculean efforts by editors to keep discussions on Talk:Barack Obama on-topic and readable and encourages them to continue their efforts. -- -- No 8 2 3 0
Editors encouraged ArbCom encourages the editors working on the page to at least try and collaborate instead of slinging accusations left, right, and (right-)centre. -- -- No 13 0 0 0
Stevertigo admonished and restricted For the next year, Stevertigo is under 1RR/week in the Barack Obama topic area and must explain any reverts he makes (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks (capped at 1w for the first five and 1yr thereafter) and logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 10 0 1 0
Sceptre admonished and restricted " " " ", Sceptre " " "/" " " " " " " " " " " " " " (" " " ") " " " " " " " ". " " " " " " " (" " " " " " " " " " " ") " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Grsz11 reminded Grsz11 is reminded to be civil when dealing with hot-button and controversial situations.[userlinks template omitted] -- -- No 10 1 0 0
Wikidemon admonished Wikidemon is admonished for his part in the edit-warring.[userlinks template omitted] -- -- No 10 0 1 0
Tarc reminded Tarc is reminded to be civil when dealing with hot button[sic] and controversial situations.[userlinks template omitted] -- -- No 10 0 1 0
ChildofMidnight topic-banned ChildofMidnight is topic-banned from the Barack Obama topic area for 6mo. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above.
(The original ban forgot to include discussions on talk pages that otherwise wouldn't be in the topic area.)
Clarification (August 2009) -- Yes 10 0 0 0
ChildofMidnight admonished and restricted For the next year and concurrent with their topic-ban, ChildofMidnight is under 1RR/week in the Barack Obama topic area and must explain any reverts they make (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Scjessey topic banned Scjessey is topic-banned from articles and talk pages in the Barack Obama topic area for 6mo. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 8 1 2 0
Scjessey admonished and restricted For the next year and concurrent with their topic-ban, Scjessey is under 1RR/week in the Barack Obama topic area and must explain any reverts they make (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 10 1 0 0
ChildofMidnight and Scjessey restricted ChildofMidnight and Scjessey are under an indefinite mutual interaction ban. Breaches by either party are to be met with a block of that party as above. -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
ChildofMidnight and Wikidemon restricted " " Wikidemon " " " " " " ". " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ". -- -- Yes 10 0 0 0
Baseball Bugs reminded Baseball Bugs is told not to be a Gas-House Gorilla on talk pages or towards other users. -- -- No 10 0 1 0
Grundle2600 admonished and restricted Grundle2600 is under 1RR/week in the Barack Obama topic area and must explain any reverts they make (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Articles semi-protected ArbCom notes that lengthy and liberal use of semi-protection in the Barack Obama topic area is allowed by policy, and notes that any review should be by the community first and ArbCom only if the community is at an impasse. -- Article probation revocation (February 2022) No 11 0 0 0
Amendment (July 2009) This modifies the 1RR and justification sanctions to apply only to the Barack Obama topic area. July 09, 2009 -- N/A 6 1 3 0
Clarification (August 2009) This modifies ChildofMidnight's topic ban by expanding it to all related discussions. Aug. 09, 2009 -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Article probation revocation (February 2022)[xiv] Articles semi-protected, which is an advisory remedy, is rescinded. ArbCom also declares Article probation review completely moot in light of the AN/I thread that terminated the underlying probation. Feb. 03, 2022 -- N/A 11 0 0 0
  • Decided: June 26, 2009
  • Abbrev.: SEE
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Seeyou's attempts at weaponising dispute resolution and bludgeoning debates
  • CT?: No[ii]

(This is the first case to use the modern "Arbitration/Requests/Case/<foo>" naming convention.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Seeyou banned Seeyou is sitebanned 1yr. Yes 10 0 0 1
  • Decided: July 01, 2009
  • Abbrev.: MTS
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Mattisse's incivility
  • CT?: No

(All motions in this case were passed on December 15, 2009 as part of a suite of mentorship-related motions for the case. Their date will not be given for brevity.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Planning to address issues Mattisse is placed under mentorship, but she is free to dictate its terms as long as (1) they help to address the issues that led to this case and (2) limit any fallout from future disputes.
(Mattisse developed a plan during this case's workshop phase, and so had one ready by the time the case closed; see the remedy immediately below.)
No 5 4 1 4
Adoption of proposed plan (3) Mattisse's submitted plan is accepted by ArbCom. It may be amended by consensus of Mattisse's mentors; any objections by the community will require ArbCom to endorse the changes. No 8 1 1 4
Mattisse banned conditionally (As this remedy banned Mattisse as long as she did not have a plan for her mentorship, it was moot immediately and never took effect.) N/A 5 4 1 4
Mattisse restricted Mattisse is banned from hosting "enemies" lists in her userspace. No[vi] 8 1 1 4
Continuing jurisdiction ArbCom reserves the right to revisit this case and the mentorship if matters do not improve. N/A 7 1 2 4
Motion 3 A report on Mattisse's plan has been accepted and is linked here for ArbCom's consideration. N/A 8 0 0 4
Motion 4 ArbCom acknowledges Mattisse's mentors' blocks of her and requires any further blocks against her be logged. They also tell the mentors to return if the situation doesn't improve. N/A 7 1 2 4
Motion 7.1 For the next year, Matisse may be summarily sanctioned by her mentors if she makes edits or comments that are grossly incivil or domineering. No 7 0 1 4
Motion 8 ArbCom warns all editors that exploiting Mattisse's restrictions in an effort to harass or bait her is disruptive, and encourages uninvolved admins to act on such behaviour as they deem necessary. No 7 1 0 4
Motion 9 User:Mattisse/Monitoring may only be edited by Mattisse and her mentors. Anyone who doesn't fall in either category may contact Mattisse's mentors directly to discuss it. N/A 8 0 0 4
Motion 10 ArbCom will set up an /Alerts subpage for the community to report issues to the mentors, as Enforcement is not an ideal venue for this. N/A 7 1 0 4
Motion 11 The /Monitoring subpage will become a subpage of this case. N/A 5 1 1 4
  • Decided: June 30, 2009[xv]
  • Abbrev.: AMiB
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: A Man In Black's constant edit-warring and campaign against Ikip
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
A Man In Black desysopped A Man In Black's administrator rights are revoked. He may only regain them either through a new, successful Request for Adminship or by appealing this remedy. N/A 9 1 0 2
A Man In Black topic-banned For the next year, A Man In Black is topic-banned from WP:Article Rescue Squadron and under a one-way interaction ban from it and its members. Breaches are to be met with blocks (capped at 1mo for the first five and 1yr thereafter) and logged on the case page. Yes 5 2 3 2
A Man In Black restricted For the next year, A Man In Black is under 1RR/week and is required to explain any reverts he makes (except for obvious vandalism) to the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. Yes 8 0 2 2
Ikip warned Ikip is admonished for making mass edits to talk pages/noticeboards and being rude towards editors he's in a dispute with. No 6 3 1 2
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Topic area This defines the scope of the case as essentially the ADHD topic area (the article proper and related articles or sections of articles). -- -- N/A 11 0 0 1
Scuro restricted For the next 6mo, Scuro is under 1RR/week in the ADHD topic area and is required to explain any reverts he makes (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks (capped at 1w for the first five and 1mo thereafter) and logged on the case page. -- Amendment Yes 11 0 0 1
Scuro placed under mentorship For the next year, Scuro is placed under a mandatory mentorship with a mentor of his or ArbCom's choice. He may dictate the terms of the mentorship as long as it helps him improve his ability to source his edits. -- -- No 10 0 1 1
Jmh649 restricted For the next 6mo, Jmh649 is under 1RR/week in the ADHD topic area and is required to explain any reverts he makes (except for obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 9 0 2 1
Literaturegeek advised Literaturegeek is advised to refrain from edit-warring.[userlinks template omitted] -- -- No 11 0 0 1
Editors reminded ArbCom admonishes the editors active in the ADHD area to remain civil and not personalise disputes. -- -- No 11 0 0 1
Editors encouraged The underlying content disputes on ADHD are remanded to the community, with ArbCom encouraging the disputants to get outside opinions. -- -- N/A 11 0 0 1
Amendment Scuro restricted is rescinded. In its place, Scuro is topic-banned from the ADHD topic area for 1yr. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. Nov. 08, 2009 -- Yes 6 1 1 1

(The case is named for a registered user whose name resembles an IPv4 address; as such the name will not be expurgated.)

  • Decided: Sep. 10, 2009
  • Abbrev.: 194x
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: 194x144x90x118's rampant incivility
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
194x144x90x118 banned 194x144x90x118 is sitebanned 1yr. Yes 12 0 0 0
Editors reminded All other disputants on the DreamHost article are reminded that other, lesser dispute resolution methods exist, and that all editors need to abide by Wikipedia's sourcing and neutrality policies. No 12 0 0 0

(The case name was changed on Mar. 21, 2012 per a Arbitration motion, but the motion was not appended to the case.)

(One post-case motion that updates the contentious topic designation will be omitted for brevity.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about cold fusion as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly.
(This was seen as redundant with PS' contentious topic and thus rescinded.)
-- Nov. 30, 2014 Yes 10 0 0 1
Abd editing restrictions (existing disputes) (defunct) Abd is indefinitely banned from contributing to dispute resolution threads that he did not initiate or otherwise did not already involve him as a party. Breaches are to be met with blocks (capped at 1w for the first five and 1mo thereafter) and logged on the case page.
(This remedy is worded on the assumption a mentorship remedy would pass; none did. The motion immediately below effectively supersedes this remedy and excises the irrelevant language.)
-- Abd editing restriction (existing disputes) Yes 8 1 0 1
Abd editing restrictions (existing disputes) (See above) Jan. 10, 2010 -- Yes 9 0 0 2
Abd banned from cold fusion article Once his siteban lapses or is lifted, Abd is topic-banned from the cold fusion topic area for 1yr. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- -- Yes 8 2 0 1
Abd banned for three months Abd is sitebanned 3mo.
(This remedy is worded on the assumption a mentorship remedy would pass, but it does not materially affect the siteban itself.)
-- -- Yes 8 1 0 1
Abd admonished ArbCom criticises Abd for edit-warring during and on this case, for making unfounded accusations with no evidence, and for repeated personal attacks during the case. -- -- No 10 0 0 1
Mathsci reminded ArbCom then criticises Mathsci for being one of Abd's edit-warring partners on this case's pages and for repeated personal attacks. -- -- No 5 4 0 1
William M. Connolley desysopped William M. Connolley's administrator rights are revoked. He may only regain them through a new, successful, Request for Adminship or by appealing this remedy. -- -- N/A 7 3 0 1
William M. Connolley admonished ArbCom follows up the deopping by criticising Connolley for being Abd's other dance partner. -- -- No 9 0 0 1
Community discussion of topic-ban and page-ban procedure urged Since ArbCom cannot force new policy onto Wikipedia, the policy debate with regards to topic-bans is remanded to the community. -- -- N/A 7 1 0 1
Mutual interaction ban Abd and Connolley are indefinitely under a mutual interaction ban. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. Feb. 02, 2010 -- Yes 6 1 0 2


  • Closed: Oct. 04, 2009

(Closed with no substantial action due to both parties being indisposed - one went on extended wikibreak and the other was indefinitely blocked for an unrelated incident.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Temporary Injunction Lapsed Pacifist - who is involved in the real-world dispute behind the article at the locus of this case - is topic-banned from the Corrib gas controversy topic area as long as this case is live. ArbCom also explicitly notes that attempting to game this ban may also be taken into consideration in the final decision. -- Yes 4 0 0 0
All articles related to Corrib gas controversy and Shell to Sea All editors, writ large, in the Corrib gas controversy topic area are under 1RR, and ArbCom implies that stricter sourcing standards will be enforced as well. Nov. 19, 2015 Yes 6 1 1 0
All editors reminded ArbCom opines on how to handle content disputes where the balance of an article's tone is in question, recommending even expansion of an article so as to help get consensus and buy-in instead of a massive dump that may irritate other editors on that page. -- No 8 0 0 0
Lapsed Pacifist admonished and reminded to be especially careful Because of their involvement with Shell to Sea, ArbCom reminds Lapsed Pacifist that "move fast and break shit" is unacceptable due to the obvious conflict of interest. -- No 8 0 0 0
Lapsed Pacifist topic-banned The temporary injunction is retained indefinitely. In addition, provided he has been given a warning to stop, Lapsed Pacifist may be topic-banned from any topic area or article he disrupts at administrator discretion. Breaches, bans, and blocks (capped at 1w for the first five and 1yr thereafter) are to be logged on the case page. -- Yes 6 1 0 0
Lapsed Pacifist encouraged Lapsed Pacifist is warned to be more conservative in potentially-explosive topic areas, using brief but accurate edit summaries and commenting on content and not the contributor. -- No 8 0 0 0
Lapsed Pacifist restricted Lapsed Pacifist is under 1RR/week and required to explain every revert they make (except obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article for 1yr. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above. -- Yes 8 0 0 0
GainLine strongly admonished GainLine is strongly admonished for vandalising BLPs.[userlinks template omitted] -- No 4 1 3 0
GainLine admonished GainLine is admonished for sockpuppetry.[userlinks template omitted] -- No 6 1 1 0
GainLine commended and encouraged Notwithstanding the above, ArbCom praises GainLine for backing off their more disruptive behaviours, and encourages them to use dispute resolution and seek administrative intervention as necessary. -- No 6 0 2 0
  • Decided: Oct. 20, 2009
  • Abbrev.: SL
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Brews ohare's and David Tombe[v]'s edit-warring over physics-related articles
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors reminded and encouraged ArbCom reminds the parties that WP:Consensus is policy, and that dispute resolution lesser than ArbCom can and should be used. -- -- No 7 0 1 0
Brews ohare warned Brews ohare is warned about his aggressive battleground behaviour and his need to adhere to content policies. -- -- No 8 0 0 0
Brews ohare restricted For the next year, Brews ohare may be summarily sanctioned if he is disruptive at administrator discretion. Any sanctions levied this way are to be logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 7 1 0 0
Brews ohare topic banned Brews ohare is topic-banned from the physics topic area for 1yr. -- -- Yes 7 1 0 0
David Tombe warned David Tombe is given the exact same warning, down to the phraseology, that Brews ohare got. -- -- No 8 0 0 0
David Tombe restricted David Tombe may be summarily sanctioned if he is disruptive at administrator discretion. Any sanctions levied this way are to be logged on the case page. This remedy itself may be appealed after one year has passed from the case's close, and every six months thereafter if unsuccessful. -- -- Yes 7 1 0 0
David Tombe topic banned David Tombe is topic-banned from the physics topic area for 1yr. -- -- Yes 7 1 0 0
Exception to topic ban Brews ohare is given a carveout for his topic ban to allow him to discuss images on speed of light in the context of that article's Featured push. Jan. 27, 2010 Brews ohare topic banned (2010) N/A 9 0 0 0
Second exception to topic ban Brews ohare is given a carevout for his topic ban to edit speed of light specifically to address problems with the images on it in the context of that article's featured push. Jan. 27, 2010 Brews ohare topic banned (2010) N/A 8 0 0 0
Brews ohare Brews ohare's sanctions sunset June 27, 2010. Surely nothing bad will happen, right? Mar. 29, 2010 -- N/A 10 1 0 0
Brews ohare advocacy restrictions David Tombe, Count Iblis, Hell in a Bucket, and Likebox are each under a one-way interaction ban from Brews ohare. Mar. 29, 2010 -- Yes 8 3 1 0
Restriction expiration This sets the interaction bans above to expire when the topic-ban does. July 07, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Brews ohare topic banned (2010) Brews ohare's physics topic-ban is reinstated for 1yr, with no carveouts. Aug. 22, 2010 -- Yes 9 0 0 0
Brews ohare topic banned (2012) Brews ohare is indefinitely topic-banned from the physics and physics maths topic areas. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above, which can only be appealed directly to ArbCom. The remedy itself may be appealed after one year has passed from this motion's passage. June 03, 2012 -- Yes 9 1 0 0
Amendment regarding Brews ohare Brews ohare is sitebanned 1yr. Nov. 18, 2010 -- Yes 8 1 0 0
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors reminded and encouraged ArbCom points out to the parties that consensus is policy and that lesser dispute resolution fora exist. No 7 0 0 0
Rmcnew topic banned Rmcnew is indefinitely topic-banned from the socionics topic area. Yes 7 0 0 0
Rmcnew banned Rmcnew is sitebanned 6mo. Yes 6 1 0 0
Tcaudilllg topic banned Assuming his block is ever lifted, Tcaudilllg is indefinitely topic-banned from the socionics topic area. Yes 7 0 0 0
Tcaudilllg banned Tcaudilllg is sitebanned 1yr. In practise, since he was indefinitely blocked for legal threats during the case, Tcaudilllg's ability to appeal that block is significantly lessened for 1yr. Yes 6 1 0 0
Review of articles The underlying content dispute is remanded to the community, with ArbCom encouraging editors who have knowledge about the topic, can read Russian, and have no pre-existing ties to the topic to get involved. N/A 7 0 0 0
  • Decided: Dec. 14, 2009
  • Abbrev.: ASM
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Disputes over the nationality and ethnicity of various Middle-Eastern people
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Arab Cowboy topic banned For the next year, Arab Cowboy is banned from making edits involving a person's nationality or ethnicity. Breaches are to be met with blocks by administrators who have never interacted with any of the parties in this case (outside of an administrative role) or participated in any of the nationality/ethnicity content disputes at the heart of this case. These blocks are capped at 1mo for the first five (and 1yr thereafter) and are to be logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 7 0 0 0
Arab Cowboy restricted " " " ", Arab Cowboy is under 1RR/week and must explain every revert he makes (except obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above, with the same restrictions on enforcement. -- -- Yes 6 0 2 0
Supreme Deliciousness topic banned " " " ", Supreme Deliciousness is banned from making edits involving a person's nationality or ethnicity. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above, with the same restrictions on enforcement. -- -- Yes 7 0 0 0
Supreme Deliciousness restricted " " " ", Supreme Deliciousness is under 1RR/week and must explain every revert he makes (except obvious vandalism) on the talk page of the affected article. Breaches are to be met with blocks as above, with the same restrictions on enforcement. -- -- Yes 6 0 2 0
Asmahan For the next 6mo, any editor who disrupts articles in the Asmahan topic area in any way may be summarily topic-banned from it or otherwise sanctioned at administrator discretion. As above, only administrators who have not interacted with the parties or been part of the content disputes can enforce this. Bans are to be logged on the case page. -- -- Yes 5 2 1 0
Protracted identity disputes This remedy allows uninvolved administrators to extend the probation above to any other article where a protracted content dispute about the subject's nationality/ethnicity occurs. All such probations must be logged on the case page. -- Obsolete probation-like sanctions (February 2022) Yes 5 1 2 0
Discretionary probation sanctions Before any sanctions issued to editors working on an article under probation are levied, the editor must be formally alerted to this remedy (as if it were a contentious topic). -- Obsolete probation-like sanctions (February 2022) Yes 6 0 2 0
Appeal of discretionary sanctions (This is boilerplate explaining the appeals process.) -- Obsolete probation-like sanctions (February 2022) Yes (appeals) 6 0 2 0
Editors reminded ArbCom advises editors editing in these topic areas to be very careful with their editing and to respond to reasonable criticism from their fellow editors. -- -- No 6 0 1 0
Obsolete probation-like sanctions (February 2022) Protracted identity disputes, Discretionary probation sanctions, and Appeal of discretionary sanctions are all rescinded. Any sanctions levied under them (either to articles or to editors) remain in force and are governed by the standard enforcement appeal procedure. Feb. 04, 2022 -- N/A 12 0 0 0
  • Decided: Dec. 20, 2009
  • Abbrev.: ORR
  • Type: Other
  • Scope: User:Ottava Rima appealing restrictions placed on him by the community. Poorly.
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Ottava Rima banned Ottava Rima is indefinitely sitebanned with it being lifted conditional on Ottava Rima - Conditions for return to editing below. -- Ban Appeal (2010) Yes 6 2 0 0
Moreschi admonished ArbCom admonishes Moreschi for posting information that could potentially pierce the veil of anonymity for editors. In other words, ArbCom is failing to treat proven doxxing with the gravitas it deserves. -- -- No 6 1 0 0
Ottava Rima - Conditions for return to editing As a condition of their ban being lifted, Ottava Rima must accept some form of editing restriction, determined at least six months into his ban and discussed amongst the community or ArbCom. Regardless of when this restriction is decided, the siteban won't be lifted before 1yr has passed. -- -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Community and administrator imposed restrictions Since ArbCom cannot force policy onto Wikipedia, the policy discussion around ad hoc community sanctions, including as unblock conditions, is remanded to the community. -- -- N/A 6 1 0 0
Ban Appeal (2010) 2010 ArbCom to Ottava Rima: Drop dead.
Ottava Rima had engaged in an email discussion with ArbCom regarding his restrictions, proposing the following: A mentor team of 12 specific administrators (of whom at least one was inactive and none of which had been contacted about this), a virtual siteban except for literature-related articles, said 12 administrators acting as proxies in non-literature topic areas, and an edit of his block log to remove an accurate-but-embarrassing block rationale. ArbCom didn't view this proposal as actually serious, and were even less inclined to act in his favour when Ottava Rima got sanctioned on Commons, was shadow-banned from a major Wikimedia mailing list, and posted the contents of the email he set to an external website (very likely Wikipedia Review). As such, they refused to lift the siteban and told him his next appeal would need to be made after Jan. 15, 2011.
July 22, 2010 Ban Appeals (2016) Yes 10 0 0 1
Ban Appeal (2016) Ottava Rima's siteban is rescinded. As a condition, he is placed under utterly draconian indefinite sanctions and restrictions on his editing, namely:
  • He is topic-banned from everything except for Lamia (poem) and pages related to reviews of it for whatever reason, his user talk page, and any userspace sandboxes/drafts he creates. Other users are free to proxy on his behalf for edits made in his sandboxes.
  • He is banned from discussing other editors in any capacity under any circumstance. Editors trying to bait him will be slapped with an interaction ban from him for 1mo.
  • He is banned from emailing other users.
  • He is under 1RR.

The first breach of these restrictions is to be met with a block of 3d-1mo. Any subsequent breach is grounds for reinstating the indefinite siteban and revoking access to both talk page and email (making any further appeals practically impossible).

Apr. 19, 2016 -- Yes 11 1 0 0
  • Decided: Dec. 22, 2009
  • Abbrev.: EEML
  • Type: Omnibus
  • Scope: Addressing the existence of an off-wiki mailing list used to collude in the EE area
  • CT?: No[xvi]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Distribution of private materials This establishes the baseline rules for the use of private evidence and a reminder that posting contents from emails and other private correspondence publicly is grounds for a summary block for harassment/doxxing. ArbCom also provides an example of how to refer to such material, using a [YYYYMMDD-HHMM] format. (Using 5:15 PM on Aug. 16, 2009 as an example, the reference would be written as "[20090816-1715]".) -- -- Yes (for exposing private information) 5 0 1 0
Speculative and inflammatory comments Editors making inflammatory comments, casting aspersions, or speculating on the real-life identities of parties to this case may be summarily blocked as Arbitration enforcement as long as this case is live. -- -- Yes 9 0 0 0
Piotrus' adminship Piotrus surrendered his administrator userright in light of this case and therefore can only regain it by going through a new, successful Request for Adminship or by successfully appealing this remedy. -- -- N/A 9 0 0 0
Piotrus banned Piotrus is sitebanned 3mo. -- -- Yes 5 1 2 0
Piotrus topic banned For the next year after his siteban lapses or is lifted, Piotrus is topic-banned from the cultural, national, and ethnic disputes within Eastern Europe topic areas.
(The original version was a blanket EE ban.)
Amd: Topic ban narrowed (Piotrus) Topic ban rescinded (Piotrus) Yes 6 1 1 0
Digwuren restricted Digwuren must choose an account and is sitebanned until he does (assuming the siteban below has not itself lapsed). Once he does, he must edit Wikipedia from that account and no other.
(As far as I can tell, Digwuren quit Wikipedia in July 2009, and the FoF makes no accusation of sockpuppetry on his part, finding only that he is guilty of extensive canvassing via the mailing list.)
-- -- Yes 7 0 0 1[xvii]
Digwuren banned Digwuren is sitebanned 1yr. This is to run concurrently with his siteban above. -- -- Yes 4 2 2 1[xvii]
Digwuren topic banned For the next year after his sitebans lapse and are lifted, Digwuren is topic-banned from the EE area. -- -- Yes 8 0 0 1[xvii]
Martintg topic banned Martintg is topic-banned from the cultural, national, and ethnic disputes within Eastern Europe topic areas for 1yr.
(The original wording was a blanket EE ban and included wording about the topic ban being consecutive to any siteban, which doesn't apply to Martintg.)
Amended twice (Feb. 13, 2010, Sep. 04, 2010) -- Yes 6 0 2 1[xvii]
Tymek admonished Tymek, rather than be indefinitely blocked for sharing his password, is strongly admonished to not do it again. -- -- No 9 0 0 0
Tymek topic-banned Tymek is topic-banned from the EE area for 1yr.
(This remedy has wording about being consecutive to any siteban, which doesn't apply to Tymek.)
-- -- Yes 4 3 2 0
Jacurek topic banned Jacurek " "-" " " " " " " ".
(" " " " " " " " " ", " " " " Jacurek.)
-- -- Yes 7 0 2 0
Radeksz topic banned Radeksz " "-" " " " " " " ".
(" " " " " " " " " ", " " " " Radeksz.)
-- Topic ban rescinded (Radeksz) Yes 6 1 2 0
Editors restricted Each editor sanctioned by name in this decision is under an indefinite one-way interaction ban from Russavia. -- -- Yes 8 0 1 0
Participants admonished ArbCom tears into the members of the mailing list, admonishing them for colluding off-wiki. -- -- No 3 1 4 0
Editors reminded ArbCom makes it clear that any discussions that would impact content must take place on Wikipedia and in public. -- -- No 9 0 0 0
Dc76 topic banned Dc76 is topic-banned from the EE area for 1yr.
(This remedy has wording about being consecutive to any siteban, which doesn't apply to Dc76.)
-- -- Yes 4 1 2 0
Vecrumba topic banned Vecrumba " "-" " " " " " " ".
(" " " " " " " " " ", " " " " Vecrumba.)
-- -- Yes 5 2 1 0
Biruitorul topic banned Biruitorul " "-" " " " " " " ".
(" " " " " " " " " ", " " " " Biruitorul.)
-- Topic ban rescinded (Biruitorul) Yes 5 1 2 0
Miacek topic banned Miacek " "-" " " " " " " ".
(" " " " " " " " " ", " " " " Miacek.)
-- Topic ban rescinded (Miacek) Yes 4 2 2 0
Topic ban narrowed Radeksz has a carveout for his ban allowing him to edit biographies of living Poles specifically to improve their sourcing and bring them into compliance with WP:BLP. If the edits he makes on a given article become contentious, he is to disengage from that article. Jan. 28, 2010 -- N/A 9 0 0 0
Tagging and categorizing of unreferenced Poland-related BLPs allowed Radeksz has a carveout for his ban allowing him to create and populate a category specifically for unreferenced Polish biographies of living people and to announce the existence of that category to WT:WikiProject Poland. Jan. 28, 2010 -- N/A 9 0 0 0
Proxy authorization ArbCom authorises Malik Shabazz, Durova, and Xavexgoem to act as proxies for Piotrus with respect to the Good article review of Lech Wałęsa. Jan. 28, 2010 -- N/A 8 1 0 0
Topic ban narrowed (Radeksz) Radeksz' Polish biography carveout is extended to the aforementioned unreferenced Polish BLP category. Feb. 13, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Topic ban narrowed (Martintg) Martintg has a carveout for his ban allowing him to edit biographies of living Poles specifically to improve their sourcing and bring them into compliance with WP:BLP. If the edits he makes on a given article become contentious, he is to disengage from that article. Feb. 13, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Topic ban carveout (Piotrus) Piotrus has a carveout for his topic ban allowing him to discuss pages that would otherwise be covered by it on WT:WikiProject Poland. May 06, 2010 -- N/A 6 1 0 0
Topic ban rescinded (Radeksz) [Radeksz topic banned] is rescinded. June 21, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 0
Topic ban rescinded (Biruitorul) [Biruitorul topic banned] is lifted. July 02, 2010 -- N/A 6 0 0 0
Topic ban rescinded (Miacek) [Miacek topic banned] is lifted. July 20, 2010 -- N/A 8 0 0 0
Topic ban narrowed (Martintg) (2) This remedy narrows Martintg's topic ban to cover only cultural, national, and ethnic disputes in Eastern Europe. Sep. 04, 2010 -- N/A 9 0 0 0
Topic ban narrowed (Piotrus) " " " Piotrus' " " " " " ", ", " " " " " ". Nov. 13, 2010 -- N/A 5 0 0 0
Topic ban rescinded (Piotrus) Piotrus topic banned is rescinded. Feb. 03, 2011 -- N/A 7 1 0 0
Interaction ban lifted (Russavia/Miacek) The interaction ban between Russavia and Miacek (made mutual by R-B) is rescinded. July 05, 2011 -- N/A 10 0 0 0
Interaction ban lifted (Russavia/Nug) " " " " " " Martintg (" " " ") " ". Aug. 28, 2012 -- N/A 9 2 0 0


  1. ^ Locus of case falls into the TRB area
  2. ^ a b c Locus of case falls entirely into the PS area.
  3. ^ While it is not noted on the vote tally opening the case, there are four recused Arbitrators on the case.
  4. ^ User abandoned the account and uses a currently-undisclosed one (with ArbCom's knowledge) due to relentless harassment.
  5. ^ a b User has exercised their right to vanish
  6. ^ a b No enforcement provisions were passed in this case.
  7. ^ The mentorship and the one-way interaction ban are part of the same remedy, but were voted on separately. The first number is the mentorship, second iban.
  8. ^ Passed as part of a package of motions intended to eliminate unused contentious topic regimes
  9. ^ Locus of case falls entirely into the MAC area.
  10. ^ el: Kekrops
  11. ^ a b Passed alongside, not as part of, post-case remedies passed on this date.
  12. ^ Locus of case falls entirely into the AP2 area.
  13. ^ The probation part can be handled by Enforcement; the review itself is out of scope.
  14. ^ Passed as part of a package of motions intended to sunset still-active article-probation remedies.
  15. ^ The case listing states the case was closed July 1, however the case page proper is timestamped with 23:54 2009/06/30.
  16. ^ Locus of case falls entirely into the EE area.
  17. ^ a b c d Arbitrators recused from these specific remedies, rather than abstain.